Report: Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary


Prominent congratulants and interested visitors were able to look behind the scenes of Salzburg Research.

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During the “Nachwuchsforscher”-forenoon future researchers became an insight to the fascinating world of technological research. The celebration was opened up by the state govenor of the Province of Salzburg Gabi Burgstaller, vice state govenor Wilfried Haslauer, and Martin Russ, delegate of the Austrian Ministry for Innovation and Technology.

Salzburg Research presented a successful scientific and financial balance and the company’s future focussing. Visitors were able to explore and test current and successfully finished projects from the last 10 years. The crown of the celebration was the symposium “research leads – with innovation to success”

Photos of the celebration
Activities, Priorities and Highlights from the last 10 years can be found in our 10th Anniversary Booklet (in German).

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria
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