Fact or Fake: The Role of Research in a Post-Truth Era
Workshop in Co-Operation with Forschung Austria
at the European Forum Alpbach 2022, Alpbach
26. August 2022, 15:00 – 18:00 Uhr, Böglerhof – Fichtensaal
In our societies, development processes used to be based on facts and our acts grounded in knowledge. In the past few years, “alternative” facts have taken hold in many areas, like climate change or the current pandemic. We will discuss how science in general and applied research in particular can again focus on facts instead of emotions. How to communicate science, what about the Third Mission?
Moderation: Siegfried Reich, Managing Director and Head of Research, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft

Sabine Ladstätter
Executive Director, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Elisabeth Mertl
Senior Researcher, OFI Independent Research and Testing Institute

Gabriele Ambros
President of Forschung Austria

Klaus Pseiner
Managing Director, Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Eva Stanzl
Science Editor, Wiener Zeitung

Larissa Krainer
Professor, Dept. of Media and Communications and Chair of the Senate, University of Klagenfurt

Christof Gattringer
President of the Austrian Science Fund

Siegfried Reich
Managing Director and Head of Research, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft

Contact person
SIEGFRIED REICHSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
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