• Post: 3D Crowdprinting Against Covid-19

    […] Research participated in this “crowdprinting” call with its own 3D printers. The production of a protective screen takes about eight hours. A total of 20 “Face Shields” brackets have been made in our house in the past few weeks. (c) Prusa Together with other volunteers, a total of 240 plexiglass face shields were made in Salzburg. They are now being handed over to the city of Salzburg and mainly used for employees in retirement and nursing homes. Security and Sterility The 3D-printed parts are of course not medical protective equipment, but they can offer valuable help in everyday life for nursing staff. The finished printed parts are sterile due to the extrusion temperature. The individual parts were then packed with gloves and masks and handed over to Happylab for further distribution. Should further needs arise, our 3D printers will be happy to serve the general public again. Do you also have a 3D printer? […]

  • Post: Numbers, Data, Facts: Intellecutal Capital Report

    Current figures, data, facts from the past fiscal year in the Annual Report with Intellectual Capital Report 2018.

  • Post: 1st Place for „Peyeoneer“ at the Social Hackathon

    Eva Hollauf and her team at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences won with their idea for “Peyeoneer” at this year’s social hackathon.

  • Post: Forum invent: Patent and trademark protection made easy

    The series of events on intellectual property and patents came to Salzburg for the first time.For the first time, Salzburg Research hosted “forum invent” on 18 October 2017 and brought the series of events aro und patent protection and intellectual property to Salzburg. The forum invent is a compact information and discussion platform on the subject of intellectual property and patents. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Austria, this is a valuable aid for all questions concerning the protection of intellectual property. The Bohmann publishing house and the trade magazine “invent – the magazine for intellectual property” organizes this series of events since 2014. Which patent and brand protection do I lead my product to success with? How do I protect my intellectual property in national and international competition? Which partners and funding are there for patents, trademarks and intellectual property? High-profile lecturers from the field gave answers to these and other […]

  • Event: Digibus® Austria: Operation of Automated Vehicles

    Online event on the necessary framework conditions and steps for the use of automated vehicles.

  • Post: DOIT: Youth as Social Entrepreneurs

    The European research project DOIT under the direction of Salzburg Research aims to inspire children and young people between the ages of six and 16 to tackle social problems.

  • Publikation: Live Dabei – Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten erfassung als Grundlage für ein effektives Verkehrsmanagement

    Abstract Durch eine stetig steigende Verkehrsnachfrage stoßen Verkehrssysteme immer häufiger an ihre Kapazitätsgrenzen. Betreiber von Verkehrssystemen sind daher zunehmend mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, Verkehrsabläufe zu optimieren um eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit des Verkehrssystems dauerhaft zu gewährleisten. Diese Optimierung von Verkehrsabläufen wird als Verkehrsmanagement bezeichnet. Neben der Definition und Umsetzung von Verkehrsmanagementmaßnahmen, setzt effektives Verkehrsmanagement vor allem eine qualitativ hochwertige Beobachtung des aktuellen Verkehrsgeschehens voraus. Der Beitrag beschreibt am Beispiel des Systems EVIS.AT (Echtzeit-Verkehrsinformation Straße Österreich), wie eine Echtzeit-nahe, flächenhafte Verkehrsbeobachtung umgesetzt werden kann und welche Rolle dabei Geoinformationstechnologien spielen. Den Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung bildet dabei ein zentrales Server-System für die Echtzeit-nahe Analyse großer Mengen von Fahrzeug-generierten Bewegungstrajektorien.

  • Post: 10th IT Business Talk: No Security Without Business

    For the 10th time, nic.at and Salzburg Research organized the joint IT Businesstalk, which was launched in 2005. This year’s event on 11.4.2019 was about safety – to be more precise, and Security AND Safety. Six speakers provided fascinating insights into various aspects of security – from unreal scenes à la Hollywood to quite real scenarios from the industrial and SME sector. Security researcher Adrian Dabrowski provided a humorous-scientific introduction to the subject with his “Hollywood Hacking”: Starting with the transported image of the hacker up to his – usually very unrealistic – methods, he wittily explained why security experts often just shake their head about hacking scenes in films. But even in the real world, security experts like Adrian Pinter from Siemens Austria sometimes happen to not come out of the head shaking. He has already experienced quite a bit in his many years of auditing and was therefore able to report first-hand […]

  • Post: Not talking, but still communicating! Christmas Action 2016

    Also in 2016, we donate learning and funding technology for the Anna Bertha Königsegg School for children with increased material requirements.

  • Post: Our Availability

    Information for our customers and partners about our availability within the scope of the COVID-19 measures.

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher

    For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the department IoT we are looking for a Researcher  in part-time or full-time

  • Publikation: Location-Based Services im mTourismus – Quo Vadis?

    Download: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-8349-8694-8_2 In den letzten Jahren war die Entwicklung des mTourismus vergleichsweise bescheiden, doch nun zeichnet sich anhand mehrerer Kriterien ein Boom an Location-Based Services (LBS) ab, der auch im Bereich des mTourismus einen Schub bewirken dürfte. Was spricht für diesen Boom und was sind nach wie vor die zentralen Hemmschuhe in diesem Bereich? Welche Hardware- und Software-bezogenen Entwicklungen sowie technisch-organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen sind zu berücksichtigen? Um dies zu beantworten wird eine Marktanalyse für Smartphones und mTourismus skizziert und die Frage nach ortsbezogenen Inhalten für LBS diskutiert. Dabei zeigt sich die enorme Bedeutung von AppStores sowie Crowdsourcing als Chance für LBS im mTourismus. Insgesamt sind die Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Anwendungen im mTourismus besser als je zuvor, wenngleich die enorme Dynamik des Marktes sicher noch einige Opfer fordern wird und das Match um die Pole Position im mTourismus noch längst nicht entschieden ist.

  • Event: CANCELLED! Digital Mobility Forum Salzburg

    Salzburg Research and the State of Salzburg invite you to the 2nd Salzburg Digital Mobility Forum. The focus of this year’s forum is on digital solutions in the smart city or smart region as well as automated mobility.

  • Publikation: Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung eines Datenmanagementplans für räumliche Daten des Radverkehrs.

    Online Verfügbar unter https://gispoint.de/gisopen-paper/6505-erfahrungen-bei-der-umsetzung-eines-datenmanagementplans-fuer-raeumliche-daten-des-radverkehrs.html?IDjournalTitle=5

  • Publikation: Digital Twins for Dependability Improvement of Autonomous Driving.

    CORE2018 B Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28005-5_32 https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030280048

  • Post: Video: These were the Maker Days Vol.2

    In November 2016, Salzburg Research, in cooperation with the city library Stadt:Bibliothek and Verein Spektrum organizes a sequel to the “Maker Days”. In November 2016, Salzburg Research, in cooperation with the city library Stadt:Bibliothek and the Verein Spektrum organized a sequel to the “Maker Days”. Every Friday was under the guidance of Maker professionals and recreational educationalists, tinkered, photographed, designed and 3D printed. Maker Days Vol.2: Analog meets Digital Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Analog meets digital: Each Friday between 25 and 40 children and young people were creative. Each afternoon was under a different theme. On day one, biscuit cutters from metal strips were bent and soldered or designed on the computer and printed with the 3D printer. On the second date, various instruments […]

  • Post: Inclusive Tourism in the Alpine Region

    Tourism for everyone! People should be able to immerse themselves in nature regardless of environmental, physical and other hurdles.

  • Event: CANCELLED: Workshop: Basics Of A Future-Related Cycling Culture

    Data as the basis for a future-oriented cycling culture: discuss with us the potential of the multidimensional picture of bicycle mobility.

  • Post: Innovation Challenge 2018 – Submit until 3rd July 2018!

    Submit innovation ideas until July 3, 2018 and win a LAB cooperation!

  • Post: Industry meets Makers #IMMgoesWest

    Industry meets Makers, an open innovation community building format, opens up new collaboration models between the top industry and the creative, young maker scene.