• Publikation: Dependable communication infrastructure for power systems
  • Post: How Secure are (Bicycle) Infrastructures?

    Salzburg Research investigated various methods, bicycle safety and comfort in road traffic can be reliably and meaningfully recorded and assessed with. How safe and comfortable are (bicycle) infrastructures? Ana how can they be assessed objectively? Salzburg Research investigated various methods, bicycle safety and comfort in road traffic can be reliably and meaningfully recorded and assessed with. Together with partners, Salzburg Research has tested various methods under real conditions, which can be used to identify problematic places in the infrastructure in the future. 24 voluntary cyclists in Vienna and Salzburg have recorded their cycling routes every day with different tools. The recording of the movement data took place with the smartphone, which detected the GPS position, acceleration, steering direction and inclination. With a helmet camera videos from the perspective of the cyclist were recorded. The time data recorded with the smartphone were analysed using specially developed algorithms. As a result, strong impacts and unevenness as […]

  • Publikation: What is an archaeological research infrastructure and why do we need it? Aims and challenges of ARIADNE.


  • Publikation: agINFRA – Building e-infrastructure and services for the agricultural research community.


  • Publikation: Building Blocks for a Data Infrastructure and Services to Empower Agricultural Research Communities.


  • Post: Annual Review and Christmas Campaign 2022

    […] movement. In 2022, we researched these topics, among others: Research on How clothes can save lives Hiking – healthy for the heart: Development of a method for hikers to independently determine their individual heart fitness and, based on this, to walk hiking trails safely and consciously. Telecare for people with dementia In the application field “Smart Region & Mobility”, we research the topics of climate-friendly mobility and tourism: Survey of cycling corridors into the city of Salzburg under the microscope Research on Incentives for sustainable mobility in the city Scientific monitoring of the Winter service tests more climate-neutral fuel Intelligentes Destinationsmanagement durch Besucherlenkung In the “Industry & Infrastructure” application field, we take care of the digital infrastructure and smart networking of mobile devices and sensors: Commissioning of the first 5G stand-alone network in operation in Salzburg as a provider-independent 5G SA research infrastructure for testing different configurations. Development of a software architecture which, by […]

  • Publikation: Towards a Grid infrastructure for Services and Intelligent Content Objects
  • Publikation: Knowledge Content Objects and a Knowledge Content Carrier Infrastructure for ambient knowledge and media aware content systems
  • Publikation: MINER – A Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research
  • Post: Cycling corridors into the city of Salzburg under the microscope

    […] the centre for work and supply. This leads to considerable traffic flows at the entry corridors as well as in the city. In addition, tourism, leisure and transit traffic contribute to the traffic load in the province. Bicycles as an important component in mobility management Cycling also plays an important role in holistic, multimodal mobility management and should therefore be made more attractive. The BikeQuality app developed by Salzburg Research for the data-based evaluation of the bicycle infrastructure has already been used to survey the ride quality within the city of Salzburg. The data was an important basis for prioritising construction and maintenance measures. Bicycle corridors into the city are being investigated Now the quality of the bicycle corridors Neumarkt-Salzburg, Freilassing-Salzburg as well as Bad Reichenhall-Salzburg will also be examined. For the first time, the ride quality of the most important cycling routes from the surrounding area into the city of Salzburg will be […]

  • Event: Collision warnings for cyclists: current research results

    […] Forum on Geoinformatics 2023 6 July 2023, 11:00-12:15 Salzburg, Austria Collision warnings for cyclists: Presentation and discussion of current research results from the Bike2CAV project. In recent years, the multidisciplinary consortium of the project has been intensively researching more safety for cyclists by means of cooperative detection of collision risks. For the first time, a proof-of-concept prototype (TRL 4) that warns Vulnerable Road Users of collision risks based on wireless communication between an automated vehicle (CAV), the infrastructure and the bicycle has been implemented and real-world tested in urban and rural areas. New technological developments in the field of vehicle communication (ITS-G5), bicycle sensor technology and environment perception were used in these real-life tests. In this forum, results from the research project Bike2CAV will be presented and discussed with the expert audience how this concept or other solutions in this area can be designed to reduce the risk of collision for cyclists and thus […]

  • Post: Fewer collisions with cyclists through cooperative intelligent transport systems

    Networking and automation of vehicles offer a great opportunity to also increase the safety of cyclists. Salzburg Research, together with the Bike2CAV consortium, has for the first time validated wireless communication channels between different vehicles, bicycles and the infrastructure under real conditions, tested a method for cooperative detection of collision risks and developed warning concepts for cyclists. Bike2CAV – Vermeidung von Kollisionen mit Radfahrenden durch Fahrzeug-zu-X-Kommunikation Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Road accidents involving bicycles have been steadily increasing for years. In 2015, the road accident statistics of Statistics Austria recorded 6,901 road accidents with bicycles, in 2021 it was already 9,578. The number of cyclists killed in this period fluctuated from 32 to 50 people per year. The accidents with other vehicles involved mostly […]

  • Post: Digibus® With New Technology On Board

    […] help with passenger communication and positioning and are now being scientifically tested in real operation. In the Austrian flagship project “Digibus® Austria”, a top-class consortium headed by Salzburg Research is researching and testing the reliable and safe operation of automated minibuses in local public transport. Independence and driving safety of autonomous vehicles should be further improved. For this purpose, measures for communication between the vehicle and other road users as well as in the field of technical infrastructure are being investigated. Digibus® Austria in Koppl Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. For the first time in Austria, an ITS G5 infrastructure was built by Kapsch TrafficCom for the test of automated driving away from the highway or from cities in the municipality of Koppl in Austria. […]

  • Post: EDIH “Crowd in Motion”: Promoting sustainable digital innovation in tourism, sport and the public sector

    In Salzburg, Tyrol and Carinthia, the European Digital Innovation Hub “Crowd in Motion” will soon be launched with a focus on tourism, sports and the public sector. The innovation centre was selected from 16 applications as one of four Austrian hubs. Crowd technology, artificial intelligence and access to fab labs and f unding are used to support organisations, SMEs, innovators and start-ups with digital innovations. Across Europe, the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), new innovation centres for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), will launch from winter 2022/23. They offer improved access to technical expertise and test labs, advice and training. The aim is to strengthen digital transformation and innovation activity in European regions for specific business sectors. The new EDIH are characterised by a strong focus on content as well as European networking. Among 16 Austrian applications, the EDIH “Crowd in Motion” has now been selected as one of four innovation labs in an […]

  • Post: Smart charge management for electric bus fleets

    Together with partners, Salzburg Research is developing a unique charging management solution for large electric bus fleets that enables smart charging and takes into account both energy consumption and energy costs. Since December 2023, Albus has been operating Salzburg’s first fully electric bus lines with seven e-buses, with seven more e-buses to follow in 2024. However, the more e-buses in a fleet are in use, the more challenging loading management becomes. So far, telematics solutions, software for load management, and operational management have been run in parallel as individual components. The innovation in the new charging management is that, for the first time, all components are integrated into a holistic and comprehensive software solution and that energy consumption and energy costs are also taken into account. Energy- and demand-based charging of e-bus fleets is to be possible automatically. For this purpose, data inputs from different sources are smartly linked together: an optimized charging management […]

  • Post: Habilitation of Karl Rehrl at the Technical University of Vienna

    Based on the decision of the postdoctoral lecturing qualification commission set up in accordance with Section 103 Para. 7 UG, the Vice Rector for Teaching at the Vienna University of Technology issued a decision dated May 15, 2023, to our colleague, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Karl Rehrl, head of the “Mobility and Transport Analytics” research group at Salzburg Research, who was awarded the license to teach as a private lecturer in the subject “Applied Geoinformation” on March 6, 2024. This recognition was due to his outstanding academic qualifications and didactic abilities, which he successfully demonstrated in the course of the postdoctoral lecturing qualification procedure. The award not only underlines the academic excellence of Karl Rehrl but also his contribution to the field of applied geoinformation. We congratulate Karl Rehrl on this important milestone in his academic career! More information: tuwien.ac.at

  • Event: DyMoN Webinar: Digitally-enabled behaviour change for sustainable mobility

    Dezember 7th 2023, 02:00-03:00 p.m. Online via Zoom When it comes to promoting sustainable mobility, local decision-makers (e.g. city representatives, transport planners and providers) have the choice between two options: “Hard measures”, like introducing new policies, infrastructure and bans, on their own are not always effective and cannot be implemented in every situation. Therefore, “soft measures”, behavioural interventions or “nudges” that operate without restrictions or bans, have risen to prominence as a viable complement to policy measures and to support mobility infrastructure usage. In this webinar, we are talking about soft measures in the form of digital tools that can help in changing mobility behaviour, like smartphone apps. You surely have encountered this concept before – are you wearing a smartwatch right now or do you have a smartphone app that helps you with physical activity? Then you have a first understanding of digitally enabled behaviour change! We can transfer this idea to mobility. […]

  • Projekt: CarSense

    […] proposes a system architecture for seamless integration of vehicle-originated sensor data into the ASFINAG system landscape. Being equipped with 80 to 100 sensors, modern vehicles offer enormous potential for different use cases in the context of intelligent transport systems. Commercial services al-ready gain sensor information from vehicles for detecting delays in travel times or adapting routes to the current traffic situation. The goal of the CarSense project is to raise the potential of vehicle-originated sensor information for infrastructure operators. Effective and efficient operation and maintenance of infrastructure raises a high demand foroperators to continuously collect qualitative and quantitative information on the status of thespatially distributed road infrastructure. Until now, data collection, if automated, is done with road side sensor units as well as controlled test runs of measurement vehicles. Beside high costs for acquisition, operation and maintenance of measurement equipment, measurements are commonly bound to single positions or single time periods. The CarSense project […]

  • Post: Visit of Chancellor Kern

    Federal Chancellor Christian Kern convinced himself of the prospects for future research and promising research projects at Salzburg Research.Federal Chancellor Christian Kern was on 8.11. for a short visit in Salzburg. In the course of this, he convinced himself of forward-looking work and promising research projects in Salzburg. For futher information visit the German page: Besuch von Kanzler Kern B undeskanzler Christian Kern und Junior Researcher Christoph Schranz im IoT-Labor Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Christian Kern, Bundeskanzler, Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Bundeskanzler Christian Kern, Junior Researcher Wolfgang Kremser und Salzburg Research GF Siegfried Reich, Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Christian Kern, Bundeskanzler, Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Präsentation Prototyp Smart Textiles von Wolfgang Kremser, Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Christian Kern, Bundeskanzler, Siegfried Reich, GF SR, Besuch Bundeskanzler Kern bei Salzburg Research, 20161108, (c)wildbild Christian Kern, Bundeskanzler, […]

  • Post: Sustainable commuting: Improving cycling corridors with digital data

    […] was collected Trained test riders examined the bicycle corridors on predefined routes with a total length of 153 kilometres through targeted, repeated rides. Commercially available e-bikes with a defined tyre pressure of 4.5 bar and a rigid fork were used. A smartphone mounted on the handlebars recorded the vibrations along the route using the BikeQuality app from Salzburg Research. Data on 204 tracks and 804 kilometres ridden were recorded with the BikeQuality app and evaluated by a cloud-based mobility data analysis service from Salzburg Research. Based on the shocks, the ride quality was evaluated in a ten-metre grid on the basis of a four-level scale – comfortable, rideable, poor and very poor – and visualised on a map. Light, medium and strong impacts along the corridors were also determined. “The results are encouraging: more than 60 percent of the surveyed cycling corridors into the city of Salzburg have a comfortable surface quality. Of the […]