
Technology for disabled children

update Newsletter

Newsletter 4|2013


Apache Marmotta graduated to top-level project


ISO 9001 surveillance audit


Industry 4.0: People, machines, and organisations in the Web

update Newsletter

Newsletter 3|2013


L3T 2.0 now online


New Services and ICT-based Innovations in eCulture-Tourism


“face-the-book”: QR code rallye


ConnectME technology at WWW 2013


Linked Media Framework 2.6.0 Released


Speeddating with Researchers


Center for Logistics Optimization (LOGO)


Conveying European Culture 2.0


Merry Christmas and a happy and successful 2013

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria