• Post: Figures, Data, Facts: The New Annual Report 2017

    The current annual report of Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft shows the 2017 financial year in figures, data and facts. As a professional research partner, the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft operates at the interface between science and industry. She is part of numerous cooperative research projects and offers her know-how to companies. The current annual report shows the 2017 financial year in figures, data and facts. The results of Salzburg Research benefit the economy. Clients or project partners are companies of different industries and sizes. Half of the research work in 2017 was carried out with or for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). “Digitalization affects everyone. Our focus on information and communication technologies reaches into almost every industry, “explains Siegfried Reich, Managing Director of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft. “Our activities focus on IT topics including energy, enterprise (Industry 4.0), health & sports and mobility.” In the province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research is an important location factor: Almost […]

  • Projekt: MyCorridor – Mobility as a service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor

    Sustainable traveling in Europe both in rural and urban areas and across borders.

  • Projekt: WORKPAD – Collaboration Software for Emergency Teams

    An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency Scenarios WORKPAD aims at developing an innovative software infrastructure for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate with each other to reach a common goal. Each team member is equipped with portable devices and carries on specific assigned tasks. In such a way we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process, and different teams collaborate through the “interleaving” of all the different processes. Two-level Framework Each team is supported by some back-end center, and the different centers need to cooperate at an inter-organizational level to reach an effective coordination among teams. The back-end centers thus form a virtual organization. The goal is to devise a two-level framework for such scenarios: an integrated back-end peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services requiring high computational power, knowledge […]

  • Event: Qualification Workshop: Ways and Tools for a Successful Digital Strategy

    As part of the research project KMU4.0 (Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020), Salzburg Research and Partners are offering a free qualification workshop for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • Post: E-vehicles for stable electricity grids

    […] following questions, among others: What motivates owners of e-vehicles, company/car sharing fleets, e-charging stations or mobility hubs to make their batteries available for smart/intelligent charging? How can consumers be supported so that they align their flexible, smart charging behaviour more closely with the needs of the electricity grid? What (new) services, cooperation opportunities or business models will emerge from smart charging? Shape the future and win The ideas competition runs from 15 November 2022 to 15 January 2023 on the online platform https://www.openinnovation-salzburg.at. All ideas are welcome! After the submission phase, the online community will evaluate the ideas. In the so-called arena, two submitted ideas are always juxtaposed and compared and evaluated by the registered users. After the community evaluation, the ideas are presented to the expert jury. The jury is made up of representatives from organisations, science and business from the fields of mobility and energy. The ideas are evaluated and awarded prizes […]

  • Projekt: EDIH Crowd in Motion

    […] and digital transformation in the tourism, sports and leisure industries. Digitalisation and innovation capabilities are crucial for both SMEs and the public sector to achieve sustainability goals and to profitably use the digital transformation. The EDIH “Crowd in Motion” is a one-stop-shop where organisations and companies – especially small, medium and mid-cap companies – can get support in innovating products and services, in value creation processes and business models. They get low-threshold access to digital expertise, testing infrastructure, networks and funding advice. The innovation hub “Crowd in Motion” relies on a unique combination of artificial intelligence and human swarm intelligence to increase the innovative power and readiness of companies and organisations in the tourism, sports and leisure industries. Companies and public organisations can register via the website www.crowd-in-motion.eu A total of 68 services are available in these four thematic areas: Advanced Digital Skills and Training: trainings, workshops and seminars that offer special knowledge on […]

  • Post: 3 tips for your communication network 4.0

    […] With wireless networks, especially networks in shared frequency ranges such as WLAN come to their limits. In critical areas of use, you should pay attention to exclusive frequency ranges. A dedicated spectrum, as used in 5G, can help. Tip no. 2 Free yourself from vendor dependencies and rigidity in your real-time networks. Look for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) in new investments – this will allow you to be vendor independent and be open and flexible for the future. Tip no. 3 Classic communication networks quickly reach their limits in flexible production. You can create increased flexibility in communication by using software-defined networks (SDN). These enable the highest flexibility and you are thus prepared for the future. Where are your weak points or sources of error in your communication networks? Salzburg Research offers scientifically sound, independent assessments of your digital infrastructure. Identify your opportunities for improvement! You can find more information here: Performance Evaluation for Digital Infrastructure

  • Event: Report: Long Night of Research

    Research centers troughout Austria, including Salzburg Research, opened their doors and provided interesting insights into their work.

  • Post: What cyclists expect from self-driving vehicles

    […] participants: “I find it a bit scary when I’m surrounded by 1,000 cars that have eyes of some kind and are following me.” “I don’t feel like rolling my eyes back and forth with the car.” “Signs of a technical nature are better than seeing emojis on cars.” When communicating about autonomous vehicles in traffic, policy makers, urban and transport planners and manufacturers need to be aware that people’s trust and perceived safety also depends on factors such as age, gender and affinity with technology. The findings of the study should inform the further development and design of such human-machine communication between autonomous vehicles and other road users. Read more: Publication: Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Eva Hollauf, Hatun Atasayar, Cornelia Zankl, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser ( 2023): Perceptions and attitudes of bicyclists towards self-driving cars: a mixed methods approach In: Frontiers in Future Transportation Press release (in German): Keine Emojis auf autonomen Autos! Was Radfahrende von selbstfahrenden Fahrzeugen erwarten

  • Post: Best Paper Award: Communication for Multinational Large Scale Disaster Operations

    […] the paper “A Flexible Self-Aligning Communication Solution for Multinational Large Scale Disaster Operations“, presented at the ICN 2015: The Fourteenth International Conference on Networks, April 19 – 24, 2015 – Barcelona, Spain. An extended version will be published in the IARIA Journal. Abstract: This paper presents a communication solution for large scale multinational and multi-organizational disaster operations. The work is motivated by real world requirements depicted from well experienced forces in disaster management. The core design principles for the solution are flexibility and easy installation. The solution has proven its applicability during several training and large scale exercises, such as floods or earthquakes. With our solution we present a communication infrastructure for connecting mobile devices of relief forces in large-scale disaster operations to Command, Coordinate and Control Systems. The infrastructure can be set up by one single, non-IT-expert person. The project: IDIRA The paper: A Flexible Self-Aligning Communication Solution for Multinational Large Scale Disaster Operations

  • Publikation: The Graph Neural Networking Challenge: A Worldwide Competition for Education in AI/ML for Networks.

    During the last decade, Machine Learning (ML) has increasingly become a hot topic in the field of Computer Networks and is expected to be gradually adopted for a plethora of control, monitoring and management tasks in real-world deployments. This poses the need to count on new generations of students, researchers and practitioners with a solid background in ML applied to networks. During 2020, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has organized the “ITU AI/ML in 5G challenge”, an open global competition that has introduced to a broad audience some of the current main challenges in ML for networks. This large-scale initiative has gathered 23 different challenges proposed by network operators, equipment manufacturers and academia, and has attracted a total of 1300+ participants from 60+ countries. This paper narrates our experience organizing one of the proposed challenges: the “Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020”. We describe the problem presented to participants, the tools and resources provided, some organization […]

  • Post: Agents for the Industrial Internet

    Salzburg Research develops a multi-agent system for secure, policy driven management of machines and manufacturing. If manufacturing firms are to benefit from the emerging Industrial Internet, then they have to adapt their current automation infrastructure. Security and privacy (e.g. concerning intellectual property and trade secrets) will feature strongly in any risk assessment concerning the adoption of practices using the Industrial Internet. Salzburg Research explores the use of policy-enacting, multi-agent systems that securely manage machines and manufacturing cells. A feasibility demonstrator based on open source tools and firmware will be developed. Many manufacturing firms have already achieved high levels of automation and productivity. In other words, their company-wide productivity potentials are largely exploited. However, most manufacturers are highly specialised and their products are being supplied to many and diverse downstream manufacturers and integrators. While supply chain management in certain sectors such as automotive are rather well understood and are typically supported by rigorously defined processes, […]

  • Post: Ideas competition: Digital solutions for environmental and social sustainability

    […] make a difference and implement a great practice that promotes resilience AND sustainability? Whether for a local community, a continent or the world – any solution is welcome! Submit your visionary ideas and concepts alone or with a team on the IdeaSpace ideas platform. Exchange ideas with a vibrant community of like-minded people! Benefit from questions, stimulating discussions and collaborative brainstorming to take your idea to the next level.  Each idea submitted will be evaluated by the community and a jury of experts. The following prizes can be won: 1st prize: prize money € 1.000,- and an invitation to submit a project proposal for a grant of € 5.000,- by ICT4D.at 2nd and 3rd prize: Invitation to the ICT4D.at Project Forge to further develop your idea with experienced international mentors in Vienna or online 01/2024 Deadline: 31.10. 2023 Submit your idea now! Article image: Chloé Zimmermann, ICT4D.at – Austrian Network for Information and Communication Technologies for Development

  • Projekt: IoT4Industry – Secure, Privacy-preserving Agents for the Industrial Internet

    In order to benefit from the emerging Industrial Internet, manufacturing companies will have to adapt their current automation infrastructure. In order to benefit from the emerging Industrial Internet, manufacturing companies will have to adapt their current automation infrastructure. While it is not clear at this stage which protocols and technologies will become mainstream for the Industrial Internet, it has become clear that security and privacy (e.g. concerning intellectual property and trade secrets) will feature strongly in any risk assessment concerning the adoption of practices using the Industrial Internet. IoT4Industry explored the use of policy-enacting, multi-agent systems that securely manage machines and manufacturing cells. Problem and initial situation Many manufacturing firms have already achieved high levels of automation and productivity. In other words, their company-wide productivity potentials are largely exploited. However, most manufacturers are highly specialised and their products are being supplied to diverse downstream manufacturers and integrators. While supply chain management in certain sectors […]

  • Projekt: SCISSOR – Security in Trusted SCADA and Smart Grids

    The SCISSOR project is concerned with the security of SCADA systems that are employed in industrial control processes – often in the context of critical infrastructures like energy, water, transport, finance, and health where security breaches potentially have devastating consequences. In earlier times the security of SCADA systems was esentially built upon: i) physical access restrictions; ii) the use of proprietary technologies; iii) the physical isolation of the SCADA network from the Internet. In the last decade, many boundary conditions have dramatically changed. On one side, for obvious cost and market reasons, industrial control processes and SCADA systems have made a significant move towards the progressive adoption of common low cost equipment (Windows/Linux PCs and servers, embedded systems, commercial switches, etc.). Moreover, the massive deployment of cheap and flexible Internet of Things technologies is deemed to profoundly impact industrial processes and critical infrastructures to an unprecedented extent. Such devices and technologies rely on the […]

  • Publikation: Smart Grid Virtualisation for Grid-Based Routing.

    […] to a paradigm shift needed to meet the growing demands of this evolution. A key issue here is to forward data to the correct data sinks, where data are required in order to keep the grid balanced. This routing process has to be able to react on grid changes in a timely manner, i.e., it must be based on the instantaneous state of the grid. In this paper, we propose a solution based on virtualising the communication infrastructure in the low and medium voltage grid. We evaluate two different approaches. The first approach is based on SDN; an ONOS SDN controller is used to change the behaviour of the communication infrastructure according to information provided by components of the power grid. The second approach uses Coaty and a Mosquitto MQTT broker to deliver messages to the desired endpoint, again based on information from the power grid. Keywords: smart grid; communication; virtualisation; application layer routing; […]

  • Publikation: Multilingual speech control for ROS-driven robots

    https://doi.org/10.1007/s00502-019-00739-y To improve the collaboration between humans and robots, multilingual speech control (MLS) can be used to easily manage multiple robots at any time by spoken commands. Once a command is recognised by one of the corresponding ROS-driven robots inside the network, it will be executed and a related audio feedback is provided to the user. Our MLS implementation has a modular design, so that single functional modules can be implemented by either online cloud-based services or by local offline software for increased privacy. Furthermore, the extensible design allows to meet future user needs or to be adapted to different robot capabilities. The MLS follows a principal workflow: Initially, a language identification analysis is done, followed by speech-to-text transformation. Afterwards, the intent is detected and possible variables are analysed for the interpretation of the command, which is furthermore sent to the corresponding robot. Finally, the robot will publish the state achieved by the command […]

  • Event: Media educational conference

    Not only in our day-to-day life, but also in the kin dergarten and in the school media become more and more present. How we deal with this in a pedagogically appropriate way is the topic of the media-pedagogical conference. Our daily lives are increasingly permeated by media. This development does not stop at the gates of kindergartens and schools. For educational practice, this means that media cannot simply be banished from educational institutions, because media is a fixed part of our social reality. It is therefore also important in the intitution’s school to adopt a critically optimistic view of the media, which makes it possible to promote positive media use while at the same time preventing potential risks. The conference “Medienpädagogik in der Volksschule” discusses the (media) pedagogical challenges oft he information and media society with a special focus on the needs of primary schoolchildren and shows how media pedagogy can be integrated sensibly […]

  • Page: Connected Boot Studie: Infos für Teilnehmende

    Vielen Dank, dass Sie an unserer Studie teilnehmen! Der Connected Boot wurde von Salzburg Research gemeinsam mit Atomic und der Universität Salzburg im Projekt „Digital Motion“ entwickelt. Im Rahmen der Studie 2023 soll der Algorithmus des Carving Scores für eine breitere Zielgruppe validiert und die Akzeptanz der technologischen Lösung unter den Nutzer:innen untersucht werden. Hier finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen: Umfrage Wir bitten dich, vor dem Test des Connected Boots Teil A der Umfrage auszufüllen: Zur Umfrage -Teil A Du hast den Connected Boot getestet? Bitte fülle abschließend Teil B der Umfrage aus: Zur Umfrage -Teil B Unter allen vollständig ausgefüllten Umfragen verlosen wir: 1 Paar Atomic Ski 1 Paar Atomic Skischuhe -50% oder -30% Voucher für den Atomic Online-Store Auslosung nach Studienende Mai 2023 Download der App Die App zur Studie finden Sie sowohl auf Google Play als auch im App Store: Android: Turnalizer-App iOS: Atomic Connected Für die Verwendung der App benötigen […]

  • Publikation: Geschäftsmodellinnovationen durch Industrie 4.0 – Wie sich Geschäftsmodelle im Industrial Internet verändern.

    […] der Zukunft“ (Österreich) laufen Initiativen, deren gemeinsames Ziel die Kombination von Vernetzung (Internet) und Digitalisierung zur Virtualisierung ist. Die wirtschaftlichen und sozialpolitischen Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung sind enorm und müssen sowohl als Chance als auch als Bedrohung verstanden werden. Das Forschungsvorhaben NG-MPPS untersucht neben technisch-wissenschaftlichen Themen auch eine Wirkungsanalyse für die österreichische Wirtschaft. In diesem Zusammenhang werden auch betriebliche Fragestellungen zum Industrial Internet behandelt, darunter die Frage nach dem Einfluss des Industrial Internet of Things auf verschiedene Geschäftsmodelle, nach den daraus resultierenden Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen, und nach der modellhaften Abbildung und Analyse dieser Zusammenhänge. Der vorliegende Report geht den Fragen nach der Änderung der Geschäftsmodelle im Industrial Internet nach. Er umfasst den Analyseansatz für die Auswirkungen des Industrial Internet of Things auf die Geschäftsmodelle. Dieser Arbeitsbericht ist Bestandteil des Projekts „Next Generation Multi-Purpose Production Systems“ (NG-MPPS), welches durch das österreichische Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit) und das Land Salzburg gefördert wurde.