• Publikation: Big Data in der Mobilität – FCD Modellregion Salzburg.
  • Post: We are looking for: Accountant

    In order to strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a part-timer (25 hours per week) as an accountant.

  • Post: Master Thesis: Generalized Consumption Model for Predicting the Energy Demand of Battery-Electric Buses

    Field of study: Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science | Duration: 6 months Advertisement as PDF The Mobility & Transport Analytics research group of Salzburg Research is working on a prediction model for the energy demand of battery-electric buses (BEB) in public transportation service within the OptiChargE project. The model builds on operational and movement data of the BEBs, weather data, topology and road network information, and energy consumption data from the operation of seven BEBs on two bus routes in Salzburg. The energy demand prediction will be part of an all-in-one software solution for optimising vehicle and charging schedules with respect to charging capacities and electricity pricing while ensuring a reliable public transport service. The scope of this thesis is to develop and evaluate a generalized energy demand model for public transport BEBs that is able to predict the energy demand for arbitrary bus routes where no consumption data is available yet. This will enable […]

  • Post: 2. Design Service Jam – from the idea to the prototype in 48 hours

    From 17 to 19 February 2017 the Global Service Jam took place for the second time in Salzburg Citiy.

  • Publikation: Sparse Data Traffic Speed Prediction on a Road Network With Varying Speed Levels

    Most works on graph neural networks (GNNs) for traffic speed prediction assume near-complete data and little variance of base speed levels. However, both assumptions do not necessarily hold true for network-wide probe vehicle data (PVD). Therefore, we applied two state-of-the-art GNNs to sparse PVD from a road network with highly varying speed levels and to dense motorway data for comparison. We introduce two methods to adapt preexisting GNNs for improved prediction performance: normalization of speed values with respect to the base speed levels of different roads led to significant improvements of prediction performance on both datasets. Using the number of observations supporting each speed value as an additional input feature can improve prediction performance. Furthermore, we identified characteristics of data and models encouraging the use of either method. As no fitting dataset to evaluate these approaches was found, a novel dataset derived from PVD is introduced. It features sparse speed values and underlying numbers of […]

  • Projekt: InterEVENT – Study and pilot demonstration for traffic management at major events

    InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames.

  • Post: Survey: AAL Vision 2025

    Survey on the development of a vision for Active and Assisted Living (AAL)/age-appropriate assistance systems in Austria by 2025.

  • Publikation: What is an appropriate sampling rate to record floating car data with a GPS?
  • Post: 2-month summer internship: Cycling data

    People, products and machines are on the move and increasingly wirelessly connected. This enormous dynamic offers new opportunities for business and society. With Motion Data Intelligence, Salzburg Research makes the movement of people and things measurable, links them reliably, develops algorithms for meaningful analyses and thus increases added value and efficiency. The research group Mobility & Transport Analytics collects and analyses traffic data. Among other things, the possible applications of various sensors in the cycling sector are being researched. In order to train the neural network (“artificial intelligence”), LiDAR point clouds of traffic situations are to be recorded, annotated and analysed using a special research bicycle. We are looking for an intern (f/d/m) for this: 2-month summer internship30 hours per week or by arrangement Job advertisment (PDF – in German) Your responsibilities Your Qualifications Depending on qualifications, the monthly salary for the internship is at least EUR 1,863 gross for full-time (38.5 hours/week) in accordance […]

  • Post: Women and men are differently ill

    Salzburg Research is currently developing a gender-sensitive diabetes application. Project partner Alexandra Kautzky-Willer has now been named Scientologist of the Year.

  • Publikation: Eine Bestimmung der Oberflächenqualität von Fahrradinfrastruktur durch Smartphone-Beschleunigungsdaten mithilfe des k-means++-Algorithmus

    Die Bereitstellung einer gut instandgehaltenen Fahrradinfrastruktur wirkt sich positiv auf den Fahrkomfort sowie die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr aus und schafft die Voraussetzung, dass dieses als Alternative zum motorisierten Individualverkehr oder zum öffentlichen Verkehr angenommen wird. In dieser Studie wird mit Daten aus Smartphone-Beschleunigungssensoren und mithilfe eines k-means++-Algorithmus ein Clusterverfahren angewandt, um die Qualität von Fahrbahnabschnitten festzustellen. Dieses ist einfach und kostengünstig auf großflächige Radinfrastrukturen anwendbar und zeigt in einer Fallstudie für die Stadt Salzburg, dass schlecht befahrbare Fahrbahnabschnitte gut lokalisiert und infolge gezielt instandgehalten werden können.

  • Projekt: ANET-TourGuide – TourGuide for Web and Mobile Devices

    The project “TourGuide for the Web and Mobile Devices” develops services that help users to plan and make tours and trips in the countryside. The TourGuide provides maps and related multimedia information on specific target areas which allow users to study different offers in detail.

  • Post: Speeddating at BeSt Trade Fair

    Two researchers of the Salzburg Research met the questions of pupils at the dialog event of the BeSt trade fair.

  • Publikation: Collecting Floating Car Data with Smartphones: Results from a Field Trial in Austria.
  • Post: Smart Summer: Technology & IT Holiday Weeks

    […] 12 and 16 were able to get a taste of technology and IT. At Salzburg Research, the youngsters plunged into the world of 3D printing and created their own spinner. Furthermore, they could venture the first steps in programming or try out soldering in the Science City Itzling. Two videos and numerous pictures offer insights: 3D Modelling and Programming in the Science City Itzling Smart Summer: Technik & IT-Ferienwochen Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst.   Smart Summer in der Science City: 3D-Druck bei Salzburg Research Smart Summer in der Science City: 3D-Druck bei Salzburg Research Smart Summer in der Science City: 3D-Druck bei Salzburg Research Smart Summer in der Science City: 3D-Druck bei Salzburg Research Smart Summer in der Science City: 3D-Druck bei Salzburg Research […]

  • Post: More safety through precise analysis of traffic movements

    Salzburg Research is testing a LiDAR-based traffic observation system at a complex intersection in the city of Salzburg. The goal: more safety for vulnerable road users. At complex intersections in inner-city traffic, there is an increased safety risk for vulnerable road users, such as cyclists or pedestrians. In the city of Salzburg, some risky intersections with multiple cycle paths have been identified. A LiDAR-based traffic observation system is currently being tested at the intersection of Sterneckstraße and Linzer Bundesstraße. A customized 3D smart monitoring system, consisting of LiDAR sensors and high-quality 3D perception software, captures real-world conditions and interactions at the intersection. This system provides precise and high-frequency data on all traffic movements in large volumes. The focus is on specific and complex interactions between vehicles and vulnerable road users. The LiDAR data ensures anonymity and provides open access for analysis. Salzburg Research develops methods to analyze the behavior of road users and dangerous conflict […]

  • Post: We are looking for: Researcher (m/f)

    To strengthen our team in the IoT department, we are looking for a full-time researcher (m/f).

  • Publikation: Bicycle Observatory – eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität

    Trotz der wachsenden Bedeutung des Radverkehrs in städtischen Mobilitätssystemen und einem zum Teil bedeutenden Anteil am Gesamtverkehrsaufkommen, sind zahlreiche Aspekte der Fahrradmobilität nach wie vor unbekannt. Konzepte und Methoden der Geoinformatik halten Möglichkeiten zur ganzheitlichen Untersuchung der Fahrradmobilität bereit. Die Idee eines Geographischen Informationsobservatoriums (GIO) birgt das Potenzial für ein besseres systemisches Verständnis der Fahrradmobilität und daraus abgeleitete, neue Erkenntnisse. Im Projekt Bicycle Observatory – Am Puls des Radverkehrs wird unter anderem erforscht, inwieweit eine räumlich differenzierte, kontinuierliche Beobachtung der Fahrradmobilität umsetzbar ist und welcher Informationsgewinn daraus erwartet werden kann.

  • Post: Survey: „Hiking for the Heart“

    Online survey about the needs of the 50+ generation who love hiking. Participate and win!

  • Publikation: Towards a Qualitative Assessment of Changes in Geographic Vector Datasets.