• Publikation: BlueVote – A Ubiquitous Audience Voting Service
  • Projekt: Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

    The EU-INTERREG-project „Innovations in Destinations in Upper Bavaria and Salzburg“ aims to boost the innovative strength of the tourism industry at the level of individual enterprises as well as destinations as a whole.

  • Event: Report: Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary

    Salzburg Research celebratet it’s 10th anniversary on October 22nd, 2010.

  • Publikation: Introduction to Narrowband Communication


  • Publikation: Contribution Profiles of Voluntary mappers in OpenStreetMap, Online proceedings of the International Workshop on Action and Interaction in Volunteered Geographic Information (ACTIVITY)
  • Publikation: Designing Mobile Systems in Highly Dynamic Scenarios.
  • Publikation: Instandhaltung 4.0: Entwicklungsszenarien und Handlungsempfehlungen

    Siehe: Jahrbuch Instandhaltungstage 2015

  • Post: Newletter 1|2015

    Salzburg Research reports quarterly on current research topics, projects, events and publications. The current newsletter “update 1|2015″ is available for download.

  • Event: KMU 4.0 Qualification Workshop: „The Robot – My Digital Colleague“

    Free qualification workshop for SMEs within the framework of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020).

  • Publikation: An Architecture for Detection of Anomalies in Deterministic Time within Real-Time Communication Networks.

    Anomaly detection is a classical and important topic within the domain of communication networks. For critical applications, the time it takes to detect an anomaly and to respond to it is an important metric of an anomaly detection system. To address this, we propose an end-to-end real-time anomaly detection architecture. In this architecture, the collection and transmission of the required data, the analysis of this data in a machine learning model and the subsequent reaction when an anomaly is detected, are carried out in deterministic time. We study two different use cases where this architecture may be applied in the future and we investigate a demo implementation of one of these use cases as a proof of concept for the proposed architecture. This contributes to the future application of machine learning for anomaly detection in deterministic time in time critical application areas.

  • Publikation: Comparision of GIS-based Public Safety Systems for Emergency Management

    Disaster and emergency response and recovery efforts require timely interaction and coordination of public emergency services in order to save lives and property. Today computer-based application guidance systems, also called Public Safety Systems, are used for the coverage of emergencies. In this paper we sketch the structure and functions of these systems and describe which roll Geographic Information Systems play in Public Safety Systems. The results of the study are the basis for further work in the field of emergency management.

  • Publikation: Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2003
  • Publikation: Elicitation and Formalization of Local Energy Community Stakeholder Requirements in Austria.

    Local energy communities (LECs) are quickly gaining popularity and have considerable potential to benefit their participants as well as the overall energy system, but they may also have a destabilizing effect if implemented in an uncoordinated fashion. Project ECOSINT aims to develop a unified and modular information and communications technology (ICT) architecture for seamless, large-scale integration of LECs into the overall energy system in to ensure that their benefits can be fully lifted. Following a holistic approach, this process involved the elicitation and formalization of requirements from all involved stakeholders as a basis for the development of this architecture. This paper outlines, how these requirements have been collected and formalized using state of the art methods. Furthermore, the requirements are presented and examples of the results of the formalization process are given.

  • Publikation: Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple, Interdependent Time Windows.

    In this paper a model and several solution procedures for a novel type of vehicle routing problems where time windows for the pickup of perishable goods depend on the dispatching policy used in the solution process are presented. This problem is referred to as Vehicle Routing Problem with multiple interdependent time windows (VRPmiTW) and is motivated by a project carried out with the Austrian Red Cross blood program to assist their logistics department. Several variants of a heuristic constructive procedure as well as a branch-and-bound based algorithm for this problem were developed and implemented. Besides finding the expected reduction in costs when compared with the current procedures of the Austrian Red Cross, the results show that the heuristic algorithms find solutions reasonably close to the optimum in fractions of a second. Another important finding is that increasing the number of pickups at selected customers beyond the theoretical minimum number of pickups yields significantly greater potential […]

  • Projekt: CERTESS -European Cultural Routes – Transfer Experiences, Share Solutions

    […] higher decision making, to : identify, structure & add value to local cultural & natural heritage assets, develop & adopt well-suited governance tools, promote local enterprises & products along the routes by adopting innovative immaterial services including ITC. CERTESS partnership includes 11 regional actors from 10 countries all active in ECR development under the coordinating knowledge-repository role of the European Institute of Cultural Routes as Lead Partner. SalzAlpenSteig App Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Transnational Showcase: CERTESS Transnational Showcase (Austria/Germany) Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. European Showcase: CERTESS: Europe unplugged Watch this video on YouTube Mit […]

  • Event: Report: OCG-AARIT Konvent 2o1o

    The OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft) and AARIT (Austria Association for Research in IT) organised the OCG-AARIT Konvent 2010.

  • Publikation: Comparing Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
  • Publikation: Using Spatial and Temporal Editing Patterns for Evaluation of Open Street Map Data
  • Publikation: Waiting strategies for regular and emergency patient transportation.
  • Publikation: Instandhaltung 4.0: Der Mensch als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor

    Siehe: Jahrbuch Instandhaltungstage 2015