• Event: Report: Presentation and Panel Discussion: “Does Austria need Infrastructural Politics of Knowledge?”

    Salzburg Research and the Austrian Fe deral Economic Chamber in Salzburg presented the study “Österreichs Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft” containing six recommendations by the New Club of Paris. The New Club of Paris is the agenda developer for the Knowledge Economy. The Club’s main objective is to create awareness on what the knowledge society is and will be, and also support nations, regions, cities, communities organizations and companies in their transformation into the Knowledge Economy. The club’s General Secretary, Günter Koch, presented the study „Österreichs Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft“ with six tangible recommendations. Erhard Busek, Gabriele Leibetseder, Siegfried Reich, Günter Koch The following debaters participated in the panel discussion: Erhard Busek (rector University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, retired vice-chancellor of Austria) Siegfried Reich (CEO Salzburg Research) Gabriele Leibetseder (Marketing and Technik Isocell) Podiumsdiskussion_Wissenspolitik_2011-04-05 Erhard Busek (Rektor der FH Salzburg, Vizekanzler a.D.), Gabriele Leibetseder (Isocell), Siegfried Reich (GF Salzburg Research), Günter Koch (Generalsekretär des Club […]

  • Projekt: 5G-AI-MLab

    Digitisation in the areas of Industry 4.0 and autonomous driving is rapidly gaining in importance. Wireless communication networks form the necessary basis for this. Since their performance cannot be measured at all place and at all times, it will be necessary to predict performance.

  • Post: Digitization in Salzburg

    […] not only one of the most beautiful places to live, but also a concentrated future competence: the economy, research and education are well prepared for a world with increasing digital possibilities and related questions. This was demonstrated by Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer as well as representatives from the three areas at the Salzburg Science and Innovation Meeting on digital Salzburg in the Alpbach technology talks. Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz werden die Initiativen des Landes Salzburg zum Thema Innovation und Digitalisierung vorgestellt. Im Bild von links: Siegfried Reich (Salzburg Research), Marianne Kosejko (SIGAMTEK), Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer, Arne Bathke (Uni Salzburg), Dominik Engel (FH Salzburg) Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz werden die Initiativen des Landes Salzburg zum Thema Innovation und Digitalisierung vorgestellt. Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz werden die Initiativen des Landes Salzburg zum Thema Innovation und Digitalisierung vorgestellt. Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz werden die Initiativen des Landes Salzburg zum Thema Innovation und Digitalisierung vorgestellt. Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz […]

  • Post: Our Availability

    Information for our customers and partners about our availability within the scope of the COVID-19 measures.

  • Publikation: Sensor Interoperability for Disaster Management
  • Publikation: Perceptions and attitudes of bicyclists towards self-driving cars: a mixed methods approach

    Efforts to advance Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have taken on a central role in research and development in recent years and will have a significant influence on road traffic in the future. Research on AVs has mainly focused on the technology itself and the direct users of AVs and their acceptance. However, the role of bicyclists, interacting with AVs in traffic, is not yet researched as thoroughly. Using a mixed methods approach, we combine quantitative results from a survey among bicyclists (N = 889) and qualitative results from a focus group (N = 19) to give insights into bicyclists’ attitudes and expectations towards self-driving cars. The results showed that bicyclists’ affinity for technology is a significant predictor for both their trust and perceived safety towards self-driving cars, as well as an effect of age and gender on these variables. Both from the quantitative and qualitative results, it is clear that flawless functioning of the technology of […]

  • Post: Inclusive Tourism in the Alpine Region

    Tourism for everyone! People should be able to immerse themselves in nature regardless of environmental, physical and other hurdles.

  • Publikation: How Smooth is Your Ride?

    […] new method for objective bicycle vibration measurement,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 56, pp. 415-425, 2015. J. Gao, A. Sha, Y. Huang, L. Hu, Z. Tong and W. Jiang, “Evaluating the cycling comfort on urban roads based on cyclists’ perception of vibration,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 192, pp. 531-541, 2018. J. Y. M. Nuñez, D. R. Bisconsini and A. N. Rodrigues da Silva, “Combining environmental quality assessment of bicycle infrastructures with vertical acceleration measurements,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 137, pp. 447-458, 2020. S. Kranzinger and S. Leitinger, “Eine Bestimmung der Oberflächenqualität von Fahrradinfrastruktur durch Smartphone-Beschleunigungsdaten mithilfe des k-means++-Algorithmus,” AGIT ‒ Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, pp. 104-116, 2021. K. Zang, J. Shen, H. Huang, M. Wan and J. Shi, “Assessing and Mapping of Road Surface Roughness based on GPS and Accelerometer Sensors on Bicycle-Mounted Smartphones,” Sensors, vol. 18, 2018. G. W. Corder, Nonparametric Statistics, Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014.

  • Post: Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung): Children’s Program + Public Transportat Ticket

    On April 13, 2018, the motto is: Stay awake!! In cooperation with HTL Salzburg and 32 Young Engineers Austria, we have also prepared a lot for children:

  • Publikation: Trustworthy IoT Lifecycle Data Management for the Automotive Industry and Manufacturing

    IoT Lifecycle Management is a part of the Trustworthy IoT for CPS (IoT4CPS) project and explores the current state of technology progress for data acquisition and management along the entire IoT- and CPS-based product lifecycle in the Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) sector. We report on the definition of extended data models and data analysis methods and the design of tools that follow recent initiatives, standards and recommendations in this sector. The work also provides the implementation of a Digital Twin prototype that is designed to identify security and safety measures of CAM applications and correlate these measures with multi-tenancy features of smart vehicles along the product lifecycle. Apart from the security and safety features, the report explores privacy, trust and ethics of CAM applications, within complex environments of smart cities and smart factories.

  • Post: ICT Support for Depression in Old Age

    Report from the 8th e-Health Day: Using ICT technologies to identify early signs of depression in the elderly and assist older people with depressive episodes through personalized, age-appropriate interventions.

  • Post: Management Extended for Another Five Years

    Salzburg Research will be managed by Siegfried Reich for another five years.

  • Publikation: Sparse Data Traffic Speed Prediction on a Road Network With Varying Speed Levels

    Most works on graph neural networks (GNNs) for traffic speed prediction assume near-complete data and little variance of base speed levels. However, both assumptions do not necessarily hold true for network-wide probe vehicle data (PVD). Therefore, we applied two state-of-the-art GNNs to sparse PVD from a road network with highly varying speed levels and to dense motorway data for comparison. We introduce two methods to adapt preexisting GNNs for improved prediction performance: normalization of speed values with respect to the base speed levels of different roads led to significant improvements of prediction performance on both datasets. Using the number of observations supporting each speed value as an additional input feature can improve prediction performance. Furthermore, we identified characteristics of data and models encouraging the use of either method. As no fitting dataset to evaluate these approaches was found, a novel dataset derived from PVD is introduced. It features sparse speed values and underlying numbers of […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Webmaster

    We are looking for a long term reinforcement in part time (at least 15 hours / week):

  • Post: Maker Days Vol.2: Music Workshop

    Also the second afternoon of the Maker Days organized by Salzburg Research together with the association Spektrum at Stadt:Bibliothek was a complete success.

  • Post: Industry meets Makers #IMMgoesWest

    Industry meets Makers, an open innovation community building format, opens up new collaboration models between the top industry and the creative, young maker scene.

  • Post: Smart Summer: The Technology and IT Holiday Fun

    Three weeks, 90 young people and 15 companies – these are the ingredients for three exciting Technology and IT Holidays, the Smart Summer. Three weeks, 90 young people and 15 companies – these are the ingredients for three exciting Technology and IT Holidays, the Smart Summer. Salzburg Research and partners offer the girls and boys between 12 and 16 years the opportunity to be creative in workshops and sniff into technical professions. SmartSummer – Ferienspaß mit Technik und IT Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Smart Summer is an action of Salzburg Research together with the Federation of Industrialists Salzburg, the Chamber of Commerce, ITG, Salzburg University of Applied Science, Salzburg University and akzente Salzburg. Support comes from the province of Salzburg. Until August 4th, the […]

  • Post: Open Innovation Talk

    Open Innovation Salzburg: 151 ideas for a better coexistence of tourists and locals in the city of Salzburg were submitted – first results and experiences.

  • Publikation: Eine Bestimmung der Oberflächenqualität von Fahrradinfrastruktur durch Smartphone-Beschleunigungsdaten mithilfe des k-means++-Algorithmus

    Die Bereitstellung einer gut instandgehaltenen Fahrradinfrastruktur wirkt sich positiv auf den Fahrkomfort sowie die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr aus und schafft die Voraussetzung, dass dieses als Alternative zum motorisierten Individualverkehr oder zum öffentlichen Verkehr angenommen wird. In dieser Studie wird mit Daten aus Smartphone-Beschleunigungssensoren und mithilfe eines k-means++-Algorithmus ein Clusterverfahren angewandt, um die Qualität von Fahrbahnabschnitten festzustellen. Dieses ist einfach und kostengünstig auf großflächige Radinfrastrukturen anwendbar und zeigt in einer Fallstudie für die Stadt Salzburg, dass schlecht befahrbare Fahrbahnabschnitte gut lokalisiert und infolge gezielt instandgehalten werden können.

  • Post: Mobiles Breitband zuhause testen

    How powerful is your mobile broadband in your own home? A measuring system from Salzburg Research measures the performance. Rent for free.