• Publikation: Transformer based 3D semantic segmentation of urban bicycle infrastructure

    This work investigates Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation (PCSS) to detect bicycle paths from 3D point cloud data of bicycle-mounted LiDARs. For the task of PCSS, an existing Convolutional Neural Network architecture (CNN) is first pre-trained on the Semantic KITTI data set, an important data set for PCSS in LiDAR scans of driving situations. Furthermore, a new, semantically-labelled 3D LiDAR data set, the Salzburg Bicycle LiDAR Data Set (SBLD), is presented, which consists of 16,008 point clouds recorded by a ROS2-enabled sensor bicycle with five 3D LiDARs covering every direction. After fine-tuning the CNN on the SBLD train set, the segmentation performance is evaluated on the SBLD test set. The CNN shows promising results in recognising bike paths, vegetation, terrain and buildings in the SBLD. To further push the segmentation performance, the existing CNN is enhanced with self-attention blocks. The evaluation of this enhanced architecture shows a performance gain of 2.79% points compared to the […]

  • Post: Winter service tests more climate-neutral fuel

    […] with this alternative fuel. HVOs (Hydotreated Vegetable Oils) are synthetically produced fuels exclusively from renewable raw materials – mainly from food residues such as old frying oil. The fuel has the same effect as conventional diesel, but emits considerably fewer pollutants: CO2 emissions are said to be reduced by up to 94 percent, particulate matter emissions by up to 33 percent and carbon monoxide by up to 24 percent. Only the carbon dioxide that was already bo und in the raw material is released into the atmosphere. Despite three percent higher consumption values, it is expected to save 45 tonnes of carbon dioxide this winter. Mission: Scientific monitoring of the pilot project Salzburg Research, in cooperation with Graz University of Technology and Consilio Information Management GmbH, was commissioned to provide scientific support for this pilot test. The aim is to ensure that HVO fuel is suitable for the requirements of weather service on federal […]

  • Post: Improved energy balance of data centers

    Salzburg Research, together with partners, is improving the energy balance of data centers, AI applications, and distributed systems by optimally placing services and applications in the edge cloud continuum. In distributed cyber-physical systems, there is a strict distinction between edge and cloud: data acquisition takes place at the outer edges of the system (edge), while processing takes place in central data centers with high and efficient processing capacity (cloud). However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that application- and resource-dependent data processing, along with the entire processing and transportation chain on the edge-cloud continuum, can be useful. Typically, performance criteria, such as computing performance or communication latency, are used to place an application on the edge-cloud continuum. So far, the aspect of sustainability has been neglected. For this reason, the ESCADE consortium is developing suitable models and solutions that enable the intelligent and, if possible, automated placement of software services and applications in a “computing […]

  • Post: DyMoN Summer School: Registration is open

    The Department of Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, together with the DyMoN project consortium, are organizing a summer school from June 27th to July 6th, 2023. The Summer School is going to take place in Salzburg, Austria and is organized as an on-site event. The summer school is planned as part of the DyMoN project, which revolves around the development of innovative ways to promote sustainable mobility. The Summer School’s outcomes will inform future research activities within and beyond this international research project. The application deadline is March 15th, 2023. We advise for early registration using the application form. Focus of the Summer School The key focus of the Summer School is on interdisciplinary methods that support the design, planning, and evaluation of strategies directed at promoting sustainable mobility. Mobility behavior of people is the result of a complex interplay between internal and external factors, which can hardly be captured within […]

  • Publikation: Update 1|23

    INHALTE Ermüdung erkennen: Wenn der Ski zur Hüttenpause rät Der Digibus® ist wieder unterwegs Innovations-Support für Tourismus, Sport und Freizeit Stupser für mehr nachhaltige Mobilität Winterdienst testet klimafreundlicheren Treibstoff Intelligentes Energiemanagement

  • Publikation: Update 3|23

    INHALTE IdeaSpace: Ideen für die Herausforderungen von morgen Nachhaltig pendeln: Mit digitalen Daten Radkorridore verbessern Mit KI Schlaflabore entlasten Summer School: Ideen für die Mobilitätswende C-ITS: Mehr Sicherheit für Einsatzfahrzeuge KI und digitale Produktpässe im Recycling

  • Post: Urban C-ITS Contest Award: Salzburg is forerunner

    With the Urban C-ITS Contest, the C-ITS implementations of European cities and regions with the respective characterisation of their systems and architectures were presented and honoured in Porto (Portugal) in autumn 2023. 21 cities from ten member states submitted their applications – proof of the growing interest of European municipalities in the introduction of C-ITS. The jury honoured eleven European cities. Salzburg received the award as a forerunner in the integration of city and surro unding area. Karl Rehrl from Salzburg Research accepted the award in Porto on behalf of the province of Salzburg. The award ceremony was a significant milestone for urban and regional development and intelligent transport, as it recognised the efforts of the cities in implementing a remarkable level of development. The representatives of the winning cities and regions also had the opportunity to present their C-ITS visions and thus contribute to the further progress of EU-wide urban C-ITS. C-ITS: Improving […]

  • Publikation: WORKPAD: an Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency/Disaster Scenarios

    The system presented in the paper is the main result of an on-going European research project WORKPAD (IST-2005-5-034749) that aims at building and developing an innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services, etc.) for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency/disaster scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate each other to reach a common goal, each team member is equipped with handheld devices (PDAs) and communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. In such a way we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process (macro-process), and the different teams (of the different organizations) collaborate through the interleaving of all the different processes. The idea is to investigate a 2-level framework for such scenarios: a back-end peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services requiring high computational power, data-knowledge-content integration, and a set of front-end peer-to-peer communities, that provide services to human workers, mainly by adaptively enacting processes […]

  • Post: Artificial intelligence lets bicycles “see”

    […] equipped with a range of sensors, including GPS, several inertial measurement units, 2D cameras, and five LiDAR sensors. Each LiDAR sensor on the bike faces a different direction to capture a full 360-degree view of the bicycle’s surroundings. With the LiDAR sensors mounted on the research bike, the surroundings of the bike were recorded ten times per second and displayed in three dimensions by means of high-frequency laser distance measurements in the form of a so-called point cloud consisting of 240,000 points. Using artificial intelligence trained specifically for this purpose, each point is then assigned to a specific class, for example, “street,” “vegetation,” or “building.” With regards to the maintenance of cycle paths, for example, all associated points could first be extracted, and, in the next step, a model of the surface of could be created Seen in the picture: Hellbrunner Allee with dirt road: LiDAR point cloud assigned by the AI The collected […]

  • Publikation: A Context-sensitive Infrastructure for Coordinating Agents in Ubiquitous Environments
  • Publikation: The EFPF approach to manufacturing applications across Edge-Cloud

    AbstractManufacturing as a Service (MaaS) refers to a set of tools and processes that can assist the shared use of networked production facilities. In the core of this paradigm is a vision where manufacturing environments shall profit from an online set of tools and services that can be tailored to the requirements coming from the different manufacturers, thus reaching a higher degree of flexibility, and an increase in production efficiency.In the context of MaaS, the Horizon 2020 European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing (EFPF) provides an operational instantiation of a large-scale MaaS across Europe, integrating a diverse set of services such as data analytics, factory connectors, and an interoperable Data Spine to proportionate a high level of automation across different shop-floors.This chapter explains the EFPF MaaS concept, going over its architectural design, and giving insight into how developers and SMEs can profit from the EFPF open-source SDK to generate new products, and how these […]

  • Publikation: Federated Identity Management and Interoperability for Heterogeneous Cloud Platform Ecosystems

    Online: https://doi.org/10.1145/3339252.3341492

  • Publikation: Wissensbilanz 2021 | 22

    From Data to Value: Salzburg Research blickt trotz anhaltend vieler Herausforderungen auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2021. Mit dem Fokus „Motion Data Intelligence“ und den drei Schwerpunktfeldern „Health & Sports“, „Smart Region & Mobility“ sowie „Industry & Infrastructure“ hatten wir passendes Know-how parat, um die digitale Transformation und nachhaltige Themen gut bedienen zu können. Insgesamt 64 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern waren im Jahr 2021 im Team. Einen besonderen Fokus haben wir auf Gender und Diversity gelegt und zeigen erstmals Zahlen dazu im Detail. Wir erwirtschafteten 2021 eine Betriebsleistung von rund 5,5 Millionen Euro. Wir arbeiteten in 62 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten. Deutlichen Zuwachs verzeichneten wir bei direkten Beauftragungen und Forschungsaktivitäten mit finanzieller Beteiligung von Unternehmen. 2021 forschten und arbeiteten wir für und mit insgesamt 257 Organisationen, darunter 134 Unternehmen aus dem In- und Ausland. Aus unserer Forschungsarbeit entstanden 38 Publikationen in peer-reviewten Medien, darunter 17 Journal Papers und ebenfalls 17 Beiträge in Conference Proceedings. 9 unserer Forscher:innen […]

  • Post: Please Vote: Bicycle Quality Nominated For The VCÖ Mobility Award

    […] and ideas were submitted in 2020 and evaluated by a jury of 60 experts. Our “Bike Quality” service was also nominated among the top 5 in the “Digitization” category. The VCÖ Mobility Prize 2020 is now entering the final evaluation phase, the online audience voting. We ask for your vote for “Bike Quality“: VCÖ Mobility Award Online Voting – Category Digitization The public voting runs until Monday, July 27, 2020. Bike Quality: A Close Look at Bike Infrastructure For environmental protection and sustainability, the bicycle is the best means of transport for short to medium distances. However, in order to increase the bicycle traffic share and to contribute to the achievement of climate goals, targeted measures are required to expand and improve the existing bicycle infrastructure. The better and safer the bicycle infrastructure, the more it is used. With “Bike Quality”, Salzburg Research uses digital technologies to identify the areas with the greatest need […]

  • Publikation: METOKIS – Towards a Seamless Content and Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure.

    ABSTRACT: The building of interoperable knowledge based multimedia information systems requires a dialog between those research communities that make advances in content classification through e.g. image analysis, those working on standardisation of multimedia meta data, e.g. the MPEG community and those working on advanced knowledge-based end user applications that can feed and use the emerging Semantic Web. We present the working hypothesis of a new European research project which aims at developing a seamless exchange infrastructure between different data, knowledge and content management architectures and applications. The ultimate goal of the research is to demonstrate ways in which distributed information systems can manipulate complex information objects at a level of abstraction which is close to a conceptual model as it would be used by humans. We illustrate the motivation for the research and present the building blocks of the overall system whose status is work in progress.

  • Publikation: The OFSE-Grid: A Highly Available and Fault Tolerant Communication Infrastructure based on Openflow


  • Post: 5G Exploration Space Salzburg

    The 5th generation of mobile communications (5G) is a very promising technology. But are the promised properties even achieved? A 5G research infrastructure for testing applications and products is starting in Salzburg. The 5th generation of mobile communications (5G) is a very promising technology. But how can the added value of the new technology actually be used? And are the promised properties even achieved? In Salzburg, under the direction of Salzburg Research, a 5G research infrastructure is being created that can be used by science and companies to test applications and products. The fifth generation of mobile communications not only promises top data rates of up to 10 gigabits per second, but above all extremely low latency times, high availability, high reliability and high energy efficiency. In addition, each 5G radio cell can serve significantly more devices than older standards. Despite these attractive properties, 5G is not an “all-encompassing” network because, on the one […]

  • Post: How Secure are (Bicycle) Infrastructures?

    Salzburg Research investigated various methods, bicycle safety and comfort in road traffic can be reliably and meaningfully recorded and assessed with. How safe and comfortable are (bicycle) infrastructures? Ana how can they be assessed objectively? Salzburg Research investigated various methods, bicycle safety and comfort in road traffic can be reliably and meaningfully recorded and assessed with. Together with partners, Salzburg Research has tested various methods under real conditions, which can be used to identify problematic places in the infrastructure in the future. 24 voluntary cyclists in Vienna and Salzburg have recorded their cycling routes every day with different tools. The recording of the movement data took place with the smartphone, which detected the GPS position, acceleration, steering direction and inclination. With a helmet camera videos from the perspective of the cyclist were recorded. The time data recorded with the smartphone were analysed using specially developed algorithms. As a result, strong impacts and unevenness as […]

  • Publikation: Towards a Grid infrastructure for Services and Intelligent Content Objects
  • Publikation: Knowledge Content Objects and a Knowledge Content Carrier Infrastructure for ambient knowledge and media aware content systems