• Post: Successful recertification according to ISO 9001

    Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft has been certified according to EN ISO 9001 since 2008. The recertification audit by TÜV Austria confirms compliance with the standard requirements and the effectiveness of the management system. The certification has been extended for another 3 years. The quality management system is reviewed annually in an internal and external audit. Recertification audits are planned every three years, with two monitoring audits in between. The scheduled recertification audit in 2023 took place as a two-day system audit, during which all processes and procedures in all areas of the research institute were reviewed by auditor Peter Fürnweger (TÜV Austria). Quality as a lasting process Quality management system improves company performance and creates clarity for employees. It contributes significantly to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company by defining integrated business processes and procedures. It also provides the ability to carry out research and development work at a higher level, with […]

  • Post: Youth as Social Entrepreneurs

    A European research project helps to inspire young people for social innovation and to communicate entrepreneurial thinking, know-how and skills. DOIT – the European initiative led by Salzburg Research aims to inspire children and young people between the ages of six and 16 to tackle social issues. For this purpose methods and materials are developed and tested in schools and leisure facilities. One of eleven pilot activities is currently taking place in a Salzburg school. The current socio-economic climate in Europe is characterized by high youth unemployment and increasing social inequality. The OECD therefore calls for the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills at an early age. The European initiative “DOIT – Entrepreneurial Skills for Young Social Innovators in an Open Digital World” under the direction of Salzburg Research is dedicated to this mission. DOIT wants to inspire students (6-16 years) for social innovation and impart entrepreneurial thinking, know-how and skills. For this purpose, the DOIT […]

  • Post: Ideas competition: Digital solutions for environmental and social sustainability

    How can digital tools contribute to environmental and social progress and support regenerative communities? Do you want to make a difference and implement a great practice that promotes resilience AND sustainability? Whether for a local community, a continent or the world – any solution is welcome! Submit your visionary ideas and concepts alone or with a team on the IdeaSpace ideas platform. Exchange ideas with a vibrant community of like-minded people! Benefit from questions, stimulating discussions and collaborative brainstorming to take your idea to the next level.  Each idea submitted will be evaluated by the community and a jury of experts. The following prizes can be won: 1st prize: prize money € 1.000,- and an invitation to submit a project proposal for a grant of € 5.000,- by ICT4D.at 2nd and 3rd prize: Invitation to the ICT4D.at Project Forge to further develop your idea with experienced international mentors in Vienna or online 01/2024 Deadline: 31.10.2023 […]

  • Post: Handbook for Creative Cultural Heritage Cooperation Projects

    The EU project CreativeCH emphasise creative communication of cultural heritage with ICT and new media. The handbook shows several best practice examples. The Handbook and Toolkit highlight the important role of creative, cross-domain cooperation in the communication and valorisation of cultural heritage. The products provide a knowledge base, inspiring examples, and recommendations for cooperation projects. Included are results of CreativeCH expert workshops and additional studies as well as 21 case studies of projects in focus areas of the project. The areas include Archaeological Sites, World Heritage Towns, Industrial Heritage, Historical Places and Buildings, Cultural Routes, and Citizens’ Cultural Participation. The products emphasise creative communication of cultural heritage with ICT and new media. Communication is crucial for making heritage known and appreciated, and helps making the case for preserving it. The Handbook provides a layouted version of the content (132 pages).   Editors: Guntram Geser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Andreas Strasser. ISBN 978-3-902448-39-2 Free Download: www.creative-heritage.eu or: salzburgresearch.at/publikation

  • Post: Winter service tests more climate-neutral fuel

    […] towards a more climate-neutral vehicle fleet, Leikermoser Energiehandel GmbH, in cooperation with the provincial road administration of the province of Salzburg, is conducting a test run with HVO100 fuel in winter service in winter 2022/23. From the beginning of December 2022 until the end of March 2023, a gritting and clearing vehicle of the Lungau road maintenance department will be fuelled with this alternative fuel. HVOs (Hydotreated Vegetable Oils) are synthetically produced fuels exclusively from renewable raw materials – mainly from food residues such as old frying oil. The fuel has the same effect as conventional diesel, but emits considerably fewer pollutants: CO2 emissions are said to be reduced by up to 94 percent, particulate matter emissions by up to 33 percent and carbon monoxide by up to 24 percent. Only the carbon dioxide that was already bound in the raw material is released into the atmosphere. Despite three percent higher consumption values, it […]

  • Post: MakerDay Saalfelden

    Crafting, experimenting, trying out: The first MakerDay in Saalfelden combines traditional craftsmanship with future technologies. Interested persons of all ages are invited to dive into the world of (digital) technology: the offer ranges from getting to know and trying out analogue printing methods and getting started in the fields of programming, robotics, electronics and 3D printing to experimenting with various materials. Digital and Analog Making Making – just do it! In a playful way, we want to inspire you for MINT topics. At the MakerDay Saalfelden both future-oriented digital technologies and traditional crafts can be tried out. Children and adults are invited to program bananas and robots, design a vibrobot or spirograph, or experiment with 3D modelling, 3D building design, and 3D printing. Or build your own bridge construction, print posters with wood print or woodcut or experiment with concrete, metal and plastic. At several locations in Saalfelden it says on 18 October 2018: […]

  • Post: IKS Semantic CMS Academy now available

    The IKS consortium provides extensive training materials around semantic content management. During the last two years we have created academic training material that addresses the different aspects of semantic content management. This material discusses foundational topics, like content management in general, the semantic web and underlying technologies as well as advanced concepts of modeling complex knowledge domains using ontologies. Using the approaches, models and methods developed in the IKS project, up-to-date research results are presented for introducing semantic content management and software engineering approaches for developing semantic CMS. The whole set of training material is now available online: http://www.iks-project.eu/academy On this page we are presenting an updated and improved set of the training material, including 2 introduction lectures and a complete curriculum of 10 lectures including 12 sets of slides. All slides are also available and downloadable at slideshare (http://slideshare.net/IKS_Project.eu)., so that they can be viewed by an internet browser. In addition, a Teachers […]

  • Post: Smart Accessories for Attractive Bike Mobility

    […] technologies. How can bicycle mobility become more attractive? 21 pupils of the new Industrial Business Class of the HAK Hallein developed together with experts from the European initiative “DOIT” innovative, sustainable ideas with the help of digital technologies. On Monday, the youngsters presented the ideas they had created and their own prototypes. The European initiative “DOIT” under the direction of Salzburg Research wants to inspire children and young people to tackle social challenges. The DOIT methods and materials should inspire social innovation and communicate entrepreneurial thinking, know-how and skills. From September to October 2019, the second pilot phase of the research project DOIT for the scientific study of processes and effects took place at the BHAK/BHAS Hallein. ©www.wildbild.at 21 students in BHAK/BHAS Hallein’s new “Industrial Business” field have developed prototypes in 15 working hours using digital technologies – 3D printers, Makey Makey, LEDs, etc. Smart bike accessories were created to stimulate the developed models, […]

  • Post: Managing the Digital Transformation

    […] Artificial Intelligence, robotics, digital business models, Internet of Things and sensor technology or digital process control, are being deepened. In addition, leadership skills and modern management methods are taught that enable the participants to implement the necessary steps in the company. Furthermore, the course deals with the social effects of digitization, marketing and innovation as well as strategies in digitization, in production processes and in process analysis. The short course with 15 days of attendance uses best practice examples to show how digitization and Industry 4.0 work in practice. The course starts in November and has a modular structure. Topics Which digital trends in practice really help your business? How can you inspire your customers with new products and services in the future? How can you make your employees the key to success and take them on the journey digitization? How can your company benefit from the digital revolution in the Amazon, Google, Facebook […]

  • Post: Networking of Consumer, Production and Service: 8 Recommendations for Action

    A current publication helps companies to reduce uncertainties about digitization. Eight concrete recommendations for action serve as guidelines on how companies can profitably implement digital transformation for themselves.

  • Position Paper: Industrie 4.0

    […] we ensure acceptable levels of security and safety in production environments, when the technology stack is in principle, accessible via the web? What are novel usages and novel opportunities afforded by virtualisation? Salzburg Research – what we want to work on in Industry 4.0 Knowledge representation and knowledge persistence for industrial artefacts One of the tenets of Industry 4.0 is the idea of semantically rich representations of industrial artefacts. An artefact starts life as chunks of raw materials that have some origin, e.g. in an ore mine, then in a steel furnace, for e.g. a piece of steel that was sourced from some Indian steel factory. It was then turned into a gearbox by another firm in the UK. Finally, the gearbox – which itself has other components from different sources – was installed in a high-end milling machine in Germany. The milling machine was sold to a manufacturer in Japan. After some use, […]

  • Projekt: QVIZ – Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamic

    QVIZ is an European research project started in order to enhance user access to European National Archive material by providing spatial-temporal query visualization environment based admininistrative units and other facets; and a collaborative community tools for social knowledge building in order to further enhance access to materials in a more diverse semantic network. A common starting point that allows browsing of the archival resources through time and space using a dynamic map or contextual categories. The map interface locates the resources without the need of knowledge concerning the language that the resource keeps or which institution that holds the records. One important cornerstone is the QVIZ European Administrative Unit ontology which supports the map-based query vizualization environment. In addition to this, QVIZ also provides an environment for collaborative knowledge building to help build a semantic net around archival materials bookmarked by users into this community environment. By creating new content and knowledge, access to […]

  • Post: Feasibility Study: Textbooks as Open Educational Resources (OER)

    […] risks of changing the system. Are the textbooks of the future freely accessible to all? A study published in November 2017 on OER textbooks in Austria, conducted under the auspices of the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, shows the chances and risks of switching the system to OER textbooks. “OER” has established itself in recent years, also in German-speaking countries, as an abbreviation forOpen Educational Resources” (English for open educational resources). These are understood as learning and teaching materials that have been expressly released for use, modification and republication with the help of a so-called “open license”. In times of increasing digitization, such learning and educational resources are becoming increasingly important. “The challenge, however, is less in the technical possibility of digitizing textbooks, but in existing copyright law, which severely restricts the legal use of textbooks – even their non-digital use”, says study director and educational scientist Sandra Schön from Salzburg Research. Will Open Educational […]

  • Projekt: SNML-SMA – Digital Media Archives

    Digital media archives – together instead of alone? The digital archives of today’s medium-sized and major companies are more than just a collection of documents and rows of numbers. They also contain a huge amount of images, technical drawings, animations and audiovisual materials (e.g. voice recordings and video features). With the production of digital materials becoming easier, the demands for archivists are gradually rising. While budgets for administering and maintaining archives often remain the same, archivists are faced with an exponentially growing number of digital artifacts that need to be archived. It is a time-consuming process to categorize and tag audiovisual materials correctly and often there is a “semantic gap” between the real meaning of an artifact and its catalog tags. But what happens when the size or organization of a company don’t allow for the employment of a “full-time archivist”? Living archives One solution for dealing with these kinds of problems could be […]

  • Leistung: Automated live fault diagnostics in energy and telecom networks using third-party data

    […] from the external data? Your added value A more detailed fault diagnosis is usually associated with the use of special hardware. When using third-party data, on the other hand, no hardware is necessary to improve your own fault diagnostics. Real-time fault diagnostics No or very low costs Independent diagnostic system through the use of a third-party system Creation of added value for both parties through the mutual exchange of data Our offer For operators of electrical distribution networks: Live detection of low-voltage network failures caused by failed telecom equipment. Telecom equipment reports end of power grid failure Are customers’ connections also supplied again after the fault has been rectified? Better customer service through improved situational awareness For operators of telecom networks: Live information on customers’ and own systems affected by the power blackout Live information on the end of the medium-voltage/high-voltage failures No fault diagnostics necessary during power outages Contact us for your customised package!

  • Erfolgsstory: Smart Technology Keeps the 55+ Generation Fit

    […] want to go to the fitness center but want to train independently and healthily at home? Solution Austrian research institutions and companies developed “Fit mit ILSE”, an innovative, technology-based and sport-science-based exercise program for at home and on the go. With a combination of personal support and new technologies, the 55+ generation can maintain or improve their fitness. ILSE was specially developed for people who do not want to go to a fitness center, but want to practice independently at home and still value professional support. A personal coach developed an individual exercise program for each fitness level of the participants. With the help of a tablet and their own television, people were able to practice independently at home. With the help of a 3D camera connected to a TV set, users could check for themselves whether they were performing the movements correctly. For example, the 3D camera alerted you if you were not […]

  • Erfolgsstory: Broadband Monitoring: Comprehensive Performance Analyis for Communication Networks

    […] measuring devices measured the quality of the mobile data connections in a centrally coordinated manner while driving. The measurement results were collected centrally, merged into a geographical visualization, and incorporated into SAGIS as an additional internal visualization layer. Salzburg Research operates the measurement system based on the measurement and test software MINER. This enables us to assign and manage the measurement points in a centrally coordinated manner and visualize the measurement results. Benefit The measurements provided reliable, valid data to identify areas with poor network coverage. The state of Salzburg thus has a constantly growing database with over 10 million measurements on over 100,000 kilometers traveled. In the event of complaints from citizens, their subjective perception can now be compared with valid measurement data. This database enables targeted measures for network expansion to be argued with the network operators. This closes supply gaps and, for example, optimizes work in the home office. In the […]

  • Erfolgsstory: Does the Communication Network Support my Application? Successful Troubleshooting in Digital Systems

    Troubleshooting a time-critical one-to-many push voice service. Salzburg Research simulated the service with virtual measuring points and measured the connection. In this way, the error could be identified and rectified quickly. An Austrian company developed a time-critical one-to-many push voice service.At an international financial service provider, unlike other customers, the voice clients repeatedly had inexplicable dropouts.Salzburg Research simulated the service with virtual measuring points and measured the connection.In this way, the error could be identified and rectified quickly. Challenge An Austrian company developed a time-critical one-to-many push voice service. This service is used by numerous companies around the world. For example, in a highly secure environment for an international financial service provider. In this environment, unlike other customers, the voice clients repeatedly had inexplicable dropouts. Neither the company, the financial service provider nor the provider of the communication infrastructure were able to identify the reason for the malfunctions. Since the financial service provider could […]

  • Post: Maker Days for Kids: Award for Media Education Projects

    […] and the Technical University of Graz. The project, together with seven other outstanding media pedagogic projects, was able to win over 200 applications. Four girls from Reichenhall – Anna, Elisa, Klara and Magda – were peer tutors in the project and were allowed to receive the award at the Cottbus Stadthausbühne. The Maker Days for Kids was a four-day, open, creative and digital workshop for children between 10 and 14 years. 160 young visitors were given free materials and tools. (Peer) tutors, challenges, short workshops and self-learning materials supported the free digital tinkering and creative inventionsof the participants. In addition to the media-pedagogical conceptual design and implementation, the extensive and cross-border cooperation between institutions and individuals in this model project was particularly appreciated. Due to the success and the great demand at these Maker Days for Kids in Bad Reichenhall, Salzburg Research has brought the Maker Days together with the Verein Spektrum and the […]

  • Event: DOIT Conference: Making Social Innovators (Online)

    European conference on innovation education in makerspaces European conference on innovation education in makerspaces: The new innovation society poses new challenges for educational practice, research and politics: exchange of experience and strategies for the development of social and entrepreneurial innovation skills as well as digital innovation methods. Interdisciplinary symposium of the EU project DOIT.  Participation free of charge. Registration required. September 24, 2020, 9.00 to 15.00 Online Innovation education for the youth in open workshops and makerspaces. Our teaching and learning is changing in today’s innovation society and raises new questions for educational practice, research and politics. How can children and young people develop social, ecological and entrepreneurial innovation skills for shaping their future? What knowledge and which methods support teachers and learning guides so that the new generation can develop and experience their creative potential, their curiosity and their commitment in their own innovation project? How are open workshops and maker spaces suitable […]