Workshop: Collaborative Robotics in an Industrial Environment
Salzburg Research and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences invite you to a workshop as part of the Digital Transfer Center (DTZ):
If humans and robots are to share a workshpace without a protective device, the company faces a number of new challenges. Which software is the right one for my control systems and how is it implemented in terms of information technology? Which forms of cooperation exist, how can I use them in my company and which security factors have to be considered? This and more is the topic of the free, interactive workshop “Collaborative Robotics – Humans and Robots in an Industrial Environment”, to which we cordially invite you. You will get an overview of collaboration forms, robot types and possible uses and specific application examples for companies. Participation is free.
September 2nd, 2020, 9 am to 12.30 pm
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Science City Itzling
Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 5, 5020 Salzburg

Contact person
FELIX STROHMEIERSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-443 | Send an e-mail