Sustainable shopping behaviour: New solutions for online shopping
Project SuCoLo: Sustainable shopping behaviour by means of integrative bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts – New solutions for online shopping
Stakeholder workshop with operators of online shops
As part of a study by the European project „Sustainable Logistics Cooperation“ (SuCoLo), we are investigating how online shoppers can be supported in making sustainable purchasing and delivery decisions. Together with you, we want to:
- discuss the use and benefits of new, digital forms of incentivization in the choice of sustainable delivery of online purchases, e.g. by cargo bike,
- present use cases and successful best practices for online store platforms, and,
- discuss your needs and requirements for online shopping solutions.
Your contribution is particularly valuable to us in order to make further activities more user-friendly.
More background information on the European project:
Virtual workshop via Zoom (in English)
01 October 2024, 15:00 – 17:00
Please register by contacting: | +43 662 2288 308

Contact person
MICHAEL THELENSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-308 | Send an e-mail | LinkedIn