• Publikation: Deriving Driver-Centric Travel Information by Mining Delay Patterns from Single GPS Trajectories.

    Download: dl.acm.org Crowd-sourcing approaches for generating accurate real time travel information for road networks is promising but still challenging. For example, travel speeds, even if derived from highly sampled GPS trajectories, have limitations in their interpretability for more sophisticated travel information such as traffic-related delays or level of service (LOS) information. The proposed algorithm in this work analyzes the flow characteristics of individual vehicles by deriving and classifying delays into LOS relevant (e.g. queuing traffic) and LOS non-relevant delay patterns (e.g. stopping at a crosswalk). In contrast to other approaches, the proposed algorithm works on single GPS trajectories collected from individual vehicles (e.g. floating car data – FCD), without the necessity to average travel speeds or travel times of multiple vehicles for reliable LOS estimation. Applied to sample GPS trajectories from test drives the algorithm reaches an overall recognition rate of 82.0% for delay classes slight delay, massive delay, single stop, and multi stops. The […]

  • Publikation: Hybrid work systems—platform-based work planning—designing productive and human-centered work processes

    Ergonomic and economic factors are important for the design of modern industrial workplaces. Planning tools such as digital models of human motion or motion capturing by video can assist in simulations, monitoring, analyzing and final design of work processes. Combining simulation and motion capture reaps the respective benefits of each approach. Another important aspect is the ability of planners to remotely cooperate when they assess and design future digitally enhanced workplaces. Hybrid Work Systems offers a digital platform to ergonomics experts and workplace designers where they can collaboratively develop economically viable and ergonomically suitable workplaces. Human motion is recorded and categorized via a marker-less video capture system using machine learning algorithms and the recorded work process data can be fed into the simulation. The concepts, systems and interfaces and the interactions with assessment methods for time and ergonomic analysis (e.g. MTM-UAS and EAWS) are demonstrated in an assembly use case for a cylinder head of an internal combustion […]

  • SRFG Team: _beeking moritz
  • Publikation: Comparing the Effectiveness of GPS-Enhanced Voice Guidance for Pedestrians with Metric- and Landmark-Based Instruction Sets.
  • Post: Mission Green: An Idea Competition for Sustainable Tourism

    “Mission Green: Your visions for the smart (re)use of resources in tourism” – this is the title of the new idea competition on the idea platform from Salzburg Research IdeaSpace.cc.

  • Publikation: Geo-collaboration and P2P Geographic Information Systems.
  • Event: Maintenance Days 2018

    Industry meeting: Excellent maintenance as THE engine for manufacturing companies.

  • Projekt: Smart Move – tripwolf iPhone travel guide

    The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide“ offers travelers quick (online and offline) access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities. With the help of Augmented Reality, information is automatically displayed right in live view on their iPhone camera. The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide” developed by e-Motion for the online travel platform tripwolf is a free (in its basic version) global travel guide that is also available offline. The application offers travelers quick access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities. In addition to the professional information, the application also features inside tips contributed by the “tripwolf community”, which consists of about 55,000 travelers sharing their experiences through ratings, comments and reports. tripwolf iPhone application For every travel destination, tripwolf offers a ranking of local hotspots as well as comprehensive information on culture, leisure, sports, nightlife, food, accommodation and shopping. The iPhone application is […]

  • Publikation: A decision support system for ambulance scheduling.
  • Publikation: Nutzung von OpenStreetMap-Daten für Augmented Reality-Anwendungen am Beispiel von Peak.ar.
  • Publikation: The Pipeline Concept as Key Ingredient for Modular, Adaptive Communication for Cyber-physical Systems.
  • Leistung: Visitor Management in Tourism

    […] to data and smart control options Provide well-founded and targeted incentives for attractive alternatives (nudging concepts) Optimise visitor capacities and protect nature and recreation areas Cost optimisation through reduced staffing for restrictive and operational measures Easily adaptable visitor management through a broad monitoring mix with ongoing evaluation of management measures Win-win-win situations between tourism enterprises, visitors and locals Our Offer For destinations and individual companies such as museums, event organisers, operators of excursions and  destinations and transport infrastructure, who are looking for support in visitor management through innovative approaches and solutions to current challenges: Together with you, we identify specific use cases and precisely fitting data sources for the most automated, efficient and cost-effective data collection possible (e.g. mobile phone data, user-generated data from smartphone apps, sensor technology, WiFi tracking, etc.). We use data monitoring to make visitor flows tangible, validly measurable, easier to plan and easy to understand through compact analysis. We work […]

  • Publikation: Die mobilen Reisenden.

    Der Tourismus ist ein Informationsgeschäft: Eine Branche, in der Information und deren Aufbereitung eine wesentliche und entscheidende Rolle spielen. Die Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologien (IKT) haben genau das zur Aufgabe: die Verarbeitung von Information. Es liegt also nahe, IKT und Tourismus zusammenzuführen. Immer häufiger ist außerdem das Handy mit im Reisegepäck – dies bietet völlig neue Möglichkeiten, die Reisenden auch unterwegs mit Information zu versorgen. Artikel erschienen in NOEO, dem Wissenschaftsmagazin Salzburger Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen. NOEO erscheint vierteljährlich als Beilage zum österreichischen Wirtschaftsmagazin “Trend” und “Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Österreich)” sowie im Eigenvertrieb. Auflage: 48.000 Stück. Beteiligte Institutionen: Universität Salzburg, FH Salzburg GmbH, Universität Mozarteum, fh.sozialarbeit und Salzburg Research.

  • Event: Austrian AAL Practice Conference 2018: From Practice to Practice – AAL Made in Austria

    Information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in over 500 Austrian households and insights into digitization solutions for the aging society.

  • Publikation: Digging into the History of VGI Datasets: Results from a Worldwide Study on OpenStreetMap Mapping Activity.
  • Publikation: Semantic Integration Patterns for Industry 4.0.

    In the manufacturing industry, digital twins have emerged as a key technological concept for the creation and use of digital representations of assets and their associated processes. In emerging networked manufacturing systems, digital twins of machines or components do not reside within one specific application, platform or edge node, but they ideally consume and deliver information (e.g. sensor data, master data) to all connected applications in the operational systems. This results in complex integration requirements for both, the assets and the applications. Starting from an overview of industrial information models, the paper describes a recent research approach towards semantic interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twin in manufacturing systems. It gives an architectural overview of a platform for the integration of operational management systems and connected assets based on semantic integration patterns. The paper describes the initial concepts of the underlying research project “i-Twin”.  

  • SRFG Team: _eisl stefan
  • Publikation: update Dez|09

    Forschung erleben und verstehen Freund oder Feind Red Bull Hot Spot Viewer Innovatives Rettungskonzept Intelligentes Gebäudemanagement Peak.AR – das iPhone gibt dir Berge

  • Post: DyMoN Summer School: Ideas for the mobility transition

    How can citizens be won over to climate-friendly mobility? This question was addressed in the international Summer School “GIS and Psychology Meet for Behavioral Change in Mobility” of the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research.

  • Publikation: A Generic Coordination Architecture as an Enabler for Mobile Collaborative Applications.