Contract Research

Common projects


Together with AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology – Salzburg Research is supporting Tourism Salzburg GmbH and Altstadt Salzburg in this multi-annual project as competence partner for the evaluation, planning and realisation of a system for smart visitor management.



SportSense aims at investigating the potential of sensor technology to determine motion-relevant parameters not only for alpine skiing and for running. more


OptiFCD calculates, visualizes and interprets necessary FCD penetration rates for the Austrian freeway network. more

INNO-Grips – Disruptive Innovations in Tourism

On behalf of the European Commission, INNO-GRIPS supports evidence-based innovation policy by enhancing the understanding of key barriers to product and service innovation in companies. In this context, Salzburg Research analyses disruptive innovations in the tourism industry. more

(e-)Access Lab

Lead users and workshops helped identify the individual problems and needs of people with disabilities in the field of skiing. For innovation reports from the workshops and compact case studies please visit the platform more

ICT-enhanced Equipment Prototyping and Testing

The sporting goods industry often doesn’t gather client and user feedback in a systematic way. Through structuring and electronic processing of the gathered data, this project tries to bridge that gap. The results obtained from this process can be used for future strategic decisions in the field of product development. more

Open Innovation & Community Tools

In what ways can users join the innovation process in the tourism, sports and leisure industry? To answer this question, we identified and assessed different concepts, methods and applications. In addition, we are monitoring and assessing online communities to identify trends and product ideas in the sports industry. more

(e-)Accessibility Watch

With the BarrierefreiheitsChecks accessibility test, tourism providers can find out in a mere five minutes whether their facility is handicapped accessible and what further opportunities and potentials accessible tourism offers for them. In addition, we developed a certification system for the accessibility of accommodation providers. more

MobiCom – Study on Mobile Communities

A study on how to develop successful mobile communities in the domains of games, learning and health more

emteba – Emerging Technology Base

The emteba knowledge base addresses users and experts in emerging technology fields. The aim of the emteba platform is to boost the visibility of projects in these areas and contribute to the emerging web of linked data. more

MobilityLab – Sun Center of Excellence

The MobilityLab is a Center of Excellence on Engineering of Location-based Services (LBS). It is a joint initiative between industry and research. The MobilityLab constitutes a laboratory that strives for improving the engineering process of LBS by conducting research and development on technical as well as methodological issues. It combines concrete industrial needs with scientific results. Ultimately, this will lead to cost-effective and user-friendly mobile or location-based services. more

SNML-SAMY – Single Point of Access Semantic Media Repository Framework

The SAMY project (“Single Point of Access Semantic Media Repository Framework“) deals with typical problems of historically grown media art archives. Its goal is to develop generic solutions based on an open source software framework that supports the functionalities of an asset management system as well as the administration of semantic networks based on an ontology. more

sAssist – mobile assistive systems for the elderly

Study to evaluate the potential and acceptance of mobile assistive systems for the elderly

Hallein-Tour-Guide – Virtual Tour Knappensteig

Together with the tourism association Hallein und other regional partners Salzburg Research develops a mobile, interactive experiences trail from the city of Hallein up to the Dürrnberg. The area is rich in industrial and cultural heritage (salt mine, Celtic village, pilgrimage church) and represents an attractive natural environment. more

i-busuu – Language learning on a online social community platform

Innovative solutions for language learning in an online social community more

EduMoodle – Evaluation of the learning platform EduMoodle

A study on the use of EduMoodle commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture more

OECD study on ICT in Teacher Training

Austrian part of the OECD study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. more

ComStudy – Successful virtual community building and technological support

The success of new and participative applications of the Web 2.0 is deeply connected with the usage by virtual communities. Their involvement is essential for the success of these Web-related projects. Hence, the question about successful community building is crucial and gets a lot of attention. more

SNML-FCP – Future Content Platforms

The traditional way of creating content involves many different steps and often is a time-consuming as well as expensive endeavor. Contents are often restricted by the respective type of media they are to be used for (e.g. text and images for a newspaper), which also mostly leave little space for user-generated contents. However, current developments on the internet like “social software” and the “semantic web” are gradually changing the way contents are consumed. more

Smart Move – tripwolf iPhone travel guide

The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide“ offers travelers quick (online and offline) access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities. With the help of Augmented Reality, information is automatically displayed right in live view on their iPhone camera. more

SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students

The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository). more

SNML-SMA – Digital Media Archives

Digital media archives – together instead of alone? The digital archives of today’s medium-sized and major companies are more than just a collection of documents and rows of numbers. They also contain a huge amount of images, technical drawings, animations and audiovisual materials (e.g. voice recordings and video features). With the production of digital materials becoming easier, the demands for archivists are gradually rising. more

ways2know – An innovative tool for knowledge management of ways2go

Assessment of feasibility of a knowledge management tool more

ANET-BAWI – eAccessibility in Sports Regions

Innovative (ICT)-measures and sport products for disabled people more

ANET-PISI – Product Innovation in the Ski Industry

Information Technology supports Product Development more

ANET-MobilityLab – Testlab for Mobile Services

Tourism is usually regarded as one of the prime application fields for mobile devices. They allow travellers to access services at any time by using portable devices, such as mobile phones. Previous mobile solutions have shown that – provided that they are based on a feasible business model and a software development process that has been aligned for mobile solutions – they benefit both users and providers equally. more

nowledge management for the House of World Cultures

Implementation of an archive system that allows for easy reuse of digital assets for new cultural events, products and services more

ANET-TourGuide – TourGuide for Web and Mobile Devices

The project “TourGuide for the Web and Mobile Devices” develops services that help users to plan and make tours and trips in the countryside. The TourGuide provides maps and related multimedia information on specific target areas which allow users to study different offers in detail. more

ANET-B2B Wissensportal

To meet the increasing demands on e-tourism new information services have to be provided for customers and the marketing services of tourist organisations. The B2B Wissensportal (the B2B Knowledge Portal) is a service-orientated Internet platform for tourism service providers. The B2B Knowledge Portal has been developed together with the SalzburgerLand Tourismus Gesellschaft (SLTG) during a two-year research project. more

ANET-Prosumer in the tourism industry

New ICT applications allow tourists to customize their travel services package more

SNML-UICGMD – User Interface Concepts for Georeferenced Multimedia Data

Methodology for geographic discovery of a digital content stored in a digital library. more

NGOMS – Next Generation Information Systems

Multimedia presentations are increasingly used at airports, train stations or traffic control. In addition, information has to be delivered more and more via mobile applications. The NGOMS (Next Generation Open Management System) aims at the change from a PC-based client-server system to a multi-layer Internet-capable multimedia presentation environment.

EP2010 – The Future of Research into Publishing, Content and Knowledge Technologies

A strategic study for the European Commission, DG Information Society, on how to promote research on content and knowledge technologies


Digital Cultural Heritage Networks

A survey for the Council of Europe on digital cultural heritage networks and projects in Europe and beyond more

Virtual Web User

Simulation of the Network Load caused by Web-Surfers more

Passive Monitoring

Non-intrusive Internet measurement more

Hypervideo – Interactive TV with Web Browsers

National research project in co-operation with Telekom Austria (2000-2001) more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria