
Test Persons Wanted: For the First Time, Digibus® Drives Completely Without a Driver


„Fit with ILSE“ to the Age


FEMtech Expert of the Month: Verena Venek


Managing the Digital Transformation


Smart Summer: Experiencing Technology


5G: Groundbreaking Future Technology or Hype?

Digibus Austria: Automatisiertes Shuttle im Test in der Salzburger Gemeinde Koppl.

Digibus® With New Technology On Board

Forschende Wadeln

The „Forsche(nde) Wadeln“-Team Runs for „Herzkinder“


SWAIG: The Heated Fascia Roll With Effect


Best Poster Award: Multilingual Speech Control for ROS-Driven Robots


Digital Strategy Depends on the Conpany Goal


The Digital Readiness Check


Status Quo and Future of Digital Mobility


240 Students were Guests in the Science City


A Smart Dome for All Situations

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria