25 Jahre Salzburg Research
From Data to Value
As an applied research institute, we develop innovative,
digital solutions
for the complex challenges of a sustainable
. Our expertise lies in the field of information and communication technologies for the analysis, evaluation and utilisation of data in the core competencies of
Our aim is to work together with forward-looking companies and the public sector to generate both economic and social
added value



Success Stories

Broadband Monitoring: Comprehensive Performance Analyis for Communication Networks

Salzburg Research systematically and continuously recorded the broadband availability in a federal state and created a neutral, provider-independent database for evaluating mobile broadband availability.


Assessment Of The Quality Of Cycling Infrastructures

For the targeted further expansion of the cycle paths in an Austrian state capital, Salzburg Research determined an objective data-based assessment in order to identify those areas with the greatest need for action.


Optimized Sports Experiences through Body Sensor Networks

Sport is about efficient execution of movement for encouragement. In order to support this digitally with the help of sensors, Salzburg Research and partners developed the “SensorHub”, a distributed sensor platform for setting up so-called Body Sensor Networks.


Operational data collection in winter service: Content-technical advice for procurement and implementation

Salzburg Research supported the state of Styria in the tendering, procurement, and implementation of a telematics-supported operational data collection system for winter services.


Visitor management in tourism in Salzburg

Data-based visitor flow analyses are the basis for smart steering measures in tourism. Salzburg Research is creating a system for the automatic monitoring of movement flows in Salzburg’s Old Town and is developing, simulating and evaluating incentive systems for targeted visitor guidance measures.


Mobile gait analysis in everyday life for prosthesis users

Salzburg Research entwickelte im Auftrag des Prothesenherstellers Saphenus Medical Technology ein mobiles System zur Erfassung der Kontaktzeitdifferenz während des alltäglichen Gangs, um Prothesenträger:innen in der Rehabilitation zu unterstützen.


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05 - 07
Understanding the intersection between technology acceptance and digital behavior change
How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria