• Post: Making Meets Innovation: New Distancing Tools for Pandemic Prevention

    COVID-19 shows that maintaining physical distance is important. We are looking for ideas, prototypes or solutions to support the keeping of distance socially accepted and effective.

  • Erfolgsstory: Does the Software Keep what it Promises? Independent Stress Test for Complex Requirements

    Decision support before purchasing new software: Realistic simulation and measurement of how the software copes with the expected load and what effects the application has on the network infrastructure. Salzburg Research answered important questions for an international logistics service provider before purchasing new software for handling global air and sea freight.With the help of a complex test, real servers were loaded with any number of virtual clients and accesses.This made it possible to realistically simulate and measure how the software copes with the expected load and what effects the application has on the network infrastructure. Challenge An international logistics service provider is investing in new software for handling global air and sea freight. However, it is unclear whether the shortlisted software will cope with the expected load and what effects the new application will have on the network infrastructure. Over a thousand users in thirty different countries around the world will work with the […]

  • Publikation: Collecting Floating Car Data with Smartphones: Results from a Field Trial in Austria.
  • Post: Operating data acquisition in winter road maintenance

    […] to provide technical and content-related support for the procurement on the basis of a previous consultancy service for the province of Salzburg. This included a detailed analysis of the requirements, technical and content-related expertise throughout the entire procurement process in close cooperation with the procurement lawyers, as well as support in the implementation. monitoring of the implementation. With the independent technical and content-related expertise of Salzburg Research, the province of Styria was able to make a well-fo unded decision in the award procedure. – Franz Zenz, Head of Road Maintenance Service, Province of Styria Thus, in accordance with the best bidder principle, a contractor was awarded the contract who – as we are now convinced – will implement the project in a high quality and professional manner. It is very pleasing that the Regional Administrative Court also confirmed the substantive argumentation in a review procedure and judged the award procedure to be correct. Franz […]

  • Post: Christian Doppler knowledge platform

    175 years ago the Salzburg scientist, Christian Doppler, published a ground-breaking discovery: the Doppler effect. To this day, it is the basis for numerous fields of application and Nobel Prize.

  • Post: SWAIG: The Heated Fascia Roll With Effect

    […] with the comfort and positive qualities of massage and heat therapy. The device is designed for the simple and efficient treatment of tension, for the relief of pain and non-inflammatory diseases, as a prevention of injuries and as an enrichment of various sports training for warming up and regeneration. In the future, the heatable fascia roll should not only be used by sporty and active people in the private sector, but also be used and distributed in professional physiotherapeutic practices.   The Project Labs4SMEs The project Labs.4.SMEs (http://www.labs4smes.eu, 2016 – 2019) promoted in the Interreg Italisa-Austria aims to strengthen cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and labs in order to improve the innovation process to be more efficient, cheaper and faster in business. In addition to the realization of a web platform “ExploreInnoSpaces” (https://www.exploreinnospaces.eu), which serves as a meeting place for the virtual interaction between the labs and companies, a project idea competition […]

  • Publikation: Sparse Data Traffic Speed Prediction on a Road Network With Varying Speed Levels

    Most works on graph neural networks (GNNs) for traffic speed prediction assume near-complete data and little variance of base speed levels. However, both assumptions do not necessarily hold true for network-wide probe vehicle data (PVD). Therefore, we applied two state-of-the-art GNNs to sparse PVD from a road network with highly varying speed levels and to dense motorway data for comparison. We introduce two methods to adapt preexisting GNNs for improved prediction performance: normalization of speed values with respect to the base speed levels of different roads led to significant improvements of prediction performance on both datasets. Using the number of observations supporting each speed value as an additional input feature can improve prediction performance. Furthermore, we identified characteristics of data and models encouraging the use of either method. As no fitting dataset to evaluate these approaches was found, a novel dataset derived from PVD is introduced. It features sparse speed values and underlying numbers of […]

  • Post: Feasibility Study: Textbooks as Open Educational Resources (OER)

    Are the textbooks of the future freely accessible to all? A study on OER textbooks in Austria shows the opportunities and risks of changing the system.

  • Post: Against Each Other for Togetherness: Charity Challenge 2020

    Salzburg Research is running again this year for a good cause and challenges Findologic to a “duel”.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher Communication Technologies

    In order to strengthen our team in the long term, we are now looking for a researcher in communication technology, part-time or full-time.

  • Publikation: Towards a Qualitative Assessment of Changes in Geographic Vector Datasets.
  • Post: Data-based analyses in public transport

    Salzburg Research is regularly commissioned to analyse real travel time losses in local public transport. With an objective detailed evaluation as a data basis, transport planners can optimise the route network plan.

  • Post: SMEs: Labs support technological innovation

    New Interreg project Labs.4.SMEs promotes the collaboration of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with labs (fablabs, digital labs, etc.).

  • Publikation: Eine Bestimmung der Oberflächenqualität von Fahrradinfrastruktur durch Smartphone-Beschleunigungsdaten mithilfe des k-means++-Algorithmus

    Die Bereitstellung einer gut instandgehaltenen Fahrradinfrastruktur wirkt sich positiv auf den Fahrkomfort sowie die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr aus und schafft die Voraussetzung, dass dieses als Alternative zum motorisierten Individualverkehr oder zum öffentlichen Verkehr angenommen wird. In dieser Studie wird mit Daten aus Smartphone-Beschleunigungssensoren und mithilfe eines k-means++-Algorithmus ein Clusterverfahren angewandt, um die Qualität von Fahrbahnabschnitten festzustellen. Dieses ist einfach und kostengünstig auf großflächige Radinfrastrukturen anwendbar und zeigt in einer Fallstudie für die Stadt Salzburg, dass schlecht befahrbare Fahrbahnabschnitte gut lokalisiert und infolge gezielt instandgehalten werden können.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher (m/f) – 5G communication

    For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the ANC department, we are now looking for a partial / full researcher (m/f) – 5G communication.

  • Post: „New Timber Paths“: These Innovations For The Salzburg Timber Industry Have Won

    […] an expert jury in terms of originality, feasibility, usefulness and scope of ideas and sustainability. The three most active community members were also selected. Details on the individual ideas are available on the ideas platform ideen.openinnovation-salzburg.at. At the next stakeholder meeting, the Online Open Innovation Afternoontalk on June 24, 2020, the winners will present their submissions from 4 p.m. and share their experiences with the audience. Die Gewinner/-innen des Holz-Wettbewerbs Verleihung des ersten Platzes an Michael Tschaller und Matej Maryska, die „Urlaub im HOLZ“ entwickelt haben durch Rudolf Rosenstatter Participate Now: „Innogebirg Pongau“ Until 18 June you can take part in the “Innogebirg Pongau” ideas competition on the crowdsourcing platform www.openinnovation-salzburg.at. We are looking for ideas on how ot open innovation culture and processes in terms of Open Innovation in Pongau and how to create a collaborative, innovation-promoting environment for new ideas and solutions. Behind the Open Innovation Salzburg platform is a consortium of […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Accountant

    In order to strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a part-timer (25 hours per week) as an accountant.

  • Post: Call for Makers: Erste Mini Maker Faire

    […] workshops and catering are also offered. We cordially invite all makers and creators to present their projects and ideas. For the Minibaker Faire Salzburg, we are looking for exhibitors from the following sectors: 3D Printing ∙ Crafting/Handwork ∙ Wearables ∙ Electronics & IoT ∙ Recycling/Upcycling ∙ Arduino, Raspberry Pi & Co. Quadrocopter ∙ Robots ∙ Crafts ∙ Model Making ∙ Science & Research ∙ Mobility & Bicycle ∙ Music Show Your Project! Whether you’re a hobby, a professional or a researcher, whether you’re at Makerspace/happylab, at home or at school/university – you’ll find a large audience at the Mini Maker Faire Salzburg. The participation is free, standard equipment is provided and you benefit from the wide application and the PR measures of the Mini Maker Faire Salzburg. If you would like tob e present with a stand and/or a workshop, please register online at www.makerdays.at/call-for-makers by 10 March! The first Mini Maker Faire Salzburg […]

  • Publikation: Bicycle Observatory – eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität

    Trotz der wachsenden Bedeutung des Radverkehrs in städtischen Mobilitätssystemen und einem zum Teil bedeutenden Anteil am Gesamtverkehrsaufkommen, sind zahlreiche Aspekte der Fahrradmobilität nach wie vor unbekannt. Konzepte und Methoden der Geoinformatik halten Möglichkeiten zur ganzheitlichen Untersuchung der Fahrradmobilität bereit. Die Idee eines Geographischen Informationsobservatoriums (GIO) birgt das Potenzial für ein besseres systemisches Verständnis der Fahrradmobilität und daraus abgeleitete, neue Erkenntnisse. Im Projekt Bicycle Observatory – Am Puls des Radverkehrs wird unter anderem erforscht, inwieweit eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität umsetzbar ist und welcher Informationsgewinn daraus erwartet werden kann.

  • Post: Survey: AAL Vision 2025

    Survey on the development of a vision for Active and Assisted Living (AAL)/age-appropriate assistance systems in Austria by 2025.