13th Austrian Cycling Summit: Bike Quality
Shift up a gear! Salzburg Research presents the results of the cycling infrastructure analysis in the city of Salzburg at the 13th Cycling Summit.
Evaluation of the surface quality of the cycling infrastructure in the city of Salzburg: At the 13th Austrian Cycling Summit 2022, Salzburg Research and the city of Salzburg will present the results of the “Bike Quality” project. For this purpose, vibrations on the handlebars were measured during bicycle rides, thus identifying the quality of the cycle paths, which are now being improved step by step.
Austrian Cycling Summit 2022
3-5 April 2022, Vienna
Contribution Salzburg Research: Tue 5 April, 14:00-15:30

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SVEN LEITINGERSalzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
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