• Publikation: Generation of Meaningful Location References for Referencing Traffic Information to Road Networks Using Qualitative Spatial Concepts.

    Location referencing systems (LRS) are a crucial requisite for referencing traffic information to a road network. In the past, several methods and standards for static or dynamic location referencing have been proposed. All of them support machine-interpretable location references but only some of them include human-interpretable concepts. If included, these references are based on pre-defined locations (e.g. as location catalogue) and often miss meaningful interlinking with road network models (e.g. locations being simply mapped to geographic coordinates). In a parallel research strand, ontological concepts for structuring road networks based on human conceptualizations of space have been proposed. So far, both methods have not been integrated. The current work closes this gap and proposes a generation process for meaningful location references on top of road networks based on qualitative spatial concepts. A prototypical implementation using OWL, Neo4J graph database and a standardized nationwide road network graph shows the practical applicability of the approach. Results indicate that […]

  • Post: Salzburg Innovation Scores at „2 Minuten 2 Millionen”

    After two years of development work – i.a. with the support of Salzburg Research – a young entrepreneur from Salzburg wins investors.

  • Event: Test Runs with the Digibus

    Salzburg Research always offers public test runs with the self-running minibus in Koppl – please enter!

  • Post: Innovation Challenge 2018 – Submit until 3rd July 2018!

    Submit innovation ideas until July 3, 2018 and win a LAB cooperation!

  • SRFG Team: _schwarz stefan
  • Post: Online Survey: Potential of Cycling Mobility Data

    Online survey on the current use and further potential of cycling data.

  • Publikation: Crowdsourcing bei Geo- und Reisedatenprojekten – was macht OpenStreetmap, Waze & Co so erfolgreich?

    Das Buch ist sowohl online auf Slideshare wie auch im Verlag Book on Demand erhältlich: http://www.slideshare.net/OTTM/ http://www.bod.de Die Möglichkeiten des Web 2.0 zur Mitgestaltung sowie die Verbreitung von GPS-Geräten und Smartphones führten in den letzten Jahren zu einer raschen Zunahme und Verbreitung von Geo- und Reisedatenprojekten. Als Vorbild für viele der Projekte und Unternehmen ist hier die freie Weltkarte „OpenStreetMap“ zu nennen: Durch das Mitwirken von tausenden Freiwilligen ist es gelungen, Kartenmaterial für viele Regionen der Welt zu erstellen und der Gemeinschaft zur freien Nutzung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Doch wie kann ein solcher Erfolg gelingen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurden fünf erfolgreiche Projekte bzw. Unternehmen in Fallstudien untersucht. Dabei wurden vor allem die gemeinschaftsbildenden Angebote analysiert, die es ermöglichen, große Zahlen von Mitmacher/innen zu motivieren, Reise- und Geodaten zu sammeln und der Gemeinschaft zur Verfügung zu stellen. Aus den Erfahrungen mit der freien Weltkarte OpenStreetMap, den Verkehrsinformationssystemen TomTom und Waze, der Navigationsanwendung […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher – eHealth

    For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the MOWI department, we are looking for a Researcher in part or full time – eHealth

  • Publikation: Evaluating GPS Sampling Rates for Pedestrian Assistant Systems
  • Post: Online MINT Week: Journey Into The Research World

    […] take advantage of. Calling up the individual offers: On May 20, you will find a link to every offer description on the Website www.mintlabs.at – you can use this link to dial in to the Webex platform (works without installation via the browser). MINT:labs Science City Itzling The interplay of university teaching, application-oriented research and technology-savvy startups makes Science City Itzling a dynamic research hub. The establishment of the MINT:labs strengthens the interdisciplinary collaboration and bundles the knowledge at the location. As many target groups as possible should benefit from these synergy effects. The departments chemistry and physics of materials, computer science, geoinformatics, mathematics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the School of Education at the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research are involved. Through exciting educational formats, the participants get to know the varied training opportunities in the Science City Itzling and discover new professional fields. The project is funded by the Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020 funding program. Interreg

  • Event: Save the Date: Digital life: Automated driving

    Salzburg Research organized as part of the event series “digital life” of the Platform Digital Salzburg a panel discussion entitled “Automated Driving – The Future of Mobility”.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher – applied innovation research

    To strengthen our team in the long term, we are now looking for a full-time researcher.

  • SRFG Team: _Zankl Cornelia
  • Post: Test Austria’s First Self-Propelled Vehicle

    […] The Digibus – Austria’s first self-propelled vehicle – on public roads rolls in Koppl. Salzburg Research is the first organization in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomatFahrV. Interested people can go along – without registration and without ticket. Simply experience autonomous driving: Public test runs: Monday, 22 May 2017, 13.30-16.00 Uhr Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 10.00-12.00 Uhr und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 09.30-12.00 und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Get in please! Access at the village center Koppl You can find the latest test runs on the bus website: digibus.at Automated driving in research Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the minibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance […]

  • Post: Christiane Pedit Receives Science Award

    Christiane Pedit was awarded the Science Award of AK Salzburg in the category of Economics & Law on 29 November 2016.

  • Post: A Smart Dome for All Situations

    Intelligent, customizable greenhouse as a result of small business collaboration and a lab.

  • Post: Partnership for IT Research: University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research

    Salzburg Research and the University of Applied Sciences of Salzburg sealed a future-oriented partnership for the Salzburg site. Two strong researchers in the province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research and the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, sealed a future-oriented partnership for the location Salzburg. The cooperation between the two partners is deepened, scientific and technological competence is b undled in joint research projects. Already there is good cooperation between FH Salzburg and the non-university  research and development company Salzburg Research. In addition to collaborating in various cooperative research projects, Salzburg Research employees provide an average of 30-40 semester-hours per year at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Salzburg Research also offers regular 6-month research internships for FH students, as well as an average of five diploma/master theses per year. A “Digital Transfer Center” (DTZ) will be developed as the first joint measure within the new cooperation agreement. The digital transfer center aims to further strengthen […]

  • Event: WILL BE POSTPONED! 14th IoT Talks: „Security and Trust in the IoT”

    Concepts and application examples for creating trust and protecting data in the Internet of Things The 14th IoT Talks deal with concepts and solutions in the context of “ Security and Trust in the IoT”. A research report published by Microsoft in July 2019 (“IoT Signals”) showed, based on a survey of 3,000 companies, that 97 % of all respondents have security concerns when implementing IoT projects. However, the acceptance of the technology remains unaffected. So what can be done to ensure trust in the security and protection of the Internet of Things? October 1, 2019, from 6 pm This event will be postponed to 2021 due to current developments. Science City Itzling Techno-Z Salzburg – Event Center (“Veranstaltungszentrum”) Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg We are pleased that we were able to win KAPSCH BusinessCom as a sponsor for the 14th IoT Talks – thank you very much for your support! PROCEDURE Doors open at […]

  • Publikation: A Cookie-Cutter Approach for Determining Places and Stays from Movement Data
  • Post: Free Online Course: Making Young Social Innovators

    […] “Making Young Social Innovators”: New ways of training young learners in creativity, social innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in makerspaces How can young learners work together and find creative solutions to societal problems? How can YOU facilitate an engaging, meaningful and practice-oriented creativity workshop in a makerspace? How can YOU encourage a socially entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among your students?   Online Course on Making Young Social Innovators Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. In this online course you will learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative way of thinking to solve social problems. You will benefit from practical and effective methods developed from European innovation, maker pedagogy and creativity experts from experienced FabLabs and universities. They all worked together developing […]