• Post: October 9, 2020: Long Night of Research DIGITAL

    In 2020, the Long Night of Research will take place digitally for the first time. Salzburg Research provides digital insights into current research.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher (m/f)

    To strengthen our team in the MOWi department, we are looking for a full-time researcher (m/f).

  • Event: WILL BE POSTPONED! 14th IoT Talks: „Security and Trust in the IoT”

    Concepts and application examples for creating trust and protecting data in the Internet of Things The 14th IoT Talks deal with concepts and solutions in the context of “ Security and Trust in the IoT”. A research report published by Microsoft in July 2019 (“IoT Signals”) showed, based on a survey of 3,000 companies, that 97 % of all respondents have security concerns when implementing IoT projects. However, the acceptance of the technology remains unaffected. So what can be done to ensure trust in the security and protection of the Internet of Things? October 1, 2019, from 6 pm This event will be postponed to 2021 due to current developments. Science City Itzling Techno-Z Salzburg – Event Center (“Veranstaltungszentrum”) Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg We are pleased that we were able to win KAPSCH BusinessCom as a sponsor for the 14th IoT Talks – thank you very much for your support! PROCEDURE Doors open at […]

  • Post: Hate on the Net – What to do Against Hate Speech and Mobbing Online?

    Public discussion with experts on how to deal with the hate in the network.

  • Publikation: Bicycle Observatory – eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität

    Trotz der wachsenden Bedeutung des Radverkehrs in städtischen Mobilitätssystemen und einem zum Teil bedeutenden Anteil am Gesamtverkehrsaufkommen, sind zahlreiche Aspekte der Fahrradmobilität nach wie vor unbekannt. Konzepte und Methoden der Geoinformatik halten Möglichkeiten zur ganzheitlichen Untersuchung der Fahrradmobilität bereit. Die Idee eines Geographischen Informationsobservatoriums (GIO) birgt das Potenzial für ein besseres systemisches Verständnis der Fahrradmobilität und daraus abgeleitete, neue Erkenntnisse. Im Projekt Bicycle Observatory – Am Puls des Radverkehrs wird unter anderem erforscht, inwieweit eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität umsetzbar ist und welcher Informationsgewinn daraus erwartet werden kann.

  • Post: Rating the Performance of Mobile Networks

    What is the actual performance of mobile networks? Salzburg Research has developed a test system.

  • Publikation: A model to estimate and interpret the energy-efficiency of movement patterns in urban road traffic
  • Post: New Record at the Charity Challenge 2020

    Almost twice around the globe or a little less than 2,000 marathon distances: that’s the total distance that 450 participants from ten Salzburg companies took under their running shoes in this year’s Charity Challenge in three months.

  • Post: We assign an internship in the field of system set-up and evaluation

    To strengthen our team in the Mobile and Web-based Information System (MOWI) department, we are now looking for a full-time scientific assistant.

  • Post: Master Thesis: Continuous and periodic data processing of large scale traffic datasets

    Field of study: Computer Science | Duration: 6 months Advertisement as PDF The Mobility & Transport Analytics research group of Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft processes huge amounts of GNSS position data from vehicles to derive traffic parameters such as speed values or travel times referenced on Austrians official transport graph called the Graph Integration Platform (GIP). Travel times are further stored and aggregated to traffic statistics. The process involves several batch jobs for daily data generation, periodical export into a central data storage and finally the data processing task calculating the data sets on the GIP data model for the relevant time period using the cluster processing framework Apache Spark. During the last years, stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink gained a large momentum. This thesis aims at an evaluation, if the existing process could be optimized or even replaced using patterns, tools, and frameworks from the stream processing domain instead of the currently used cluster […]

  • Projekt: Vienna-SPIRIT – Intelligent Transport Planning

    A real-time travel information system eases the change to public transport

  • Post: Forum invent: Patent and trademark protection made easy

    The series of events on intellectual property and patents came to Salzburg for the first time.For the first time, Salzburg Research hosted “forum invent” on 18 October 2017 and brought the series of events aro und patent protection and intellectual property to Salzburg. The forum invent is a compact information and discussion platform on the subject of intellectual property and patents. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Austria, this is a valuable aid for all questions concerning the protection of intellectual property. The Bohmann publishing house and the trade magazine “invent – the magazine for intellectual property” organizes this series of events since 2014. Which patent and brand protection do I lead my product to success with? How do I protect my intellectual property in national and international competition? Which partners and funding are there for patents, trademarks and intellectual property? High-profile lecturers from the field gave answers to these and other […]

  • Post: Survey: Maker(spaces) and Corporate Innovation Management

    Invitation to participate in a scientific survey on the cooperation of makers (spaces) and corporate innovation management

  • Publikation: Which Aggregation Fits Best?

    Aggregation of sparse probe vehicle data (PVD) is a crucial issue in travel time reliability (TTR) analysis. This study, therefore, examines the effect of temporal and spatial aggregation of sparse PVD on the results of a linear regression analysis where two different measures of TTR are analyzed as the dependent variable. Our results show that by aggregating the data to longer time intervals and coarser spatial units the linear model can explain a higher proportion of the variance in TTR. Furthermore, we find that the effects of road design characteristics in particular depend on the variable used to represent TTR. We conclude that the temporal and spatial aggregation of sparse PVD affects the results of linear regression explaining TTR.

  • Post: DOIT: Youth as Social Entrepreneurs

    The European research project DOIT under the direction of Salzburg Research aims to inspire children and young people between the ages of six and 16 to tackle social problems.

  • Publikation: Supporting Road Maintenance with In-Vehicle Data – Results from a Field Trial on Road Surface Condition Monitoring
  • Post: Digital Assistance and Collaborative Robotics

    […] received the Best Paper Award at the 2020 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) in August. In his practical lecture, Stefan Thalhuber (Fronius International GmbH) provided insights into manufacturing in the age of digitization and automation. Die Vortragenden (v.l.n.r.): Wernher Behrendt (Salzburg Research), Stefan Thalhuber (Fronius), Rolf Sint (Swarovski), Michael Zillich (Blue Danube Robotics), Alexander Numrich (GMAR), Felix Strohmeier (Salzburg Research), Matthias Plasch (Profactor) Alexander Numerich (GMAR) presented the Robotics Initiative Austria in the second part of the event. In another R&D lecture, Matthias Plasch (PROFACTOR) showed event-based knowledge engineering for the intuitive programming of assistant systems in assembly. Finally, Rolf Sint (D. Swarovski KG) reported on the use of machine learning at Swarovski using Image Recognition @ Swarovski. Moderation: Felix Strohmeier, Salzburg Research Die Nachmittagsveranstaltung fand hybrid sowohl vor Ort mit strengen Covid-19-Auflagen wie auch digital statt. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei allen Vortragenden wie auch Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern.

  • Post: Master Thesis: Generalized Consumption Model for Predicting the Energy Demand of Battery-Electric Buses

    Field of study: Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science | Duration: 6 months Advertisement as PDF The Mobility & Transport Analytics research group of Salzburg Research is working on a prediction model for the energy demand of battery-electric buses (BEB) in public transportation service within the OptiChargE project. The model builds on operational and movement data of the BEBs, weather data, topology and road network information, and energy consumption data from the operation of seven BEBs on two bus routes in Salzburg. The energy demand prediction will be part of an all-in-one software solution for optimising vehicle and charging schedules with respect to charging capacities and electricity pricing while ensuring a reliable public transport service. The scope of this thesis is to develop and evaluate a generalized energy demand model for public transport BEBs that is able to predict the energy demand for arbitrary bus routes where no consumption data is available yet. This will enable […]

  • Projekt: SNML-UICGMD – User Interface Concepts for Georeferenced Multimedia Data

    Methodology for geographic discovery of a digital content stored in a digital library.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher

    For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the department IoT we are looking for a Researcher  in part-time or full-time