• Publikation: Federated Identity and Authorization Service Life Cycle for the IoT


  • Publikation: Entwicklung eines Planungswerkzeuges für die Müllentsorgung.
  • Publikation: Raum-zeitliche Auswertungen von Personenströmen
  • Publikation: A Digital Twin Prototype for Product Lifecycle Data Management.

    Rapid progress in IoT-and CPS-enabled devices and services, and their convergence with Product Lifecycle Data Management (PLCDM) in the Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) sector, have entirely changed the dataand knowledge sharing and collaborationamong various stakeholders. This paper presents an approach thatinterrelatesIoT-and CPS-based data-streamswithPLCDM, using the concept of Digital Twins for theimplementation ofa new prototype. In this regard, we describeourimplementation approach and the preliminary results in supportingthe lifecycle processes and enhancingsmart vehicle’s asset performances, using the Digital Twin-based prototype.

  • Publikation: Instrumente für ein effektives Verkehrsmanagement bei Großveranstaltungen
  • Event: Report: Smarter Salzburg Circle: Digital Innovations for the Future of Traffic

    IBM and Salzburg Research invited representatives from research and industry in Salzburg to the networking event “Smarter Salzburg Circle – Digital Innovations for die Future of Traffic”.

  • Publikation: Das Geoweb – Die Verbindung zwischen dem WWW und der physischen Welt

    Zusammenfassung Das Geoweb hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem der wichtigsten Trends im WWW entwickelt. Viele Webtechnologien – wie Datenbanken, Middleware und Präsentationssoftware – wurden kontinuierlich für die Verarbeitung georeferenzierter Daten adaptiert. Die Frage nach dem “Wo” lässt sich bereits für zahlreiche digitale Inhalte beantworten, die Verknüpfung der virtuellen mit der realen Welt schreitet zügig voran. Digitale Weltkarten zum Beispiel bieten gute Möglichkeiten zur räumlichen Strukturierung von ortsbezogenen Informationen. Vor allem im Bereich des mobilen Web ist ein rasantes Wachstum von ortsbasierten Diensten festzustellen, die den aktuellen Aufenthaltsort der Nutzer zur Informationsfilterung heranziehen. Während die Echtzeitlokalisierung von Personen oder Objekten für die einen ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung eines “intelligenten” Web ist, ruft sie zunehmend auch Datenschützer auf den Plan. Neben der Berücksichtigung von Datenschutz und Privatsphäre liegen die künftigen Herausforderungen des Geoweb vor allem im Bereich der semantischen Interoperabilität von Geodiensten sowie in der Nutzung von Communitys. Inhaltsübersicht Historische Entwicklung Kategorien […]

  • Publikation: Handbook: Digital nudging for sustainable mobility

    […] app that tracks your physical activity? Then you have first-hand experience with digitally enabled behaviour change! We can transfer this idea to mobility, as we will demonstrate throughout the handbook. The handbook explains in a clear manner the basics of behaviour change, how digital tools can help, gives hands-on instructions and provides canvases for your own behavioural interventions for sustainable mobility.  Download DyMoN Handbook “Digital nudging for sustainable mobility” Name * Email * Nach Absenden der Registrierung erfolgt eine Verarbeitung der oben angeführten Daten durch den datenschutzrechtlich Verantwortlichen, die Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/3, 5020 Salzburg, info@salzburgresearch.at. Es erfolgt eine Weiterverarbeitung der Daten zum Zweck der Information, welche mit dem ursprünglichen Verarbeitungszweck vereinbar ist, auf derselben Rechtsgrundlage bis auf Widerspruch. Es besteht keine gesetzliche oder vertragliche Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung der personenbezogenen Daten. Die Nichtbereitstellung hat lediglich zur Folge, dass keine Registrierung möglich ist. Datenschutzerklärung Name Email * YES Send Download Link lenbox-trxlou-nichlq-oszlft-mxvsfh 91b7286258 YES YES

  • Publikation: Innovative use of Geographic Information Systems to facilitate collaboration between the government and citizens

    Abstract: Development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has reached a mature stage. One common option is web-based access. This feature makes it possible to use GIS as a tool for enhancing democracy, enabling transparency, and providing new services. Within the scope of our study we use the OECD model which provides a framework of categorizing different levels of interaction between citizens and government. We have extended this model by introducing an additional level, named collaboration. The extended model distinguishes among information delivery, consultation, collaboration, and participation. We provide some practical examples of web-accessible GIS applications in order to demonstrate their functionalities and the level of interaction. We then demonstrate an innovative approach of how GIS can be used to achieve active collaboration, where citizens and the government work together to develop new maps, which benefit both parties. This idea includes the establishment of “map hostels” and a web-based interface that allows voluntary organizations and citizens […]

  • Post: Detecting anomalies in real-time communication networks

    The timely detection of anomalies in communication networks is especially important for time-critical applications. The more time it takes to detect and react to an anomaly, the more serious the consequences can be. Salzburg Research has developed a software architecture that can detect and react to anomalies in real time using machine learning.

  • Event: Process Mining – Recognizing, Monitoring and Improving Living Processes: The New Trend in Business Process Management

    Free qualification workshops for SMEs within the framework of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020).

  • Publikation: Gendersensitive Routenplanung für FußgängerInnen im urbanen Umfeld.
  • Publikation: Die digitale Transformation der Instandhaltung.
  • Publikation: The FEMroute Project – A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Route Planning Systems for Pedestrians
  • Publikation: Orchestration and Situation Awareness in an Assistance System for Assembly Tasks.

    We report on the design, specification and implementation of a situation awareness module used for assistive systems in manufacturing, in the context of Industry 4.0. A recent survey of research done in Germany and Europe, concerning assistive technology in industry shows a very high potential for “intelligent assistance” by combining smart sensors, networking and AI. While the state of the art concerning actual technology in industrial use points more towards user-friendly, speech-based interaction with personal assistants for information retrieval (typically of in-house documentation), the research presented here addresses an enterprise-level assistance system that is supported by a number of specialized Assistance Units that can be customized to the end users’ specifications and that range from tutoring systems to tele-robotics. Key to the approach is situation awareness, which is achieved through a combination of a-priori, task knowledge modelling and dynamic situation assessment on the basis of observation streams coming from sensors, cameras and microphones. The paper […]

  • Publikation: Assisting Multimodal Travelers:
  • Post: Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria

    Salzburg Research won two Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria (June 18-19, 2015 in Vienna):

  • Event: Report: GeoTalk 4 – Geoinformation for Emergency Forces

    The GIS Cluster Salzburg organised the 4th Geo Talk on April 7th, 2011 den 4. GeoTalk. Geoinformation for Emergency Forces in Real Time Thursday, April 7, 2011, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Venue: Fortbildungsinstitut der Bayerischen Polizei, Zwieselstraße 1, 83404 Ainring More information: see the programme and www.geotalks.at (in German)

  • Publikation: update 4|10

    Innovatives Müll-Management Intelligente Haustechnik Optimierte Auslieferung Selbstbestimmtes Leben im Alter Social Media Marketing Sprachen lernen – mal anders Suchmaschinen-Optimierung

  • Publikation: Exploring Outcome-driven Innovation for the Responsible Design of Electric Two-wheelers

    AbstractAmidst a technology push for electric mobility, the societal implementation of new e-mobility innovations is multi-layered and warrants a user-centered view. This study explores how the application of the outcome-driven innovation method (ODI) can be extended to e-mobility and inform a more responsible design of electric two-wheeler product and service development. By means of discovering electric two-wheelers’ possible weak spots and potentials using outcome-driven innovation with citizens, their unmet requirements can be better addressed. The results suggest several innovation potentials which could better facilitate users in getting certain jobs done, such as developing a more lightweight vehicle design. Additionally, the diverse needs of users can be transformed into real customer benefits through the subsequent integration of additional vehicle functionalities, such as complementing human machine interfaces or wearables. By employing outcome-driven innovation as a deliberative and inclusive means of creating value and by being receptive to citizen feedback, ODI has the potential to make a meaningful […]