• Post: Apache Marmotta graduated to top-level project

    After just 14 months, the second Open Source Software initiated by Salzburg Research has been recognized as a top-level Apache project.

  • Publikation: Methods, pilot platforms and recommendations for active mobility and sustainable lifestyle

    In the past decades, European cities have set ambitious goals for low carbon transition, but regional sustainability services (RSUS) lack an active user base. Only 15% of consumers take sustainability of these into account during a purchase and “rebound effect” can reach 80%. At the current pace, RSUS will fail to develop into sustainable business models and cities’ efforts remain insufficient to meet targets set for 2050. SimpliCITY aims to boost the digital competences of the urban communities in Salzburg, AT and Uppsala, SE. Both pilot cities, Salzburg and Uppsala, are so-called smart cities with different action fields, targets and coordination offices. This report informs about the activities and results of the European project “SimpliCITY” (JPI Urban Europe; running from 10/2018-6/2021) in which a hybrid approach was developed, using both physical and digital participation and incentive methods and tools. SimpliCITY examined how to increase the usage rate of regional sustainability services and how to drive […]

  • Publikation: An Affordance-based Taxonomy for classifying Landmarks in Route Directions.
  • Publikation: Key Reduction in Transaction Costs.
  • Projekt: sAssist – mobile assistive systems for the elderly

    Study to evaluate the potential and acceptance of mobile assistive systems for the elderly

  • Event: Report: 1st innovators_talk

    First cross-bor der innovators_talk in the “Haus der Berge” in Berchtesgaden National Park (Bavaria). innovators.eu was founded to future corporate network in Bavaria and Salzburg and to make innovations visible. So far did this happen online. The initiators of the platform – Plenos, Salzburg Research, WFG Berchtesgaden and Salzburg ITG – bring the platform now also into real life. The first innovators_talk is a relaxed meeting that offers real value. It will be presented and discussed which affect every innovative business topics. The following program is provided:      Welcome by District Deputy Rudolf Schaupp      Irene Wagner (owner of Protech PSM): Strategies for a permanently good operating climate for innovation      Prof. Dr. Marcus Stumpf (FH Salzburg): Recipes for the “MINT deficiency”: formation of an employer brand      Dr. Markus Lassnig (Salzburg Research): early detection of innovation signals in the web 2.0      Mr. Martin Baumgartner (Austrian Research Promotion Agency Vienna): What’s behind Horizon […]

  • Publikation: Entwicklung eines Planungswerkzeuges für die Tourenplanung für Außendienstmitarbeiter.
  • Projekt: R2C2 – Reconfigurable Real-time Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems

    […] (non-)real-time wide-area networks for simplified automation/IT integration and vertical and horizontal CPS integration across sites. 3) To leverage the rapid progress in artificial intelligence research in recent years and ensure and demonstrate the compatibility of the developed communication solution with future AI-based networking approaches. 4) To demonstrate the advantages of the targeted solution and evaluate its operational characteristics both for a manufacturing and a smart grid use case. The results of this project will lay the gro undwork for a highly innovative and advanced communication architecture for future flexible and connected manufacturing and energy systems. It will provide features to such cyber-physical systems of systems that go far beyond what is achievable using current solutions and technologies in terms of flexibility, resilience, range and manageability and help CPSoS adjust more quickly to dynamic system and environmental conditions as well as changing user demands. Funding: BMVIT – Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology as […]

  • Event: Qualification Workshop: „The Transformer in the Enterprise – Tools for Chagne to an Agile and Learning Organization“

    Free qualification workshop for SMEs within the framework of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020).

  • Publikation: Digging into the History of VGI Datasets: Results from a Worldwide Study on OpenStreetMap Mapping Activity.
  • Publikation: 🔬 Instandhaltung 4.0 zum Anfassen – Labor für innovative Instandhaltungslösungen

    Hier geht es zum Blog-Beitrag.

  • Publikation: Coordination in Mobile Information Systems
  • Post: ISO 9001 surveillance audit

    Salzburg Research successfully completed the annual surveillance audit for certified companies.

  • Publikation: Optimizing Deliveries of Ready-Mixed Concrete.
  • Publikation: What is spatial about geographic data?
  • Projekt: ways2navigate – navigation for pedestrians

    The aim of ways2navigate is to close effectively information deficit of pedestrians with novel navigation technologies. The project studies with the help of iterative user experiments which conditions and which target groups are suitable for digital map, language and Augmented Reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment.

  • Event: Report: 5th IT Business Talk

    Experts from business and science are sharing their knowledge on current topics from the world of technology. 13th October 2011 Edm undsburg on Mönchsberg, 5020 Salzburg Organized by nic.at Salzburg and Salzburg Research Topics and agenda will be given as soon as possible. More information (in German): http://www.it-businesstalk.at Social Media und das große Thema der Apps für Smartphones – für die sieben ExpertInnen und die Veranstalter Salzburg Research und nic.at ein mehr als gelungener 5. IT Businesstalk. V.l.n.r.: DI Dr. Karl Rehrl (Salzburg Research), Univ.-Doz. Dr. Siegfried Reich (GF Salzburg Research), Karim-Patrick Bannour (GF viermalvier), L. Aaron Kaplan, (CERT.at), Mag. Margarethe Dopf (Universität Salzburg), Natalie Malzner (claro products GmbH), Christian Kantner (A1 Telekom Austria), DI Klaus Kienzl (CEO ilogs GmbH), Richard Wein (GF nic.at). 5. IT Businesstalk, Salzburg Research, Edmundsburg, Salzburg, 20111013, Foto: Wildbild Mehr als 120 Interessierte aus Politik und Salzburgs Wirtschaft folgten der Einladung von Salzburg Research und nic.at auf die Edmundsburg […]

  • Publikation: Patient Transportation – Dynamic Dial-a-Ride and Emergency Transportation Problems.

    In Austria, the transportation of patients to and from hospitals is organized by non-profit organizations. In most regions, it is the Austrian Red Cross that is responsible for the transportation of patients. The regular patient transportation, as well as the emergency transportation, are performed by scheduling the same fleet within the same control center. Therefore a dial-a-ride problem for the regular patient transportation orders with disruption has to be solved. Disruptions occur due to the fact that vehicles “disappear” in order to serve emergency requests and reappear at a hospital after the service of an emergency case. This problem is highly dynamic and a robust plan has to be computed for the regular dial-a-ride orders in order to serve also the emergency requests. When a disruption occurs because of an emergency, the fleet size is reduced and the remaining patient transport orders have to be carried out with this reduced fleet size. After the execution […]

  • Projekt: GATE – Granting Accessible Tourism for Everyone

    Inclusive tourism in Alpine regions supported by new technologies. In this cross-border project the collaborating Austrian and Italian partners promote barrier-free tourism for all in Alpine regions. Inclusive tourism expands the accessibility of natural and cultural heritage sites and contributes to sustainable regional development. The project is co-f unded by the Interreg V-A Italia-Österreich programme. A special focus of GATE is technical solutions for improved touristic information on and access to natural and cultural attractions. This is being implemented in four pilot areas with different solutions such as mobile guides, chatbots, virtual and extended reality applications. Furthermore the contribution of tourism for all to regional development is being studied and promoted. Salzburg Research carries out studies on barrier-free tourism, supports the evaluation of the pilot sites, and the transfer of knowledge to enable more regional innovations for inclusive tourism. For this purpose the project provides guidelines for inclusive tourism, a practical handbook and webinars […]

  • Event: Qualification Workshop: „Trends in Logistics: Augmented Reality, Process Mining and Blockchains“

    Free qualification workshop for SMEs within the framework of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria)