• Post: Prototype: Diabetes Self-Management System

    […] treatment goals for the patient. Self-management: To achieve the pre-defined goals, patients receive support messages from the POWER2DM app on their smartphone, which remind them of planned tasks and provide feedback on the data entered. Patients can use the POWER2DM web application to update their self-government goals and action plans weekly, review their goal development, and get feedback and tips. POWER2DM (Predictive model-based decision support for diabetes patient empowerment) Watch this video on YouTube Mit dem Klick auf das Bild werden durch den mit uns gemeinsam Verantwortlichen Youtube (Google Ireland Limited) das Video abgespielt, auf Ihrem PC Skripte geladen sowie personenbezogene Daten erfasst. Further Development by Companies POWER2DM is a medical device that uses secure and personal data storage and secure HL7-based API services. POWER2DM prediction services simulate the effects of treatments with insulin, medication, food and sports activities on individual glucose profiles and thus predict risks for cardiovascular and kidney diseases. The POWER2DM […]

  • Post: Christiane Pedit Receives Science Award

    Christiane Pedit was awarded the Science Award of AK Salzburg in the category of Economics & Law on 29 November 2016.

  • Post: Online Survey: Potential of Cycling Mobility Data

    Online survey on the current use and further potential of cycling data.

  • Post: Partnership for IT Research: University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research

    Salzburg Research and the University of Applied Sciences of Salzburg sealed a future-oriented partnership for the Salzburg site. Two strong researchers in the province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research and the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, sealed a future-oriented partnership for the location Salzburg. The cooperation between the two partners is deepened, scientific and technological competence is b undled in joint research projects. Already there is good cooperation between FH Salzburg and the non-university  research and development company Salzburg Research. In addition to collaborating in various cooperative research projects, Salzburg Research employees provide an average of 30-40 semester-hours per year at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Salzburg Research also offers regular 6-month research internships for FH students, as well as an average of five diploma/master theses per year. A “Digital Transfer Center” (DTZ) will be developed as the first joint measure within the new cooperation agreement. The digital transfer center aims to further strengthen […]

  • Projekt: SAFE-EVENT – Integration of security issues and tourism applications for events in the State of Salzburg

    Concepts and technologies for advanced security during big events. safeevent

  • Publikation: Trustworthy IoT Lifecycle Data Management for the Automotive Industry and Manufacturing

    IoT Lifecycle Management is a part of the Trustworthy IoT for CPS (IoT4CPS) project and explores the current state of technology progress for data acquisition and management along the entire IoT- and CPS-based product lifecycle in the Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) sector. We report on the definition of extended data models and data analysis methods and the design of tools that follow recent initiatives, standards and recommendations in this sector. The work also provides the implementation of a Digital Twin prototype that is designed to identify security and safety measures of CAM applications and correlate these measures with multi-tenancy features of smart vehicles along the product lifecycle. Apart from the security and safety features, the report explores privacy, trust and ethics of CAM applications, within complex environments of smart cities and smart factories.

  • Publikation: Perceptions and Attitudes of Bicyclists towards Self-driving Cars
  • Post: We remit: Internship (part/full time) – Digital Social Innovation

    From now on we give away a diversified internship for at least 3 – 6 months.

  • Projekt: GAMES

    GAMES will focus on how digitalisation could enable electric shared vehicle fleets to answer mobility needs while also creating new revenue streams by providing flexibility services for the electricity grid and energy communities.

  • Event: Citizen Dialogue on Automated Mobility

    Driving without steering wheel? In the province of Salzburg already test reality. But what about the future of automated mobility? Discuss with us!

  • Publikation: Big Data in der Mobilität – FCD Modellregion Salzburg.
  • Post: Salzburg Innovation Scores at „2 Minuten 2 Millionen”

    After two years of development work – i.a. with the support of Salzburg Research – a young entrepreneur from Salzburg wins investors.

  • Post: Mindset for Innovation

    Great public interest at the Praxisworkshop for IT support for radical innovations in companies.

  • Post: Test Austria’s First Self-Propelled Vehicle

    […] The Digibus – Austria’s first self-propelled vehicle – on public roads rolls in Koppl. Salzburg Research is the first organization in Austria to receive a test certificate from BMVIT to carry out test drives with an autonomous vehicle on public roads on the basis of the AutomatFahrV. Interested people can go along – without registration and without ticket. Simply experience autonomous driving: Public test runs: Monday, 22 May 2017, 13.30-16.00 Uhr Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 10.00-12.00 Uhr und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 09.30-12.00 und 13.30-16.00 Uhr Get in please! Access at the village center Koppl You can find the latest test runs on the bus website: digibus.at Automated driving in research Under the direction of Salzburg Research, the minibus explores important questions about automated mobility for the “last mile”. The last mile – the way from the stop to the home or destination – is a critical aspect for the customer acceptance […]

  • Post: Newsletter 3|2017

    Salzburg Research reports quarterly on current research topics, projects, events and publications. The current newsletter “update 3|2017″ is available for download. Salzburg Research reports quarterly on current research topics, projects, events and publications. The current newsletter “update 3|2017″ is available for download. Content (in German): Industrie 4.0: Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen Zuverlässige drahtlose Kommunikation 3D-Druckerei in der Kinderstadt Digitalisierungsstrategie für Wien Energie Digibus Testfahrten Christian Doppler Symposium Smart Summer: Der Technik- und IT-Ferienspaß Read: update 3|2017 (pdf in German)

  • Projekt: InterEVENT – Study and pilot demonstration for traffic management at major events

    InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames.

  • Publikation: Perceptions and attitudes of bicyclists towards self-driving cars: a mixed methods approach

    Efforts to advance Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have taken on a central role in research and development in recent years and will have a significant influence on road traffic in the future. Research on AVs has mainly focused on the technology itself and the direct users of AVs and their acceptance. However, the role of bicyclists, interacting with AVs in traffic, is not yet researched as thoroughly. Using a mixed methods approach, we combine quantitative results from a survey among bicyclists (N = 889) and qualitative results from a focus group (N = 19) to give insights into bicyclists’ attitudes and expectations towards self-driving cars. The results showed that bicyclists’ affinity for technology is a significant predictor for both their trust and perceived safety towards self-driving cars, as well as an effect of age and gender on these variables. Both from the quantitative and qualitative results, it is clear that flawless functioning of the technology of […]

  • Publikation: What is an appropriate sampling rate to record floating car data with a GPS?
  • Post: Online MINT Week: Journey Into The Research World

    […] take advantage of. Calling up the individual offers: On May 20, you will find a link to every offer description on the Website www.mintlabs.at – you can use this link to dial in to the Webex platform (works without installation via the browser). MINT:labs Science City Itzling The interplay of university teaching, application-oriented research and technology-savvy startups makes Science City Itzling a dynamic research hub. The establishment of the MINT:labs strengthens the interdisciplinary collaboration and bundles the knowledge at the location. As many target groups as possible should benefit from these synergy effects. The departments chemistry and physics of materials, computer science, geoinformatics, mathematics, the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, the School of Education at the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research are involved. Through exciting educational formats, the participants get to know the varied training opportunities in the Science City Itzling and discover new professional fields. The project is funded by the Interreg Bavaria-Austria 2014-2020 funding program. Interreg

  • Post: Maker Days Vol.2: Digital Cookie Workshop

    The second edition of the Maker Days, which is organized by Salzburg Research together with Verein Spektrum at the Stadt:Bibliothek, is successfully launched.