• Publikation: Instandhaltung in der digitalen Fabrik: Herausforderungen und Zukunftsszenarien.


  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT – Intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung
  • SRFG Team: _leitinger sven

    Scientific area Sven Leitinger works as a researcher at Salzburg Research. He is particularly interested in the development of mobile applications and location based services within the fields of public transport, pedestrian navigation and disaster management. Background / Expertise Employed at Salzburg Research since April 2004 2003 – 2004: Research trainee at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Economic Geography and Geoinformatics 2002: MSc. in Geography at the Karl-Franzens University Graz. Diploma thesis: “GIS-based Public Safety Systems” 1996 – 2002: Project assistant in several research projects carried by the Department of Geography Graz and Joanneum Research Quote Ein Gipfel ist erst dann erfolgreich bestiegen, wenn man wieder unten ist. (modified, Hans Kammerlander)

  • Publikation: Data Spine: A Federated Interoperability Enabler for Heterogeneous IoT Platform Ecosystems

    Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is pervasive and characterized by the rapid growth of IoT platforms across different application domains, enabling a variety of business models and revenue streams. This opens new opportunities for companies to extend their collaborative networks and develop innovative cross-platform and cross-domain applications. However, the heterogeneity of today’s platforms is a major roadblock for mass creation of IoT platform ecosystems, pointing at the current absence of technology enablers for an easy and innovative composition of tools/services from the existing platforms. In this paper, we present the Data Spine, a federated platform enabler that bridges IoT interoperability gaps and enables the creation of an ecosystem of heterogeneous IoT platforms in the manufacturing domain. The Data Spine allows the ecosystem to be extensible to meet the need for incorporating new tools/services and platforms. We present a reference implementation of the Data Spine and a quantitative evaluation to demonstrate adequate performance of the […]

  • Publikation: Performance evaluation of dijkstra’s fastest path algorithm on realistic large street network with dynamic travel times.
  • Publikation: Requirements for an Efficient Value Pricing of Geoinformation.

    Value pricing is pricing according to the value the buyer attaches to the characteristics of the product. It is market based pricing that is generally independent of the production cost. In order to be able to apply value pricing the producer has to identify the characteristics of geoinformation that have an economic value for the buyer. Such analysis can be done with metric conjoint analysis which is concerned with quantitative descriptions of the buyer?s preferences and his value trade-offs. Additional requirement for the implementation of the value pricing is product differentiation where the producer differentiates his products in such a way as to better satisfy the varieties of the buyer’s needs. The problem with value pricing is price dispersion. Price dispersion is a variation in prices for the same good and, consequently, can create perceptions of unfairness among buyers if they are able to share information about prices.

  • Event: Your Digital Strategy – Make Your Company Fit for the Future

    Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): The corporate future is digital. Whether production automation, logistics, marketing – you need a digital strategy!

  • Publikation: Industrial Communication with Semantic Integration Patterns

    AbstractDigital twins have emerged as a key technological concept in the manufacturing industry. They form an information hub for industrial equipment and interact with dedicated applications in the operational manufacturing network. Digital twins consume and deliver information from machines to basically all connected applications. This results in complex integration requirements. The paper builds on previously designed semantic interoperability concepts for datadriven digital twins. It gives an overview of semantic data integration standards and provides insights into the current implementation of semantic integration patterns. Based on the challenges of the underlying research project “i-Twin”, semantic integration patterns provide standardized communication channels for operational management systems and connected assets. They build on the services of the semantic data integration middleware and use semantic connectors to bridge the proprietary data objects with an I4.0 compliant information model based on the asset administration shell (AAS). Semantic integration patterns will reduce the integration effort for equipment manufacturers and software providers, […]

  • Projekt: GUSTAV – Mobile disaster documentation and online disaster management

    Future GALILEO application for disaster management

  • Publikation: Towards a Coordination Framework for Pervasive Environments.
  • Post: Helping to shape the energy transition

    […] should be coordinated in real time. Salzburg Research is developing suitable solutions for this together with partners from research and industry. The aim is to create opportunities for such energy communities to contribute to the stability and performance of the energy grid, e.g. by reducing peak loads and providing flexibility. Based on an in-depth analysis, an expandable, modular and scalable IT system architecture will be designed for the uniform integration and operation of local energy communities. IT security and privacy “by design” will be taken into account. Our role in the research project: Salzburg Research contributes to the digital implementation and for smooth communication within local energy communities. We are working on a communication architecture that enables a flexible, reliable and bidirectional connection between the participants of a community or external organisations. About ECOSINT The objectives of the joint research work are: Analysis of the goals and possibilities of energy communities Elaboration of all […]

  • Publikation: OSMapTuner – A handy mobile editor helping to improve OSM data quality.
  • Publikation: A Digital Twin-based Privacy Enhancement Mechanism for the Automotive Industry.
  • Publikation: The SemWay Project – Towards Semantic Navigation Systems

    Electronic navigation devices have strongly influenced the process of human wayfinding in the last years. Vehicle navigation systems are already in widespread use and the usage of navigation systems in other domains such as hiking, biking or exploring cities on foot is continuously increasing. Different information needs coming from new application domains bring up a number of new research questions which have to be considered in order to design navigation aids for these domains. This was the motivation for starting the SemWay project, which is a research cooperation between Salzburg Research, the Technical University of Vienna, Institute for Geoinformation and Cartography and other company partners. The main goal of the project is to bridge the gap between the cognitive processes of human wayfinding and electronic navigation support.

  • SRFG Team: _rehrl karl
  • Publikation: Location-based Services: Finally Delivering the Promise?


  • Post: Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria

    Salzburg Research won two Awards at the eHealth Summit Austria (June 18-19, 2015 in Vienna):

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT – Intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung.

    Ziel dieses Konferenzbeitrages ist es, die Potenziale zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen städtischen als auch regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung durch die Integration von Reise- und Verkehrsinformationen des öffentlichen und Individualverkehrs in ein intermodales Reiseinformationssystem zu zeigen. Studien gehen davon aus, dass intermodale Reiseinformationen einen Beitrag zur Effizienzerhöhung im Individualverkehr und zur verstärkten Nutzung des öffentlichen Verkehrs liefern. Durch diese Verlagerung zum öffentlichen Verkehr – zumindest auf Teilwegen – können der Verkehrsaufwand des motorisierten Verkehrs und somit auch die negativen Umweltwirkungen des Verkehrs reduziert werden. Ausgehend von der Identifizierung des State-of-the-art werden im ersten Teil die Ziele, Innovationen und das technische sowie wirtschaftliche Konzept des Projektes Vienna-SPIRIT beschrieben. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes (gefördert innerhalb des Impulsprogrammes “Intelligente Infrastruktur” des BMVIT) wird unter der Führerschaft des Verkehrsverbundes Ost-Region (VOR) ein Pilotsystem für ein intermodales und interoperables Reiseinformationssystem für die Vienna Region entwickelt. Mittels mobiler Endgeräte wird dem Nutzer ermöglicht, unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Verkehrssituation intermodale Routen sowohl vor Reiseantritt […]

  • Event: Training: Maturity Model Industry 4.0

    The ITG Salzburg – Innovation Service for Salzburg invites you to the training: Assess the degree of maturity of your company and discover possible potential.

  • Publikation: Informationsdrehscheibe digitaler Zwilling

    Abstract Die Digitalisierung steigert die Komplexität der Kommunikation in vernetzten Produktionssystemen. Salzburg Research und COPA-DATA arbeiten an einem revolutionären Konzept: Semantic Integration Patterns reduzieren den Integrationsaufwand und schaffen sichere und standardisierte Kommunikationskanäle.