Series of events: Digital Life


Media Competency: What must web e able to do, who is going to teach us?

Not falling for the internet’s line

Fake News, Cybermobbing, Sexting, Hate Postings… the Internet not only gives us the freedom to communicate at any time in any place. The Internet also requires us a whole range of abilities so that this freedom does not become a nightmare.

But who brings these competencies to us, especially to the newcomers? Education Minister Sonja Hammerschmid had launched an initiative with the school concept for digital competency so that children in school learn to critically reflect content on the internet.

Where do we stand on the road to becoming a “media-aware citizen”? This is the question of the new issue of the “Digital Life” series of the Digital Salzburg platform. This time in cooperation with the Pedagogic Academy.

On Tuesday 25 April 2017 from 5.30 pm
In lecture theatre 1 at the Pädagogische Hochschule,
Akademiestraße 23 in Salzburg

Conversation partner:

  • Meral Akin-Hecke,
  • Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen, Head oft he Center of Competences for Media Education and E-Learning PH Salzburg
  • Markus Weiheitinger-Herrmann, Institute for Media Education, Managing Director FS 1

Participation in the event is free. Registration is requested.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria
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