• Post: Salzburg’s Multimedia Know-How Puts Cultural Heritage in the Limelight

    […] the Veste Oberhaus in Passau or the Kufstein Fortress, which bear witness to a shared history, are filled with virtual life in an innovative way for visitors. In this way new audiences can be reached. Digitally Presenting Cultural Assets in a New Way A virtual installation has already been implemented in the Passau Oberhausmuseum and is related to the new interior design of the tower. “By working with scientific partners from the cultural sciences and IT, digital infrastructure is created for the presentation of innovative cultural assets. This is particularly important in times of the Corona, where freedom of travel can be restricted”, says Salzburg Research Project Manager Markus Lassnig. 15 Million Euros in EU Funding for 70 Projects The threads of such Interreg programs come together at the regional development and EU regional policy department in the state’s economic department, impulses for cooperation projects are given and Salzburg project partners are advised. “Salzburg […]

  • Publikation: BĂŒrgerInnen Dialog Automatisierte MobilitĂ€t in Salzburg

    Das französische Beteiligungsinstitut Mission Publiques hat gemeinsam mit nationalen Partnern den BĂŒrgerInnen-Dialog zum Thema automatisierte MobilitĂ€t in Europa, Nordamerika und Asien initialisiert. Dessen Zielsetzung ist es, die Meinungen der lokalen Bevölkerung durch die Organisation von BĂŒrgerInnen-Dialogen in internationale und globale Diskussionen und Verhandlungen ĂŒber gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen miteinzubinden. Wie bringt man BĂŒrgerInnen aus verschiedenen Lebensbereichen dazu, ĂŒber ein Thema nachzudenken, das einerseits ein breites Spektrum gesellschaftlicher Fragen behandelt, andererseits eine sehr technische Seite aufweist? Anstelle den herkömmlichen Weg zu gehen und eine Umfrage durchzufĂŒhren, wurden SalzburgerInnen eingeladen, einen Tag lang ĂŒber die Möglichkeiten, Chancen, Potentiale aber auch Risiken automatisierter MobilitĂ€t zu diskutieren und sich ĂŒber ihre Auswirkungen auf unseren Alltag auszutauschen. Die Diskussion fand in Form eines Dialoges statt, der darauf abzielte, Meinungen einzuholen und gemeinsam VorschlĂ€ge zu entwickeln. Die Teilnehmenden hatten jedoch nicht nur die Gelegenheit, sich in offener AtmosphĂ€re zu unterhalten und andere Sichtweisen zu hören, sondern konnten in den sechs organisierten Diskussionsrunden […]

  • Projekt: IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

    […] we shall develop a system of technologies and guidelines which help in optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders. The set of tools, interfaces and procedures developed in IDIRA will be designed to be configured, deployed and operated in a flexible manner, providing interoperable services for data integration, information exchange, resource planning and decision support to local and international disaster response units and decision makers. This core result of IDIRA will take the form an architectural framework and an exemplary implementation of a Mobile Integrated Command and Control Structure supporting coordinated large-scale disaster management. It is foreseen to make the best possible use of existing ideas, technology and standards, integrating available solutions and complementing them with new components where necessary. In actual operation, the components based on IDIRA solutions will be building on and be integrated with local command & control infrastructure and response procedures. More information: IDIRA project  Mobile Broadband Extender

  • Post: We are seeking: IT Administrator

    To strengthen our team in the department of technology, we are looking for an IT administrator (m / f) in part-time (15 hrs / week) The “Technology” department manages the entire IT infrastructure of the research company – from budgeting, purchasing to installation and maintenance, and is now awarding a diversified part-time job for 15 hours per week as an IT administrator   Invitation to tender as pdf (German) Your job: Order, procurement & furnishing of new equipment Installation, Maintenance & Maintenance of Hard- & Software Administration of PCs, printers and other peripherals Your qualifications: Ongoing education in the field of computer science (FH- / university study) Windows & Linux knowledge Good English knowledge The annual fee is full-time for a 38.5 hrs / week at least EUR 33,180 gross according to the research collective agreement in stage D1. Please send your application with motivation letter, curriculum vitae and current certificates or your questions […]

  • Post: This Will Make Salzburg Remain Worth Experiencing And Living

    […] have greater success on the market. These Are The Winning Ideas The 10 best ideas were awarded on January 28, 2020 as part of the press release: Price: SaltART Idea generators: SophieSch, Nina Mittermayr, Jan Brandl, Bellasander Price: Data-based nudging using digital signage Idea generator: GreMat Price: Simplified P+R and Express Shuttle Idea generator: A.Wochner Price: Salzburg – Worth working for Idea generators: Tami Lanzendorf, ChiaraD, Stefanie Gumpinger, Martina Arnold, LeaMuellauer Price: Explore Salzburg (and its surro unding area) by bike Idea generator: SAndre   Places 6 – 10         Dynamic Pricing App (Doris Suppan) Glimpse Salzburg (sophie) CrowdAvoid (Atakurt1) Controlled flows of visitors to relive the old town (Benedikt Mat.) Clear bike path labelling – that tourist groups do not block them (Empathia) Details on the individual ideas are available on the openinnovation-salzburg.at platform. Gemeinsam fĂŒr Salzburg: Diana Wieden-Bischof von Salzburg Research (li.), Altstadt Verband GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin Sandra Woglar-Meyer (re.) und Klemens Kollenz, Projektverantwortlicher der […]

  • Projekt: GRISINO – Grid, Semantics and Intelligent Objects

    The GRISINO research project combines Grid computing, semantic web services and intelligent objects. The GRISINO research project combines “Grid computing”, “semantic web services” and “intelligent objects” in order to create an example of the future, enhanced infrastructure of the World Wide Web. In the future, more and more human activities will become at least partly, “virtualised” which means they will take place with support of the World Wide Web. The GRISINO research project combines “Grid computing”, “semantic web services” and “intelligent objects” in order to create an example of the future, enhanced infrastructure of the World Wide Web. The major result of the project will be an experimental software prototype which will demonstrate how this infrastructure should be designed and how it will improve collaboration amongst people and machines over the World Wide Web. The aim of GRISINO is to combine three leading edge technologies Semantic Web Services as the future standard for the […]

  • Post: Tourism in Salzburg: Ideas Wanted

    […] umbrella term “Worth Living Salzburg” tourism for Salzburg is to be rethought and constructive solutions to be found – for locals and for guests. This requires a variety of ideas and new impulses for a worth living Salzburg. We invite you to find new, thought-out, simple, surprising and concrete solutions to the question: How can Salzburg maintain its high quality of life and at the same time remain an attractive destination? We are looking for ideas on infrastructure, technology, information, offer or other topics. Participate now and submit ideas for new solutions and services for the best possible interaction between residents and visitors of the city of Salzburg! The 10 best ideas are finally awarded by a jury! Open Innovation Salzburg The Open Innovation Salzburg Platform is a joint initiative of ITG – Innovation Service Salzburg, Salzburg Research, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Private University Schloß Seeburg, University of Salzburg and Province of Salzburg. […]

  • Post: 5G: Groundbreaking Future Technology or Hype?

    […] a groundbreaking technological innovation or is it the mere continuation of previous mobile standards? What is different at 5G compared to previous generations? Are there concrete applications already? Will 5G enable targeted e-health or telemedicine applications, the production or factory of the future, smart grids or smart cities, or automated driving? Which infrastructural conditions are necessary to implement the 5G rollout? Many current and future applications require high bandwidths that can only be implemented with an appropriate infrastructure. While 5G will only be available in the metropolitan areas for the time being, the question arises as to whether the regions also benefit from a broad-based roll-out or how, from a technological point of view, the prerequisites for the digital transformation process can be created across the board? The Salzburg Chamber of Commerce invited an Enquette to this question on 11 July 2019. Following a keynote speech by the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulatory Commission on […]

  • Projekt: Open-Spirit – Study and Pilot-Demonstration of intermodal/interoperable Traveller-Information-Technologies

    […] providers in Central Europe will contribute to Open-SPIRIT as official project partners. Due to this unique team of actors and the mere dimension of the geographic area for which service and data coverage is available, an outstanding innovation impact and distribution can be expected. The following results are planned: System concept, open architecture Personal travel companion on Smart Phone (prototype) Technical concept for electronic fare and ticket management Test-setups for local area passenger navigation and orientation (indoor und outdoor) Results of validation of a demonstrational operation in an international framework Plans of transport service operators for transfer into operations of the project results. The presumably most significant, innovative development lies in the combination of open concepts for the IT-infrastructure in combination and in compatibility but not in contradiction to the individual business interests of the operational responsibilities of the transport service providers and their suppliers. From a product perspective, there is the intention to […]

  • Post: Communication Solution for Flexible Production Systems

    […] for industrial systems, especially at the level of real-time communication, do not yet have the necessary capabilities for fast, automated reconfiguration. The exchange of data between automation and IT networks currently runs across many transitional layers and is often complex, slow and sometimes unreliable. However, the desired concepts and visions for future production systems require a highly flexible, resilient, secure and distributed communication and computational architecture covering all layers of real-time communication from the lowest levels to cloud communication at the highest levels. The research focuses on the following points: Apply software-defined networking concepts based on the TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) standard to provide on-the-fly reconfigurable real-time communication networks for flexible production systems. Development of appropriate solutions for the transition from local real-time networks to standard, as well as real-time wide area networks or wireless networks for a simplified exchange between automation and IT networks and simplified vertical and horizontal integration within and between sites. […]

  • Post: Winter Services are Looking for Dead Zones

    […] way, in March it is still the Pinzgau’s turn. “A very large amount of data that comes together because every second a measurement takes place. With the findings, we can create a map of Salzburg, which shows exactly where the cell phone and data connection is still in need of improvement”, explain project leader Peter Dorfinger of Salzburg Research and Fabian Prudky, Broadband Coordinator of the State of Salzburg. Card “Unmasks” the Dead Spots © Salzburg Research/OpenStreetMap und Beitragende The measurements provide reliable data to identify areas without adequate network coverage in the province of Salzburg. A glance at already created maps shows immediately: Black areas along the provincial roads still have some catching up to do, with the green ones the Salzburg residents have a good connection. Smart Metering System for Network Quality The basis for the measuring system is the modular MINER infrastructure from Salzburg Research. This makes it possible to carry […]

  • Post: Business Models for Innovation Projects

    […] cooperation between SMEs and InnoLabs to make the innovation process in companies more efficient, cost-effective and faster, and to increase the share of innovative companies. Participation was open to SMEs from the participating project regions (Interreg V-A Italy-Austria – AT: Salzburg, Tyrol and IT: Friuli Venezia Giulia, South Tyrol, Veneto). Twenty-five innovation projects were selected by a jury, which have been implemented in the form of a joint “SME-LAB cooperation” since October 2018. Selected projects benefit from: Consulting and project coaching: Intensive workshops (daily basis) and accompanying advice on project conception and design, material selection, design and prototype production, Hands-on seminars: basic principles of digital fabrication and innovation work (for example, 3D print training, laser cutter, CNC milling machine, cutting plotter etc.), Use of the lab infrastructure of a technological workshop to the extent of at least 3 months. The project Labs-4-SMEs is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020.

  • Publikation: Geoweb.

    Wir alle nutzen beinahe tĂ€glich das Web – und viele unserer Interaktionen im Web enthalten die Frage nach dem “Wo”: Wo befindet sich die nĂ€chstgelegene Kneipe? Was ist der kĂŒrzeste Fußweg dorthin? Wie schaut es am Urlaubsort (tatsĂ€chlich) aus? Wo wĂ€re ein geeigneter Standort fĂŒr das neue Vereinshaus? Diese und viele andere Fragen beantworten wir zunehmend mit Geoweb-Anwendungen. Das vorliegende HMD- Schwerpunktheft beschĂ€ftigt sich damit, welche Konzepte, Methoden, Technologien und Werkzeuge diesen Geoweb- Anwendungen zugrunde liegen. Methoden und Technologien zur Verortung von Objekten und Personen stehen oft am Beginn der Überlegungen bei der Entwicklung einer Geoweb-Anwendung; darauf folgt die Frage, wie man solche geocodierten Daten speichert und effizient abfragen kann (und dabei den Datenschutz beachtet). Woher kommen die Daten eigentlich und wie kann man unterschiedliche Quellen mithilfe von Geosensornetzwerken (intelligent und standardisiert) vernetzen? Und wie interagieren Benutzer mit dem Geoweb? Wie werden digitale Karten eingebunden und welche Alternativen zur Interaktion mit Karten gibt es? […]

  • Publikation: Achievements of the ARIADNE Initiative for Archaeological Data Sharing and Research.

    The overall objective of the ARIADNE initiative is to help archaeological research and data management communities in Europe and beyond to more effectively share and use data that are dispersed across many institutions and projects. The initiative developed Research Infrastructure services that enable aggregation, integration, search and visualisation of data records that describe and link to data collections and items available in the providers’ repositories and databases. Funded under the Research Infrastructures strand of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the ARIADNE projects implemented and enhanced the ARIADNE Research Infrastructure and mobilised a growing community of institutions and collaborative projects interested in sharing data through the e-Infrastructure. In the ARIADNEplus project almost 4 million data records were integrated in the ARIADNE Portal. Following a brief introduction to the ARIADNE initiative, this article presents selected achievements of the initiative with the ARIADNEplus project. It addresses the extension and support of the ARIADNE […]

  • Post: Problems With the WLAN?

    Is your WiFi connection quickly overwhelmed or keeps breaking for inexplicable reasons? Salzburg Research is working on a tool that is intended to help track down wireless communication problems.

  • Publikation: Principles and Study Design of the First Austrian Naturalistic Cycling Study BIKEALYZE.
  • Post: We are looking for: Webmaster

    We are looking for a long term reinforcement in part time (at least 15 hours / week):

  • Post: Using real-time data to combat summer traffic congestion in Salzburg

    […] information services, including Salzburg Verkehr, wegfinder and the international parking data service Parkopedia, will adopt the Salzburg parking data to inform tourists about any congestion situations. The Park&Ride facilities Salzburg Messe and Salzburg SĂŒd will also be integrated into the data service with real-time information. This is intended to achieve a steering effect in congestion situations. Impact monitoring of steering measures Um die Wirkungen von verkehrssteuernden Maßnahmen zu umfassen, wird im Pilotversuch auch ein umfangreiches Wirkungsmonitoring durchgefĂŒhrt. Auf Basis der ĂŒber EVIS.AT berechneten Echtzeit-Verkehrslage werden den gesamten Sommer hindurch StaulĂ€ngen bzw. Verlustzeiten im gesamten Straßennetz in der Stadt Salzburg erfasst. DarĂŒber hinaus erfolgt eine Erfassung von VerkehrsstĂ€rken mit straßenseitigen Detektoren bzw. eine vollstĂ€ndige Erfassung der Auslastungen der Parkeinrichtungen. About the DOMINO research project Offering simple, convenient and networked mobility services for all users – that is the vision of DOMINO, the “hub for intermodal mobility services and technologies”. The main goal of the DOMINO […]

  • Publikation: Virtual Risk Assessment for the Deployment of Autonomous Shuttles.

    In recent years, trials of autonomous shuttle vehicles have been conducted worldwide. Currently, there exists no generalized process model for deployment and continuous operation of shuttles. Shuttle suppliers use their own developed procedures, making it difficult for the relevant stakeholders (e.g., public authorities) to assess the risk of potential shuttle deployment. The DigibusÂź Austria flagship project, among other goals, develops an approach for the virtual risk assessment of identified critical spots along proposed shuttle paths. Embedded into the deployment process, this serves as a significant body of evidence for safety assurance in shuttle deployment. Conducted simulation studies optimizing the shuttle’s trajectory for concrete maneuvers, along with derived requirements for the associated virtual environment, are part of the first noteworthy outcomes. Concretely, the developed virtual environment is integrated in the framework used for virtual validation. The framework is then used for a detailed evaluation of a right-turn maneuver, analyzing possible shuttle trajectories. Considerable differences in sensor […]

  • Post: Maker Days Vol.2: Music Workshop

    Also the second afternoon of the Maker Days organized by Salzburg Research together with the association Spektrum at Stadt:Bibliothek was a complete success.