Diversity, equity and inclusion

Experts from diverse biographical and cultural backgrounds are essential in field of research and development – not only to answer new scientific questions, but also to generate innovations and make important contributions to society. Equal treatment and transparent involvement of all employees are vital for ensuring successful outcomes and high-quality results.

The management and the management team of Salzburg Research are expressly committed to the principle of equality and equal rights for all employees. In addition, all employees actively contribute to adopting an open attitude towards all people in order to comprehensively reflect diversity, equality and inclusion in everyday professional and personal life.

Our aim is to create a diverse research environment in which all employees, regardless of origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics, have an equal opportunity to make full use of their abilities.
We are committed to breaking down barriers in both collaboration and access to research and knowledge and promote a culture of openness and respectful dialog. Through these values, we strive to create innovative and qualitative results that benefit society as a whole in all its diversity.

Gender Officer

Jennifer Upitz

Theresa Wieder
T: +43/662/2288-209 | Send an e-mail



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All people should be able to develop according to their talents, personal preferences and abilities, regardless of their origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics. No one should be subject to violence, discrimination or stereotypical prejudices and norms. Employees must not be discriminated against in the determination of remuneration, monetary benefits, reimbursement of expenses and other working conditions. The services offered by Salzburg Research are equally accessible to all employees regardless of origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics and take the best possible account of individual life situations and needs.

Sexual, gender-related or other harassment, bullying and other offensive behaviour will not be tolerated in any form whatsoever by the Management Board and the management team of Salzburg Research. We have a zero-tolerance policy on this because such behaviour represents a violation of personal rights. There are plans to also incorporate this issue specifically in the QM system for 2022. Those affected can contact the Management Board directly, the HR department, the Works Council or their line manager if they have any questions or would like to report an incident. The described behaviour will be punished by the Management Board within the scope of the applicable employment and disciplinary laws. Anyone reporting an issue can rest assured that the incident will be treated sensitively and in strictest confidence. In addition, an external occupational psychologist is available to meet at short notice to help deal with the psychological stress and to identify possible strategies for dealing with it.

The legal basis in Austria is the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG). It protects people in the working world from discrimination on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age and sexual orientation.

The Federal Constitutional Law (B-VG), the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Act, the UN Conventions on Women’s Rights and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as other equal treatment and equality rights at EU level, may apply in addition.

Salzburg Research is also subject to the Salzburg Corporate Governance Codex, the Research Collective Agreement with its associated Ethics Contract, the Employment Agreement, the externally certified quality & process management system, as well as the corporate concept for internal strategy and orientation and, from 2021 onwards, this Equality Plan.

Gendergerechte Verhältnisse


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The gender ratio at all operational and decision-making levels has an impact on all processes and their results. Care is therefore taken to ensure a fair balance of genders at all levels of the hierarchy and in all areas of Salzburg Research on an ongoing basis.

In job ads and recruitment, qualified female candidates are encouraged by means of various measures to apply and are given preference in the case of equal qualifications. When filling positions, Salzburg Research is generally committed to the principle of best-fit and it defines the specific job requirements in advance in a transparent, objective and non-discriminatory way. An internal guide for job interviews helps to ensure a structured and standardised procedure and decision-making basis for those involved.

Pay, Equipment 
& Resources

Pay, Equipment
& Resources

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Employees are not discriminated against when determining salaries and benefits, when reimbursing expenses or when agreeing other terms of employment. The support offered by Salzburg Research are equally accessible to all employees regardless of origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics and take the best possible account of individual life situations and needs.

Career Development

Career Development

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The gender equality processes at Salzburg Research are systematically updated with specific measures and corresponding resources. This also includes research & development, ranging from gender-balanced teams on research projects through to role allocation in internal services. By means of structured, annual staff appraisals, individual career development measures are identified (e.g. targeted coaching, training & management courses).



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All employees (including managers) are offered flexitime and part-time models, parental leave and the option to work from home or remotely. Salzburg Research also promotes a good work-life balance through fair and family-friendly timetables and attendance options for all training and development courses, as well as through unbureaucratic processing of absence requests and approvals.

Gender Competence

Gender Competence

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The development of gender equality competence among employees is the responsibility of Salzburg Research managers in particular.

We are committed to promoting gender equality competence by actively promoting equal opportunities in terms of gender, social justice and the inclusion of all people. Our goal is to create a work and research environment in which everyone has the same opportunities to develop and contribute, regardless of gender, disability, sexual orientation or other individual characteristics.

Equality is consciously practiced in our day-to-day dealings with one another and is continuously reinforced through workshops, further training and lectures.

Job Openings

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria