• Event: Digibus® Austria: Operation of Automated Vehicles

    Online event on the necessary framework conditions and steps for the use of automated vehicles.

  • Post: Mobiles Breitband zuhause testen

    How powerful is your mobile broadband in your own home? A measuring system from Salzburg Research measures the performance. Rent for free.

  • Post: Free Online Course: Making Young Social Innovators

    […] “Making Young Social Innovators”: New ways of training young learners in creativity, social innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in makerspaces How can young learners work together and find creative solutions to societal problems? How can YOU facilitate an engaging, meaningful and practice-oriented creativity workshop in a makerspace? How can YOU encourage a socially entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among your students?   Online Course on Making Young Social Innovators Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. In this online course you will learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative way of thinking to solve social problems. You will benefit from practical and effective methods developed from European innovation, maker pedagogy and creativity experts from experienced FabLabs and universities. They all worked together developing […]

  • Publikation: Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung eines Datenmanagementplans für räumliche Daten des Radverkehrs.

    Online Verfügbar unter https://gispoint.de/gisopen-paper/6505-erfahrungen-bei-der-umsetzung-eines-datenmanagementplans-fuer-raeumliche-daten-des-radverkehrs.html?IDjournalTitle=5

  • Post: Smart Summer: The Technology and IT Holiday Fun

    Three weeks, 90 young people and 15 companies – these are the ingredients for three exciting Technology and IT Holidays, the Smart Summer. Three weeks, 90 young people and 15 companies – these are the ingredients for three exciting Technology and IT Holidays, the Smart Summer. Salzburg Research and partners offer the girls and boys between 12 and 16 years the opportunity to be creative in workshops and sniff into technical professions. SmartSummer – Ferienspaß mit Technik und IT Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Smart Summer is an action of Salzburg Research together with the Federation of Industrialists Salzburg, the Chamber of Commerce, ITG, Salzburg University of Applied Science, Salzburg University and akzente Salzburg. Support comes from the province of Salzburg. Until August 4th, the […]

  • Post: A Smart Dome for All Situations

    Intelligent, customizable greenhouse as a result of small business collaboration and a lab.

  • Event: CANCELLED! Digital Mobility Forum Salzburg

    Salzburg Research and the State of Salzburg invite you to the 2nd Salzburg Digital Mobility Forum. The focus of this year’s forum is on digital solutions in the smart city or smart region as well as automated mobility.

  • Post: Digital Innovation: How SMEs Benefit from Maker Spaces and Research Labs

    Salzburg Research and Happylab Salzburg hosted the workshop “Digital Innovation for Craft & Trade in Open Workshops and Research Labs” at the end of February.

  • Post: 3D Crowdprinting Against Covid-19

    […] Research participated in this “crowdprinting” call with its own 3D printers. The production of a protective screen takes about eight hours. A total of 20 “Face Shields” brackets have been made in our house in the past few weeks. (c) Prusa Together with other volunteers, a total of 240 plexiglass face shields were made in Salzburg. They are now being handed over to the city of Salzburg and mainly used for employees in retirement and nursing homes. Security and Sterility The 3D-printed parts are of course not medical protective equipment, but they can offer valuable help in everyday life for nursing staff. The finished printed parts are sterile due to the extrusion temperature. The individual parts were then packed with gloves and masks and handed over to Happylab for further distribution. Should further needs arise, our 3D printers will be happy to serve the general public again. Do you also have a 3D printer? […]

  • Projekt: KOMOA – Concept Study for a Mobility Observatory Austria

    Mobility data is playing an increasingly important role in the development of strategies and the planning of measures. In KOMOA, a concept study is being developed for the inclusion of different data bases for the comprehensive and timely provision of situation reports on mobility in Austria.

  • Publikation: Mobile Augmented Geo Data Visualization Based on Open Street Map

    This paper describes an approach to a mobile (smart phone) augmented reality navigation system which is based on Open Street Map data. It analyzes the challenges which arise from creating such a system, such as missing topographic information, incorrect sensor data and other technological limitations. Where possible, di erent solutions are discussed and evaluated. It as well assesses the usefulness and accuracy of the whole approach on the basis of a prototype (on a Android powered device). The paper concludes with the insight that the accuracy, which can be achieved by such a system, is suffcient but not overall satisfactory. In certain scenarios the system might fail due to bad GPS reception or incorrect geo-data. These scenarios and sources of error are discussed separately. It as well shows that the visualization and the processing of large amounts of data are very challenging topics on a mobile platform, but yet solvable. Keywords: augmented reality, open-gl, mobile, sensors, […]

  • Post: 3D Printing Shop in the Children’s Town

    […] At the 3D printing shop in the Makerspace people were working, puzzling and doing handicrafts. Salzburg Research was in the children’s town of Salzburg for a few days this year again. At the 3D printing shop in the Makerspace people were working, puzzling and doing handicrafts. During the three days different objects were created and the children learned new skills in our study station. On the computer, Tinkercad 3D models were designed. The scope ranged from or der work such as door signs to complex models such as a sailing ship or a rocket. Robotic and MiniSalzburg 3D prints were applied with acrylic paints and then sold as trailers in the “Schuhschachterl” of the MiniSalzburg founder service. Old computer scrap is simply too bad to throw away. The children built motorcycles and kites from capacitors, buttons, resistors and many other components. From resistances can be created with the help of a pair of beautiful […]

  • Event: CANCELLED: Workshop: Basics Of A Future-Related Cycling Culture

    Data as the basis for a future-oriented cycling culture: discuss with us the potential of the multidimensional picture of bicycle mobility.

  • Post: Maker Days 2018 – Day 2

    After a successful start, the second edition of the Maker Days 2018 followed. Children and young people can let off steam here creatively under the motto “Analog meets Digital”.

  • Post: 1st Place for „Peyeoneer“ at the Social Hackathon

    Eva Hollauf and her team at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences won with their idea for “Peyeoneer” at this year’s social hackathon.

  • Post: Newsletter 2|2017

    Salzburg Research reports quarterly on current research topics, projects, events and publications. The current newsletter “update 2|2017″ is available for download.

  • Post: Numbers, Data, Facts: Intellecutal Capital Report

    Current figures, data, facts from the past fiscal year in the Annual Report with Intellectual Capital Report 2018.

  • Projekt: 5G-MLab

    Wireless networks need to be reliable for many applications. In this project we developed methods to measure the reliability of wireless networks.

  • Event: 3rd Pan-European MyCorridor Workshop: What We Learned From MaaS

    Making sustainable mobility easier: experiences and successes from the EU project MyCorridor.

  • Post: Start of Maker Days 2018 – Day 1

    On Friday, the Maker Days went into the next ro und. Under the motto “Analog meets Digital”, children and young people can let off steam creatively here under the guidance of maker pros and recreational educators. The Maker Days went into the next round today with the first date of this year. Under the motto “Analog meets Digital”, children and teenagers can let off steam here creatively with hammer & nail, hot glue gun or programming tools under the guidance of maker pros and recreational pedagogues. At today’s event, the approximately 30 participants were able to craft their own 3D Cardboard glasses, create cool plant pots from waste, program with Scratch and turn MaKey-MaKey fruit into a banana piano and the city’s stairs: turning the library into a piano. At Salzburg Research Station, the children were able to gain their first 3D or virtual reality experiences. Even the parents of the young participants could […]