Hiking for the Heart: Requirements and Success Factors
As part of the cross-border Interreg project “Connect2Move – Hiking for the Heart”, a German-Austrian team is working on the development of a new health service. Against this background, we invite you to the stakeholder workshop: Requirements and success factors for the introduction of an innovative service package for heart health.
Exchange ideas with us on how new health-statistical and data-based offers for cardiovascular health can be designed. Share your experiences and expectations and support the development of new offers for health tourism.
Connect2Move Stakeholder Workshop
March 2, 2021, 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Online (via Zoom)
Limited number of participants!
Registration required:
(You will receive the access data when you register)

Contact person
EVA FLASCHSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-319 | M: 0664/8142018
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