• Publikation: Transformation verschiedener Wirtschaftssektoren durch Industrie 4.0 – Wie sich ausgewĂ€hlte Branchenprofile im Industrial Internet verĂ€ndern.

    […] wirtschaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung sind enorm und müssen sowohl als Chance als auch als Bedrohung verstanden werden. Das Forschungsvorhaben NG-MPPS untersucht neben technisch-wissenschaftlichen Themen auch eine Wirkungsanalyse für die österreichische Wirtschaft. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch betriebliche Fragestellungen zum Industrial Internet behandelt, darunter die Frage nach dem Einfluss des Industrial Internet of Things auf verschiedene GeschĂ€ftsmodelle, nach den daraus resultierenden Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen, und nach der modellhaften Abbildung und Analyse dieser ZusammenhĂ€nge. Der vorliegende Report geht den Fragen nach den VerĂ€nderungen der Branchenprofile im Industrial Internet nach. Er umfasst den Analyseansatz für die Auswirkungen des Industrial Internet of Things auf die GeschĂ€ftsmodelle in verschiedenen Wirtschaftssektoren – konkret die Branchen Automobilindustrie, Sportbranche, Einzelhandel, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie, Pharma- sowie Papierindustrie. Dieser Arbeitsbericht ist Bestandteil des Projekts „Next Generation Multi-Purpose Production Systems“ (NG-MPPS), welches durch das österreichische Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit) und das Land Salzburg gefördert wurde.  

  • Publikation: GeschĂ€ftsmodellinnovationen durch Industrie 4.0 – Wie sich GeschĂ€ftsmodelle im Industrial Internet verĂ€ndern.

    […] der Zukunft“ (Österreich) laufen Initiativen, deren gemeinsames Ziel die Kombination von Vernetzung (Internet) und Digitalisierung zur Virtualisierung ist. Die wirtschaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung sind enorm und müssen sowohl als Chance als auch als Bedrohung verstanden werden. Das Forschungsvorhaben NG-MPPS untersucht neben technisch-wissenschaftlichen Themen auch eine Wirkungsanalyse für die österreichische Wirtschaft. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch betriebliche Fragestellungen zum Industrial Internet behandelt, darunter die Frage nach dem Einfluss des Industrial Internet of Things auf verschiedene GeschĂ€ftsmodelle, nach den daraus resultierenden Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen, und nach der modellhaften Abbildung und Analyse dieser ZusammenhĂ€nge. Der vorliegende Report geht den Fragen nach der Änderung der GeschĂ€ftsmodelle im Industrial Internet nach. Er umfasst den Analyseansatz für die Auswirkungen des Industrial Internet of Things auf die GeschĂ€ftsmodelle. Dieser Arbeitsbericht ist Bestandteil des Projekts „Next Generation Multi-Purpose Production Systems“ (NG-MPPS), welches durch das österreichische Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit) und das Land Salzburg gefördert wurde.  

  • Publikation: SAP Asset Intelligence Network – ein Schritt Richtung Instandhaltung 4.0?

    www.sap-port.de Der technologische Fortschritt sowie die Erhöhung der AnlagenkomplexitĂ€t und -vielfalt fĂŒhren zu einer sinkenden Beherrschbarkeit von technischen Anlagen. Dadurch entstehen neue Anforderungen an die Kollaboration zwischen Anlagenherstellern, -betreibern und weiteren Dienstleistern (z.B. den Instandhaltungs-Teams). Diesen Herausforderungen begegnet SAP mit der Konzeption und Entwicklung einer Cloud-Plattform mit der Bezeichnung „SAP Asset Intelligence Network“: Die Plattform ist als digitales Netzwerk fĂŒr Anlageninformationen konzipiert und schafft nach den PlĂ€nen ihrer Architekten die Basis fĂŒr ein globales Anlagenverzeichnis. Der Artikel von Anastasia Kondraschow (Orianda Solutions AG) und Georg GĂŒntner (Salzburg Research) im S@PPORT 7-8/2017 beleuchtet die Potenziale des SAP Asset Intelligence Networks fĂŒr Verbesserung der Kommunikation und der Prozesse in der Instandhaltung: Hier ergeben sich klar vorteilhafte Perspektiven durch die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von aktuellen Anlagendokumentationen, Schablonen fĂŒr digitale Anlagenstrukturen und WartungsplĂ€ne, Betriebs- und Instandhaltungsanleitungen, 3D-Modellen, Ersatzteillisten bis hin zu Sensordaten ĂŒber den aktuellen Anlagenzustand. Das unabhĂ€ngige Fachmagazin S@PPORT bietet ein breites Spektrum aktueller Informationen und Interviews, fundierter FachbeitrĂ€ge […]

  • Publikation: WORKPAD: 2-Layered Peer-to-Peer for Emergency Management through Adaptive Processes

    In this paper, we present a recently funded European research project, namely WORKPAD, that aims at designing and developing a  innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services, etc.) for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency/disaster scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate with one other to reach a common goal, each team member is equipped with handheld devices (PDAs) and communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. In such a case we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process, and the different teams (of the different organizations) collaborate through the interleaving of all the different processes (macroprocess). Each team is supported by some back-end centre, and the different centres need to cooperate at an inter-organizational level to reach an effective coordination among teams. The project will investigate a 2-level framework for such scenarios: a backend peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services requiring high computational […]

  • Event: Digitization in Maintenance

    Industry meeting for pioneers in the areas of digitalization and industry, to discuss the possibilities and limitations of digital technologies. Industry meeting for pioneers in the areas of digitalization and industry, to discuss the possibilities and limitations of digital technologies. We will present projects on 3D printing, drones in the industrial environment, learning management, cloud solutions and many more. Public event, participation is free. Program and registration soon at: www.instandhaltungstage.at September 19, 2017, from 2 pm Techno-Z Salzburg – Event Center The 9th IoT Talks will be held on the subject of “Intention and IoT”. Participants are invited to participate in this event even more deeply. See: 9th IoT Talks Salzburg: Maintenance & IoT 9. IoT Talks Salzburg: Maintenance & IoT

  • Publikation: Studienkatalog zur digitalen Transformation durch Industrie 4.0 und neue GeschĂ€ftsmodelle

    […] Thema, sondern es spielt auf GeschĂ€ftsmodell-Ebene und birgt damit Implikationen fĂŒr die Fundamente der Wertschöpfung. Deutschland ist sowohl markttechnisch wie auch bezĂŒglich der Autorenschaft der Studien fĂŒhrend, aber auch in Österreich und der Schweiz nimmt das Thema Industrie 4.0 speziell in den letzten beiden Jahren massiv Fahrt auf. BranchenverbĂ€nde und politische Instanzen spielen eine tragende Rolle. Daneben forcieren aber auch klassische Consulting-Unternehmen das Thema Industrie 4.0 in ihren AktivitĂ€ten. Auch Industrie 4.0 und KMUs werden nicht als Widerspruch gesehen. Speziell die Anwendung in mittelstĂ€ndischen Unternehmen wird als Katalysator fĂŒr die Industrie 4.0-Durchdringung der Wirtschaft als Ganzes betrachtet. Dabei mĂŒssen KMUs aber doch andere Startvoraussetzungen, EinschrĂ€nkungen wie auch Chancen berĂŒcksichtigen, die sich ganz wesentlich von der Situation fĂŒr Großkonzerne unterscheiden. Neben rein wirtschaftlich-industriell getriebenen Analysen tauchen (neuerdings) auch vermehrt gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit Industrie 4.0 auf: Von Fragen der Datensicherheit zur QualitĂ€t der Ausbildung bis zu generellen Auswirkungen auf den Arbeitsmarkt.   Studienkatalog Industrie 4.0

  • Projekt: CE-PASS (Circular Economy – Digital Product Passport)

    […] a strong industrial base in the automotive sector and this sector is currently undergoing radical change: Firstly, the sector changes in terms of technology by moving away from the internal combustion engine and its reliance on fossil fuels, to competing powertrain systems such as hydrogen fuel cells and/or battery-based electric drive trains. Secondly, corporate due diligence increasingly dictates a view on industrial design that bears long-term sustainability and value retention in mind. At the same time, networks-based, cloud-enabled, distributed ICT has brought disruptive potential to all sectors, leading to a new wave of automation and digitally driven manufacturing processes. Nowadays, corporate IT systems interact with digital platform-based systems (e.g., in B2B supply chains) and exchange data flows between these systems and governmental databases that keep track of material flows and hazardous substances, and also, to and from, Public Sector Information (PSI) that report on ecological footprints of products. As it already becomes clear, such […]

  • Publikation: Vienna-SPIRIT – Combining Intermodal Traveller Information with Onboard/Offboard Navigation Services

    This paper introduces conceptual and implementation approaches for an intermodal traveller information and navigation system which combines offboard route planning and onboard/offboard navigation. This intermodal traveller information system was developed within the Austrian research project Vienna-SPIRIT funded by the national programme “I2-  Intelligent Infrastructure” (BMVIT). Studies forecast high potentials of travellers willing to use alternative means of transport if provided with intermodal traveller information and having travel time advantages. Furthermore it is expected, that intermodal traveller information can contribute to the increase of public transport use and road network efficiency. Within the project Vienna-SPIRIT, a pilot traveller information system was implemented and tested. The focus was on the integration of existing route planning and information services in one system providing integrated, context-based and intermodal traveller information support and on the utilisation of available navigation capabilities for on-trip route guidance. The user can access this intermodal traveller information from car navigation systems as well as […]

  • Projekt: PowerTeams – Collaborative engineering of smart grid applications

    […] of a concept of a model-based, service-oriented, and collaborative platform for the engineering and validation of smart grid applications. The overall goal is to develop a scalable architecture of an interoperable and distributed ecosystem that offers modular engineering services to collaborating teams. Expected Results The main expected result is the architecture and a prototypical implementation of the PowerTeams platform, which enables the interoperable integration of a broad spectrum of services related to the engineering and validation of modern energy applications – including services to make use of laboratory infrastructure and data platforms. The PowerTeams platform thereby supports the management of engineering data, which is necessary for a consistent, transparent and interoperable digitization of the energy system. The PowerTeams platform is validated internally and tested with selected external experts of the energy community. This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is being carried out as part of the Energy Research Programme 2020.

  • Projekt: HWS – Platform-based AI System for Human Motion Analysis to optimize Ergonomics of Hybrid Work Systems in Industry

    […] assistive interventions by a monitoring system or it can orchestrate human-machine collaboration. Hybrid Work Systems will leverage the experience of the MTM community with workers’ task modelling, to arrive at an extended and layered model of manufacturing activities that is able to formally describe assembly processes, assistive interventions, ergonomic improvement potentials as well as human/machine interaction in collaborative robotics. For impact generation, Hybrid Work Systems will be integrated as a service with the H2020 project eFactory, a cloud-based, digital manufacturing ecosystem, thus leveraging the impact coming from a major pillar of the “Digitising European Industry” initiative. Hybrid Work Systems brings together Fraunhofer Austria as experts for factory planning, workers’ assistance and MTM, Profactor as experts for video analysis in collaborative robotics and Salzburg Research as experts for Internet-based manufacturing service platforms and AI-based motion modelling and planning. The German MTM Association is bringing its unique expertise in research and use of MTM to the […]

  • Event: Nachbericht: Industrie 4.0 – Die Produktion der Zukunft

    […] Referenten-Sheets und Folien zum Vortrag: weiter unten im Programm eingefĂŒgt Veranstalter: Salzburg Research, Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Begriff Industrie 4.0? Was sind die Kennzeichen und Herausforderungen der vierten industriellen Revolution? Wie wirkt sich das auf die Fertigungs-, Automatisierungs- und Instandhaltungsunternehmen, ihre Kunden und ihre GeschĂ€ftsprozesse aus? Was kann man heute tun, um sich richtig fĂŒr die Herausforderungen der Produktion der Zukunft aufzustellen? Wie soll man sich positionieren? Wie kann man sich beteiligen? Mit diesen Fragen beschĂ€ftigte sich die Informationsveranstaltung der Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft und der Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg. Die Veranstaltung richtete sich an GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer/-innen, IT-Manager/-innen, Produktionsleiter/-innen und Innovations-Manager/-innen von Fertigungs-, Automatisierungs- und Instandhaltungsunternehmen und deren Zulieferern. Programm Donnerstag 15. Mai 2014 13:00 BegrĂŒĂŸung Siegfried Reich (Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH), Irene Schulte (Industriellenvereinigung Salzburg) Eröffnung Landeshauptmann Dr. Wilfried Haslauer Keynote Industrie 4.0 13:15 Labyrinth Industrie 4.0: Ohne Umwege ans Ziel Herbert Jodlbauer (FH Oberösterreich, Campus Steyr) Kurzfassung | PrĂ€sentation Umsetzungsprojekte 14:00 Selbstoptimierende Feinplanung […]

  • Post: Energy management for more regional power autonomy

    […] individual decisions, for example, either to switch on the pool pump earlier or to charge the electric car later in the night. Depending on regional circumstances, there are different options for interim storage: excess electricity from renewable generation can, for example, be temporarily stored in batteries or converted into green hydrogen. The developed energy management system was tested in three demoregions, namely SĂŒdburgenland, Landkreis Passau as well as Israel. Salzburg Research led the Austrian consortium, developed a comprehensive ICT infrastructure and modeled the flexibility behavior. Simulations for the years 2024, 2030 and 2040 show the respective savings potential. „Cross Charge Point“ was funded by the EU in the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems programming initiative. Further research has already been initiated to further optimize energy management in small-scale cells. More information in the press release: Energiemanagement fĂŒr mehr regionale Strom-Autonomie Prognose fĂŒr das SĂŒdburgenland 2024 © Salzburg Research Prognose fĂŒr das SĂŒdburgenland 2040 © Salzburg Research

  • Post: Gigabit Academy: How powerful are 5G networks in reality?

    […] misunderstandings regarding 5G. As a neutral research institute, we provide insights into the actual performance of current 5G networks and show how the promised performance parameters can be independently verified. Using various use cases, we show the importance of the individual 5G performance parameters. In individual breakout sessions, we will work out your individual needs and requirements together with you. To the Salzburg Research Workshop: How powerful are 5G networks really? Salzburg Research: 5G know-how from Salzburg Salzburg Research has been researching communication technologies for over 20 years. We have our own 5G stand-alone network at our location as a 5G research infrastructure for testing 5G applications and products. Thus, in addition to classic 5G, we also offer companies customised test environments with specific requirements for the communication network. We also develop vendor-independent test tools to control compliance with the required properties and to be able to use the technology for critical applications as well.

  • Projekt: EFPF: European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing

    […] smart factory ecosystem by initially interlinking four smart factory platforms, from the FoF-11-2016 cluster, through an open and interoperable Data Spine. The federation of the 4 base platforms is complemented by industrial platforms, collaboration tools and smart factory systems, specifically selected to support connected factories in lot-size-one manufacturing. The federated EFPF platform delivers added value and reduces the barrier to innovation by providing seamless access to services and solutions that are currently dispersed. EFPF provides the necessary infrastructure, tools and support for novel service creation and validations by third parties. It will foster healthy competition in an ecosystem of platform and service providers, and will ensure that the needs of the evolving European smart manufacturing industry are met. The EFPF federation is offered as an open platform to allow manufacturing and logistic companies to utilise the offered functionality, experiment with innovation approaches and develop custom solutions based on specific needs. The project demonstrates the […]

  • Projekt: TriCePS – Self-optimizing Communication for Future Cyber Physical Systems

    […] Based on the first TriCePS component “Application Interface and Adaptation”, the application layer can be provided with information about QoS values to self-adapt to current conditions, e.g. by activating local pre-processing. The component “Protocol Negotiation” enables interoperability between end systems by allowing negotiating and choosing a communication protocols supported by all partners or even by downloading a protocol from a central repository. Finally, in the component “Protocol Parameter Optimization” the parameters of protocols in use are optimized for the current application and infrastructure. Such a comprehensive approach with a combination of these three components will provide future interconnected CPS with the means to establish interoperability and to efficiently and robustly communicate with each other in the future Internet of Things. F unding: BMVIT – Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology as part of the ICT of the Future program coordinated by FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency. Logo Bundesministerium fĂŒr Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie


    […] their needs. The model can then be used to “prime” a software agent and the agent can then search autonomously for relevant information in the WWW or any intranet. The gathered information gets stored in a knowledge repository and can be retrieved via interactive reporting functions. Initial situation and problem to solve For years, there has been a high-end market for enterprise-level Business Intelligence (BI), which has been traditionally served by the large software houses such as Oracle, Microsoft, SAP or IBM. These solutions are much too complex and expensive to address the needs of small to medium enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs are at risk of being left out when it comes to utilizing the opportunities afforded by the WWW. UNDERSTANDER develops a basic technology that will enable small technology providers and consultant firms, to offer affordable BI solutions to SMEs whose core business is elsewhere, but who would like to acquire pertinent BI […]

  • Post: Improve recycling with AI and digital product passports

    […] footprint is particularly high due to the raw materials used, while at the same time they are ideal candidates for recycling. This is precisely where the new FFG lead project comes in. Valuable scrap Household scrap and scrap from end-of-life vehicles as well as waste electrical equipment are characterised by a high metal content and therefore have great potential for recycling. Unfortunately, these metals do not come in pure form, but in the form of plastic-metal compo unds or alloy mixtures. Currently, the metals are shredded and exported abroad due to their inferior quality. At the same time, Austria imports higher-quality scrap, which is very important for metal production. Austrian flagship project KIRAMET In the new KIRAMET project (short for: AI-based recycling of metal composite waste), research is being conducted to develop efficient sensor-based particle sorting with the help of artificial intelligence. An intelligent recycling platform is also intended to network existing data along […]

  • Projekt: REGNET – Cultural Heritage in Regional Networks

    Development of an infrastructure for business processes of cultural heritage organisations REGNET set up a network of cultural service centres throughout Europe to provide IT-services to cultural heritage organisations and facilitate e-business activities of these organisations. A technical and legal framework for such a service infrastructure was developed. Among the objectives were the development of an infrastructure for B2B and B2C transactions, the integration of a distributed search and retrieval system to achieve a „virtual union catalogue“ and the development of a legal framework necessary for business transactions. Salzburg Research was responsible for designing and implementing the electronic publishing component. This component enables non-expert end users to generate publishing products and to extract existing information from the repositories available in the REGNET system.

  • Page: Future Book: Wie wir die digitale Transformation gestalten

    Salzburg Research wagt einen Blick in die Zukunft: Mit Hilfe der Trendanalyse haben wir unser anwendungsorientiertes Forschungsgebiet “Motion Data Intelligence” in den drei Anwendungsfeldern Health & Sports, Smart Region & Mobility sowie Industry & Infrastructure unter die Lupe genommen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Future Book, das neun konkrete Zukunftsbilder zeichnet. Future Book Interview mit Siegfried Reich (GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer Salzburg Research) und Brigitte Bach (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende): AußeruniversitĂ€re Forschung als Bindeglied zwischen Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft Brigitte Bach © Salzburg AG Siegfried Reich © wildbild Die Methode: So sehen wir die Zukunft: Trendanalyse als Werkzeug Health & Sports Interview mit Elisabeth HĂ€usler: Smarte Lösungen werden Sport und Gesundheit revolutionieren Zukunftsbilder Health & Sports Sportliche Höchstleistungen mit digitaler Hilfe Ihre persönliche Assistenz fĂŒr mehr VitalitĂ€t Smarte PrĂ€vention in Freizeit und Beruf Smart Region & Mobility Interview mit Veronika Hornung-PrĂ€hauser und Karl Rehrl: Die MobilitĂ€tswende benötigt belastbare Daten © wildbild Zukunftsbilder Smart Region & Mobility Intelligentes Destinationsmanagement Mehr Sicherheit fĂŒr […]

  • Projekt: e-Energy Study

    […] for the Salzburg economy from the perspective of information and communication technologies. Energy is increasingly decentralized generated, stored and used. Result is a temporal-spatial unbundling of production and use, which fundamentally changes the requirements for a secure energy supply. In parallel, the goal of a nuclear-free Europe and the conversion to renewable energy can’t be achieved by only a few suppliers, but must take place in co-operation of all participating electricity producers and distributors, system suppliers, and  infrastructure and mobility providers. In addition to the nation-states, the regions also play a driving role in the implementation of the energy transition. The State of Salzburg  proposed in it’s Economic Policy Programme Salzburg 2020 to analyse the innovation potential of the energy change for the Salzburg economy from the perspective of information and communication technologies. Salzburg Research as an independent research organisation is the link between science and industry, and offers with its focus on information […]