
Movement Data Based Evaluation of Transport Infrastructures
- How efficient is a transport infrastructure?
- What is the quality of the traffic flow?
- Where and when are there restrictions in the flow of traffic?
- How is the quality of the transport infrastructure perceived by users?
- What effects do structural and traffic measures achieve?
Salzburg Research answers questions about the evaluation of the quality of transport infrastructures on the basis of real movement data and current scientific evaluation methods.
Your Added Value
- Quantified, independent evaluations based on real movement data and scientific methods. Depending on the question, use of suitable data sources (Floating Car Data, Bluetooth/WLAN travel time measurements, smartphone-based measurement data, IMU-based measurement data, C-ITS data)
- Evaluation methods for different modes of transport (cars, public transport, bicycle traffic)
- Identification of problem areas or possible causes of problems
- Comparisons of traffic quality between traffic modes (e.g. car and public transport)
- Well-founded evaluation of the effect of measures
- Efficient processing of large amounts of measurement data on the basis of the company’s own FlowMotion software suite
- Understandable, visual preparation of the results
Our Offer
For road operators, road authorities:
- Evaluation of traffic quality: Evaluation of driving speeds, driving times, driving time losses for selected road sections, traffic nodes or an entire road network
- Assessment of driving qualities: How often do you accelerate or brake? What vibrations occur while driving? How often and where do downtimes occur?
- Assessment of the quality of traffic information: What quality is achieved by traffic information? Comparisons between different data sources
- Assessment of structural and traffic measures: What effect was achieved by a measure in the traffic flow? What is the effect of a bus lane?
For operators of public transport or transport systems, transport associations:
- Evaluation of lost times: When and where do lost times occur? What are the possible causes of the lost time?
- Evaluation of the ride quality: What ride quality is there for passengers?
- Travel time comparisons: private transport and public transport
Contact us for your customized package!
Contact person
KARL REHRLSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-416 | Send an e-mail