Report: Presentation and Panel Discussion: “Does Austria need Infrastructural Politics of Knowledge?”
The New Club of Paris is the agenda developer for the Knowledge Economy. The Club’s main objective is to create awareness on what the knowledge society is and will be, and also support nations, regions, cities, communities organizations and companies in their transformation into the Knowledge Economy. The club’s General Secretary, Günter Koch, presented the study „Österreichs Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft“ with six tangible recommendations.

Erhard Busek, Gabriele Leibetseder, Siegfried Reich, Günter Koch
The following debaters participated in the panel discussion:
- Erhard Busek (rector University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, retired vice-chancellor of Austria)
- Siegfried Reich (CEO Salzburg Research)
- Gabriele Leibetseder (Marketing and Technik Isocell)