Report: Berlin Buzzwords Semantic Hackathon


Date: 08 Jun 2011 – 09 Jun 2011
Location: neofonie GmbH Robert-Koch-Platz 4 10115 Berlin, Germany

This hackathon took place within the context of the Berlin Buzzwords Conference.

Incubating Apache projects such as Stanbol and OpenNLP need to train statistical models on annotated corpora for instance for Named Entity Recognition. Presently available models were mostly built on copyrighted corpora typically coming from the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) that prevent those projects from improving, modifying, extending and re-distributing the existing annotated corpora to build and distribute user adapted statistical models. Here is what we want to do about this …

For more information please visit the event page:

Salzburg Research is co-ordinator of the European Integrated Project (IP) “IKS – Interactive Knowledge Stack”.

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