• Page: Smarte Lösungen werden Sport und Gesundheit revolutionieren

    Viele Unternehmen warten bei der Digitalisierung noch ab. ZusĂ€tzlich bremsen Datenschutzfragen die Entwicklung. Die Leiterin des Schwerpunkts Health & Sports bei Salzburg Research sieht jedoch smarte Lösungen lĂ€ngst unaufhaltsam in unseren Alltag einziehen. Interview: Michael J. Mayr Frau HĂ€usler, auch wenn Sie ungern in die Zukunft blicken, sei es fĂŒr ein Futurebook erlaubt zu fragen, wie weit Sie die Digitalisierung von Gesundheit und Sport in zehn Jahren sehen? Elisabeth HĂ€usler: Smarte Lösungen werden bis dahin in unseren Alltag integriert sein, so wie es heute bereits mit den Smartwatches RealitĂ€t ist. Wenn wir die Zykluskurve betrachten, haben wir mit vielen Entwicklungen das Tal der TrĂ€nen durchschritten, wo die neuen Technologien soweit sind, dass sie auf dem Massenmarkt einsetzbar sind. In zehn Jahren wird es ganz normal sein, dass die Menschen digitale Tools haben zur UnterstĂŒtzung im Alltag, sei es im Gesundheitsbereich, bei der Rehabilitation oder bei Sport und Fitness. Wo leistet Ihr Team dabei besondere BeitrĂ€ge? […]

  • Projekt: Hist.Urban – Integrated Revitalization of Historical Towns to Promote a Polycentric and Sustainable Development

    […] historical cities, a training programme for experts working on the rehabilitation of historical sites and buildings, or ecologically sound lighting schemes to illuminate historical buildings or city districts. In order to prove their applicability, some of these approaches will be implemented in the form of pilot actions. In addition ICT based approaches for the revitalisation of historical cities and the promotion of cultural tourism will be developed and implemented. This includes, for example, the development of good- practice guidelines for the promotion of cultural tourism through ICT as well as the implementation of cultural trails in selected partner sites. Knowledge Transfer Activities These approaches will be accompanied by transnational horizontal project activities, including conferences, summer academies and workshops, in order to promote the exchange of experiences, the transfer of know-how, the creation of networks and the collaboration on specific aspects concerning the revitalisation of historical cities. Moreover, the project will develop standards for socially […]

  • Post: This Will Make Salzburg Remain Worth Experiencing And Living

    […] the 151 ideas were chosen, and the three most committed community members were awarded prizes. In the age of digitalization, open innovation opens up new paths of innovation and radically generates new ideas by integrating unusual ideas providers, for example users and experts from other companies, regions or even other industries, into innovation processes at an early stage. With open innovation, companies not only tinker with new ideas within their company, but also involve actors such as customers, users, suppliers or interested people in the innovation process from the very beginning. With their knowledge and experience, they all contribute to the development of new solutions. In this way, products are development of new solutions. In this way, products are developed that are closer to the customer’s ideas and thus have greater success on the market. These Are The Winning Ideas The 10 best ideas were awarded on January 28, 2020 as part of the […]

  • Publikation: Multi-Disciplinary Solutions to Industry & Government’s E-Business Challenges.

    Successful implementations of E-Business frequently require additional interaction between elements that extend beyond technology and organizational issues to include environmental (e.g. infrastructure, national culture, national and international payment mechanisms) and consumer factors. These issues were explored in detail at the 2004 conference hosted by Salzburg Research. In response to the theme: ‘Multi-disciplinary solutions to industry & government’s E-business challenges’ the Conference attracted papers and participants from 15 countries to its refereed research presentations and to its expert panels. The sub-theme in focus for this year was TRUST. This conference has been organised by IFIP Working Group 8.4 (see also http://www.econ.usyd.edu.au/ifip84/). This group focuses on promoting collaboration across disciplines in E-Business Information Systems research and practice. Our intention is to extend the IFIP community’s focus on E-Business to recognize, acknowledge and facilitate research and practice as it crosses the boundaries of IS, organizational, consumer, community, industry and national domains.

  • Post: Open Innovation Talk

    […] by all residents and employees of local companies and attracts creative minds? Organizer: Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, Pongau District Office Submission phase: 04.02.2020 – 04.04.2020 “New Timber Paths”: Innovations for the Salzburg Timber Industry Wood can be used in a wide variety of areas and industries and is a high-tech material of the future due to its special properties. Against the background of the megatrends of regionalization and digitization, innovative ideas “from the forest to the end customer and back again” are sought for companies in the timber industry in the state of Salzburg: How can the flow of wood between wood processing companies and customers be better designed? How can woodworking companies better market their performance and products and thus optimize the bridging between supply and demand? Organizer: Pro:Holz Salzburg, Holzcluster Salzburg Submission phase: 04.02.2020 – 04.04.2020 Open Innovation Salzburg: The State Needs New Ideas! We believe in the power of the crowd. […]

  • Projekt: RADBEST – Cycling guidance in confined road conditions

    A transnational consortium led by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft is investigating in objective safety and the subjective perception of safety and is developing evidence-based recommendations for the future planning of cycling infrastructure at bottlenecks. The rapid expansion of cycle path networks in the DACH region is a prerequisite for increasing the share of cycling, which is absolutely necessary to achieve the European and national climate targets. In daily planning practice, the routing of cycling traffic in confined spaces is often a particular challenge. Although the regulations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland contain some recommendations for the guidance of cyclists on such stretches of road, there are great differences in the regulations and also in practice. A cross-border consortium from Germany, Austria and Switzerland is now developing evidence-based recommendations for cycling guidance, especially in congested road conditions, as well as professionally sound evaluations of various alternative solutions. For the first time, this research work also creates […]

  • Publikation: Open Educational Practices and Resources: The Key Role of Social Software.

    This paper presents some results of a road mapping study on Open Educational Resources that has been carried out in the framework of the Open e-Learning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS) project. (Geser 2007) The OLCOS project runs from January 2006 to December 2007 and is cofunded by the European Commission under the eLearning Programme. The project aims at promoting Open Educational Resources through its road mapping activity, Web-based services (OER tutorials and examples of best practice) and co-operation with other projects and communities of practice. The project consortium comprises the European Centre for Media Competence (Germany), the European Distance and E-Learning Network (Hungary), the FernUniversitĂ€t in Hagen (Germany), the Mediamaisteri Group (Finland), the Open University of Catalonia (Spain) and the project co-ordinator Salzburg Research, EduMedia Group (Austria). Open Educational Resources (OER) are understood to comprise content for teaching and learning, software-based tools and services, and licenses that allow for open development and re-use of […]

  • Erfolgsstory: Smart Technology Keeps the 55+ Generation Fit

    […] want to go to the fitness center but want to train independently and healthily at home? Solution Austrian research institutions and companies developed “Fit mit ILSE”, an innovative, technology-based and sport-science-based exercise program for at home and on the go. With a combination of personal support and new technologies, the 55+ generation can maintain or improve their fitness. ILSE was specially developed for people who do not want to go to a fitness center, but want to practice independently at home and still value professional support. A personal coach developed an individual exercise program for each fitness level of the participants. With the help of a tablet and their own television, people were able to practice independently at home. With the help of a 3D camera connected to a TV set, users could check for themselves whether they were performing the movements correctly. For example, the 3D camera alerted you if you were not […]

  • Erfolgsstory: Broadband Monitoring: Comprehensive Performance Analyis for Communication Networks

    […] measuring devices measured the quality of the mobile data connections in a centrally coordinated manner while driving. The measurement results were collected centrally, merged into a geographical visualization, and incorporated into SAGIS as an additional internal visualization layer. Salzburg Research operates the measurement system based on the measurement and test software MINER. This enables us to assign and manage the measurement points in a centrally coordinated manner and visualize the measurement results. Benefit The measurements provided reliable, valid data to identify areas with poor network coverage. The state of Salzburg thus has a constantly growing database with over 10 million measurements on over 100,000 kilometers traveled. In the event of complaints from citizens, their subjective perception can now be compared with valid measurement data. This database enables targeted measures for network expansion to be argued with the network operators. This closes supply gaps and, for example, optimizes work in the home office. In the […]

  • Erfolgsstory: Does the Communication Network Support my Application? Successful Troubleshooting in Digital Systems

    Troubleshooting a time-critical one-to-many push voice service. Salzburg Research simulated the service with virtual measuring points and measured the connection. In this way, the error could be identified and rectified quickly. An Austrian company developed a time-critical one-to-many push voice service.At an international financial service provider, unlike other customers, the voice clients repeatedly had inexplicable dropouts.Salzburg Research simulated the service with virtual measuring points and measured the connection.In this way, the error could be identified and rectified quickly. Challenge An Austrian company developed a time-critical one-to-many push voice service. This service is used by numerous companies around the world. For example, in a highly secure environment for an international financial service provider. In this environment, unlike other customers, the voice clients repeatedly had inexplicable dropouts. Neither the company, the financial service provider nor the provider of the communication infrastructure were able to identify the reason for the malfunctions. Since the financial service provider could […]

  • Post: Maker Days for Kids: Award for Media Education Projects

    […] and the Technical University of Graz. The project, together with seven other outstanding media pedagogic projects, was able to win over 200 applications. Four girls from Reichenhall – Anna, Elisa, Klara and Magda – were peer tutors in the project and were allowed to receive the award at the Cottbus StadthausbĂŒhne. The Maker Days for Kids was a four-day, open, creative and digital workshop for children between 10 and 14 years. 160 young visitors were given free materials and tools. (Peer) tutors, challenges, short workshops and self-learning materials supported the free digital tinkering and creative inventionsof the participants. In addition to the media-pedagogical conceptual design and implementation, the extensive and cross-border cooperation between institutions and individuals in this model project was particularly appreciated. Due to the success and the great demand at these Maker Days for Kids in Bad Reichenhall, Salzburg Research has brought the Maker Days together with the Verein Spektrum and the […]

  • Event: DOIT Conference: Making Social Innovators (Online)

    European conference on innovation education in makerspaces European conference on innovation education in makerspaces: The new innovation society poses new challenges for educational practice, research and politics: exchange of experience and strategies for the development of social and entrepreneurial innovation skills as well as digital innovation methods. Interdisciplinary symposium of the EU project DOIT.  Participation free of charge. Registration required. September 24, 2020, 9.00 to 15.00 Online Innovation education for the youth in open workshops and makerspaces. Our teaching and learning is changing in today’s innovation society and raises new questions for educational practice, research and politics. How can children and young people develop social, ecological and entrepreneurial innovation skills for shaping their future? What knowledge and which methods support teachers and learning guides so that the new generation can develop and experience their creative potential, their curiosity and their commitment in their own innovation project? How are open workshops and maker spaces suitable […]

  • Event: Digitization: Where Does the Middle Class Stand?

    […] the KSV: 68% of companies currently have no digital agenda anchored and do not plan to do so. And although 84% already recognize that the digital transformation is changing their own market: the competition is always faster, customer expectations have changed and new sales and distribution channels have opened. Asked about their biggest weakness, companies call the digitalization of products, processes and services, followed by inadequate processes and structures and the lack of new business opportunities. To question and digitize processes, to use further channels and to develop (further) business models should therefore be tackled better today than tomorrow. In support of this, entrepreneurs and researchers at the Innovation Conference will use best- practice examples to show how SMEs can use and implement digitization for themselves. The spectrum ranges from production to structure, organization and business models. The event is free. Please register here online. The program can be found on the German event page.

  • Post: Pilot Phase DOIT: Idea-rich Conclusion

    […] which challenges exist in their immediate environment and that they can develop creative, convincing solutions – if you get involved and make this possible”, explains Sandra Schön, coordinator of the Europe-wide research project. “With adults of different backgrounds, the children worked on prototypes on a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary basis; also with digital tools, especially willingly with LED. In a next step, we will evaluate the observations and data from the pilot project in our accompanying research.“ The practice pilot in Salzburg thus supports the creative development, testing and evaluation of DOIT materials that support the further development of children in the field of social innovation as well as entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Creative Ideas for Improving the School Together with the General Accident Insurance AUVA children’s initiative identified danger spots on the school grounds, for example, and sought concrete solutions. The children proudly presented the results on the basis of miniature models in the […]

  • Publikation: Handlungsempfehlungen zur digitalen Transformation durch Industrie 4.0 und neue GeschĂ€ftsmodelle.

    […] und daraus abgeleitete Handlungsempfehlungen wie österreichische Unternehmen die digitale Transformation fĂŒr sich möglichst gewinnbringend in Angriff nehmen beziehungsweise umsetzen können. Diese Handlungsempfehlungen fundieren auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen gepaart mit den realen Herausforderungen fĂŒr Unternehmen in Österreich. Parallel dazu liefert der vorliegende Studienband auch Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr die Politik. Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr Unternehmen In der Studie wurden sieben zentrale Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr Unternehmen basierend auf SekundĂ€rrecherche plus den 68 qualitativen Unternehmensinterviews identifiziert, von externen Experten validiert und im vorliegenden Studienband artikuliert. Best Practice Case Studies Zur praktischen Veranschaulichung zeigen fĂŒnf aktuelle Best Practice Case Studies von österreichischen Unternehmen, wie verschiedene Aspekte der skizzierten Handlungsempfehlungen konkret umgesetzt werden können: Atomic Austria GmbH: Produktionsoptimierung mit digitaler Sensorik in Richtung LosgrĂ¶ĂŸe Eins mit individualisiertem Skidesign durch den Endkunden. Schlotterer Sonnenschutz-Systeme GmbH: Beherrschung der Variantenvielfalt durch digital gestĂŒtzte Produktion mit automatisierter Auftragserfassung. AVL List GmbH: Neue GeschĂ€ftsmodelle durch Internet of Things – Entwicklung von „Smart Services“ auf Basis von Betriebsdaten. Zumtobel Group AG: […]

  • Event: Presentation of Innovation Projects: Smart Accessories for Attractive Bike Mobility

    […] service Wallinger, who supported the students in the workshop with words and deeds. No registration required, we look forward to seeing you! Program as PDF: Invitation_final presentation (in German) DOIT – Entrepreneurial Skills for Young Social Innovators in an Open Digital World The European research initiative “DOIT” under the direction of Salzburg Research aims to inspire pupils (6-16 years) for social innovation and impart entrepreneurial thinking, know-how and skills. For this purpose, the DOIT program and learning materials are developed and tested on a scientific basis, with which it is possible to develop new impulses for creative thinking and acting. In the three-year project period, the use and impact of the DOIT innovation-promoting program and the various methods in ten European countries will be tested and scientifically evaluated. The materials are then freely available to interested educational institutions or young learners for information and further use. The research project is funded by the European […]

  • Projekt: Innovcom – Promoting innovations in small trade businesses

    A learning toolkit for innovating traditional trade businesses Zielsetzung von Innovcom Innovcom promoted the professional development and competence for realising ICT-based innovations of small trade businesses. The project developed tools and materials for e-learning and blended learning which covered the following topics: Knowledge management and learning networks, innovation and strategic marketing, marketing at the point-of-sale, new marketing tools, communication and creativity, customer services and relationships. The learning toolkit comprised an information website, brochure, CD-ROM, MP3-Player and a number of podcasts. logoleiste_innovcom

  • Projekt: VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education

    Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues Values and Knowledge Education is an innovative educational model that places values at the centre of constructivist learning processes. The model has been developed at the Department of Education of the University of Salzburg and used since several years in different educational face-to-face settings. In the VaKE project a Wiki-based platform is developed that supports the model both for individual and collaborative learning. Furthermore for VaKE-online didactical materials for teachers and trainers are developed. The online platform and materials will be evaluated by test users from Austrian universities of education and schools.

  • Event: 5th Maintenance Conference

    The maintenance conference compresses industry know-how in one day and shows the perfect mix of best practice coupled with visionary solutions for overall maintenance management and organization. Lighthouse projects and production-related practical examples from various industries show you how successful solutions are developed in other industries. The maintenance conference compresses industry know-how in one day and shows the perfect mix of best practice coupled with visionary solutions for overall maintenance management and organization. November 13, 8 am to 6 pm voestalpine Stahlwelt, Linz Salzburg Research organizes the following break-out session in the afternoon: Break-Out 3: Transparency & Data Learning See how to better use real-time condition monitoring and forecasting sensor data to ensure high performance and availability. A break-out session that puts an end to the biggest errors in monitoring solutions. Moderation & input: Jutta Isopp, Managing Director of Messfeld GmbH together with Georg GĂŒntner, Head of Industrial Internet Competence at Salzburg Research and […]

  • Event: Maker Day Saalfelden

    The Maker Day Saalfelden combines traditional crafts and technologies of the future and aims to arouse interest in MINT and ICT topics and the enjoyable use of materials and digital tools in a playful way. The Maker Day Saalfelden combines traditional crafts and technologies of the future and aims to arouse interest in MINT and ICT topics and the enjoyable use of materials and digital tools in a playful way. In the mornings, the open workshop invites school classes (3rd + 4th grade VS, NMS and AHS lower grades) to participate and in the afternoon offers a program for all interested inventors, amateur hobbyists, technicians and curious ones. The Maker Day in Saalfelden can be programmed, soldered, 3D-modeled and printed, photographed, tinkered, filmed or a computer disassembled at various locations (including the HTL Saalfelden and the DO!LAB). Innovative new products or existing products have been individualized through changes, optimized or put back into operation […]