• Event: Austrian AAL Practice Conference 2018: From Practice to Practice – AAL Made in Austria

    Information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in over 500 Austrian households and insights into digitization solutions for the aging society.On November 15, 2018, the first Austrian AAL practice conference will be held under the motto “From practice for practice – AAL made in Austria” in Salzburg. AAL Austria, the innovation platform for intelligent assistance in everyday life, and the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft are organizing this Austria-wide exchange of experience together with the seven Austrian AAL test regions. The AAL Practice Conference provides information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in more than 500 Austrian households and provides insights into digitization solution for the aging society. The conference is aimed at healthcare and social service providers, electrical and IT installers (system integrators), AAL product and solution providers, and the interested community. The practice conference highlights the opportunities and hurdles of AAL solutions based on practical experience and invites dialogue and networking. An […]

  • Post: Open Innovation Practice Day: Networking and Knowledge Transfer

    Open innovation means an improvement for companies on many levels: more innovative, faster, more cost-effective. But how is the method successfully implemented? Over 80 registered participants had the opportunity to get to know the strategy on the basis of practical examples at the Open Innovation Practice Day. Open innovation means an improvement for companies on many levels: more innovative, faster, more cost-effective. But how is the method successfully implemented? More than 80 registered participants had the opportunity to get to know the strategy on the basis of practical examples and to get inspiration and ideas from many experts for their own projects at the Open Innovation Practice Day in the house of Salzburg Research. Knowledge transfer and networking What is Open Innovation and how can new methods be integrated into everyday business? As part of the Federal Government’s Open Innovation Strategy, organized by ITG – Innovation Service for Salzburg and Salzburg Research, the Practice […]

  • Post: Getting young people excited about STEM: face-to-face courses and online materials

    Over the past few months, schoolchildren were able to embark on a journey into the research world of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. As extracurricular places of learning, the universities of Salzburg, Linz and Passau as well as Salzburg Research offered experiments and workshops that complement lessons, promote talents and provide insights into the everyday work of researchers. Numerous materials and videos are available online. In the cross-border INTERREG project “Establishing a network of STEM Learning Centres”, STEM offers for secondary school pupils were created. Local STEM Learning Centres were established and expanded and extracurricular STEM learning resources were developed. The results are now available online. “STEM promotion aims to invite children and young people on a journey into research and get them sustainably excited about science and technology,” says Arne Bathke, Dean of the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences at the University of Salzburg. “Through exciting mediation formats, participants learn […]

  • Event: Canceled: From Customer to Creative Fan with Cowdfunding

    […] crowdfunding and provides answers to your questions. How can you involve customers with their ideas in future projects using crowdsourcing? Why crowdfunding, and does the modern way of financing fit my business at all? What role does customer loyalty play for my company and how do you build your own customer crowd with digital media? What types of crowdfunding are there and which legal framework conditions apply in Austria? On the basis of examples directly from the practice is shown, what is possible, and why crowdfunding as a form of financing today is indispensable. From Customer to Creative Fan with Crowdfunding 7th November 2018, 1 pm to 5 pm Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft, meeting room “Havanna” Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 3/5, 5020 Salzburg Program Crowdbusiness: Vom Crowdsourcing zum Crowdfunding Unterschiedliche Arten von Crowdfunding Rechtliche & wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen von Crowdfunding Die Rolle von Crowdfunding im Finanzierungsmix für Innovationsvorhaben Crowdfunding – Chancen, Perspektiven & Risiken aus Unternehmersicht Crowdfunding – Chancen, […]

  • Post: Digital Transformation: Research and Practice

    This is how the digital transformation succeeds: state oft he art research and insights into the company’s practice at the 2nd DTZ symposium. The Digital Transfer Center (DTZ) bundles the research competences of FH Salzburg and Salzburg Research in the field of digitization and makes this know-how available to companies. Especially SMEs receive access to the current state of research in the DTZ. Focal points are four current challenges of digitization: Digital Twins Smart Logistics & Mobility Collaborative Production Digital Business Models & Smart Services The DTZ presented four lectures on these four topics in an extremely exciting constellation: the perspective of research combined with concrete experiences of companies. Slides for the lectures can be found on the DTZ website. The welcome words came from “Vizerektor für Forschung” of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Roald Steiner and Walter Haas from ITG Salzburg – innovation service for Salzburg. Veit Kohnhauser, head of the DTZ, showed […]

  • Event: Open Innovation Practice Day

    Get to know the method at the Open Innovation Practice Day with practical examples and get ideas for your own projects from many experts! There is plenty of inspiration: crowdfunding, property rights, regional development, crafts, administration and science are topics in the freely selectable workshops. At Open Innovation, the most varied creative minds deliver ideas, sketches, sometimes even prototypes for their own innovation activities. But how can you successfully implement Open Innovation? Thu, June 21, 2018, 11 am to 5 pm Science City Salzburg (Techno-Z) Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 5, 5020 Salzburg Get to know the method at the Open Innovation Practice Day with practical examples and get ideas for your own projects form many experts! There is plenty of inspiration: crowdfunding, property rights, regional development, crafts, administration and science are topics in the freely selectable workshops. One workshop comes from Salzburg Research. Change of Perspective? Take the opportunity to visit one of three innovation sites in […]

  • Event: Report: e-Health in practice

    […] life for different target groups. New technologies are supporting the health system – mostly unnoticed in the background. Information and communication technologies and so-called assistive technology help the medical personnel in their daily work, rapidly guide ifesavers  to the accident site and provide security for independent living in old age. Due to the demographic development, these supporting technologies are increasingly important. The focus is on prevention as well as acute help. Experts avve insights into the current practice of e-health projects. Concepts, products and services are introduced that improve the interaction between technical and social systems and thus increase the labor and quality of life for different target groups. e-health network platform in Salzburg The “Team Up! – E-Health Network Day “provides a regular platform for e-health-related topics in Salzburg. Let us know the topics on which you have special interest! We organize the “Team Up! – E-Health Network Day” in cooperation with other […]

  • Projekt: SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students

    The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository). An important aspect of this project is to provide easy access to materials and facilitate the searching, compiling and re-use of information that can also be rated and discussed by users. Based on a knowledge model, the project seeks to create a system offering the following features: Single point of access: Different kinds of contents and services (e.g. work sheets, video materials, learning management systems,…) can be accessed via one standard, simple interface to facilitate teacher and student interaction as well as the interconnection of various contents. Intelligent searching: Based on the knowledge model, the platform should offer users an “intelligent” search engine. For instance, when searching for “images of birds”, this kind of intelligent search would also bring up images of ducks although they might not necessarily be tagged with the […]

  • Publikation: Scheduling periodic customer visits for a Travelling Salesperson

    The problem considered in this paper deals with determining daily routes for a traveling salesperson who provides customers in Upper Austria with product range information of a large, global food wholesaler. Each customer has to be visited at least once a year, with some customers requiring up to 1 visit per month. Further, some customers may not be visited each day of the week. Our decision support system uses a commercial GIS software to extract customer data for input into the optimization procedure and to visualize the results obtained by the algorithm. The optimization approach is based on the Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm which assigns customers to days and determines routes for the salesperson for each day with the primary objective to minimize the total travel time of the salesperson. Another objective studied is to minimize the number of days needed by the salesperson to visit all customers in a given month. Further we […]

  • Publikation: Building Innovation Ressources from Unstructured Customer Feedback.
  • Publikation: Innovation management in schools: Barriers and enablers to making as educative practice.
  • Post: ISO 9001 surveillance audit

    Salzburg Research successfully completed the annual surveillance audit for certified companies. Salzburg Research is certified according to ISO 9001 since 2008. The integrated quality management system helps to achieve a high level of quality in research and development, and a high level of customer satisfaction. For the ongoing validity  of the certificate annual audits – one internal and one external – are prescribed. On November 5th 2013, this year’s surveillance audit was held by TÜV Austria. The results in the audited areas were convincing, the certificate retains its validity. The Quality Management System (QMS ) is a management tool to document a company’s ability to meet both customer requirements and regulatory frameworks with the goal of customer satisfaction. The system describes the methodology and provides the tools to empower all employees to ensure and improve the quality in their daily work; it ensures that processes and procedures in an organization are coordinated, consistent, and […]

  • Post: Digitization Solutions for the Aging Society

    AAL Practice Conference: Information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in more than 500 Austrian households. On 15 November, the first Austrian AAL practice conference took place under the motto “From practice for practice – AAL made in Austria” in Salzburg. AAL Austria, the innovation platform for intelligent assistance in everyday life, and the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft are organizing this Austria-wide exchange of experience together with the seven Austrian AAL test regions. The conference provided information from the practical operation of AAL solutions in more than 500 Austrian households and provided insights into digitization solutions for the aging society. For the field of AAL (Active and Assisted Living) has come an exciting time, the technology is ripe. Even if it sounds strange to some, digitization plays an important role in nursing and care. And with all its facets, including robotics, sensors, etc., it will become more and more important in the future – […]

  • Post: SMEs: 7 Recommendations for Action for Digital Transformation

    […] master the digital transformation of your SME. Mobile internet, social media or online shopping are now an integral part of our everyday life. Hardly anything has changed our society more than digitization in recent years. In the meantime, the digital transformation is also changing our business fundamentally. It is therefore important for companies to recognize new technologies and digital trends and to make them usable for the company. Digital technologies offer companies numerous opportunities to tap new customer groups, make the company organization more efficient, or optimize the production and supply chains. This creates great opportunities for small and medium-sized companies in particular, because their smaller size and flatter organizational structures mean that they can respond to new challenges in the market more agile and more quickly than large companies. At the same time, this trend also harbors risks. Digital technologies are shaking value chains, organizational structures, operational processes and revenue models – in […]

  • Post: Certification According to ISO 9001:2015

    The management system of Salzburg Research has been certified to ISO 9001 since 2008. In November the change to the new standard took place. Since 2008, the Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft has already been certified to EN ISO 9001. Quality is not a goal, it is a permanent process. A successful quality management system improves company performance and creates clarity for employees. The quality management system significantly contributes to the achievement of strategic business goals by defining integrated business processes. It helps to perform research and development work in high quality and to the best possible satisfaction of customers, clients and partners as well as other stakeholders. With the certification in December 2008, Salzburg Research was certified to introduce an integrated quality management system according to EN ISO 9001: 2008. The quality management system is audited annually in an internal and an external audit. There are recertification audits every three years and two surveillance audits […]

  • Page: Connected Boot Studie: Infos für Teilnehmende

    Vielen D ank, dass Sie an unserer Studie teilnehmen! Der Connected Boot wurde von Salzburg Research gemeinsam mit Atomic und der Universität Salzburg im Projekt „Digital Motion“ entwickelt. Im Rahmen der Studie 2023 soll der Algorithmus des Carving Scores für eine breitere Zielgruppe validiert und die Akzeptanz der technologischen Lösung unter den Nutzer:innen untersucht werden. Hier finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen: Umfrage Wir bitten dich, vor dem Test des Connected Boots Teil A der Umfrage auszufüllen: Zur Umfrage -Teil A Du hast den Connected Boot getestet? Bitte fülle abschließend Teil B der Umfrage aus: Zur Umfrage -Teil B Unter allen vollständig ausgefüllten Umfragen verlosen wir: 1 Paar Atomic Ski 1 Paar Atomic Skischuhe -50% oder -30% Voucher für den Atomic Online-Store Auslosung nach Studienende Mai 2023 Download der App Die App zur Studie finden Sie sowohl auf Google Play als auch im App Store: Android: Turnalizer-App iOS: Atomic Connected Für die Verwendung der App […]

  • Post: Living sucessfully with diabetes

    During the 6th e-Health Day Salzburg on November 5th, several experts gave insights into theory and practice concerning daily life with diabetes. During the 6th e-Health Day Salzburg on November 5th, several experts gave insights into theory and practice concerning daily life with diabetes. Presentations and information on the speakers can be found here (in German): Nachbericht: 6. e-Health Day: Diabetes-Selbstmanagement Press Release (in German): Presseaussendung: Diabetiker/-innen nehmen ihre Krankheit selbst in die Hand Die Vortragenden beim 6. e-Health Day Salzburg v.l.n.r.: Helmuth Badjura (Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahnen und Bergbau), Felix Strohmeier (Salzburg Research), Fredrik Debong (mySugr), Peter Beck (Joanneum Research), Anna Mayer (Österreichische Diabetikervereinigung), Manuela Plößnig (Salzburg Research), Siegfried Reich (Salzburg Research) Begrüßung durch Univ.-Doz. Dr. Siegfried Reich; Salzburg Research Anna Mayer; Österreichische Diabetikervereinigung Anna Mayer; Österreichische Diabetikervereinigung DI Manuela Plößnig, MSc; Salzburg Research DI (FH) DI Felix Strohmeier; Salzburg Research DI (FH) DI Felix Strohmeier; Salzburg Research, DI(FH) Dietmar Glachs; Salzburg Research Helmuth […]

  • Post: Successful Recertification According to ISO 9001

    The Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft has been certified according to EN ISO 9001 since 2008. The recertification audit by TÜV Austria confirms conformity with the standard requirements and the effectiveness of the management system. The certificate was extended for a further three years.

  • Post: New Publication: Digital Twins in the Factory Lifecycle

    A compilation of important conceptual principles of digital twins in the plant life cycle and examples for their application and use in industrial practice. Georg Güntner from Salzburg Research, together with Simon Hoher, published a report with important conceptual principles of digital twins in the factory life cycle and examples for their application and use in industrial practice. The focus of the contributions in “Digital Twins im Anlagen-Lebenszyklus” (translated: “Digital Twins in the Factory Lifecycle”) is on the one hand on applications in the development and commissioning phase (Sections 2 and 3), and on the other hand on the use in the operation and maintenance phase (Sections 4 and 5) of systems. A contribution on the basic categorization of digital twins (Section 1), the presentation of relevant standards (Section 6) and a bibliography (Appendix A) for further information on the subject of digital twins round off the report. The term “digital twin” summarizes all […]

  • Leistung: Performance Evaluation for Digital Infrastructure

    […] functions Increase in quality by identifying weak points and the causes of errors by emulating data streams in a distributed communication network State-of-the-art solution proposals based on the latest know-how from research Security and reliability of complex, digital products through coordinated hardware, software and network specifications Our Offer For developers of digital solutions: Stress test for digital solutions: evaluation of the performance of applications, network quality and reliability, detection of weak points Evaluation of new functions Identification of the scaling potential of a solution For users of digital solutions who want to recognize problems/behaviour of the system in real time: Evaluation process that can be quickly implemented and adapted to your individual needs: One-time performance evaluation of the current situation, continuous live monitoring during operation, data analysis, visualization and/or advice. Neutral evaluation and advice in the procurement process with state-of-the-art know-how from research and practice – manufacturer-neutral and industry-independent. Contact us for your customized package!