• Leistung: Quality measurement of cycling infrastructure

    Digital surveying of the cycling infrastructure as a neutral decision-making basis for future planning and targeted improvement. Digital measurement of the cycling infrastructure as a neutral basis for decision-making for future planning and targeted improvement. For environmental protection and sustainability, cycling is the best means of transport for short to medium distances. In order to increase the share of cycling and contribute to the achievement of climate goals, targeted measures are needed to expand and improve the existing cycling infrastructure. With Bike Quality, Salzburg Research uses digital technologies to identify the areas with the greatest need for action in a network of cycle paths. Your added value With Bike Quality, quality parameters of the cycling infrastructure can be measured. This provides traffic planning with: a neutral decision-making basis for future planning and targeted improvement of the cycling infrastructure. Investments to improve the cycling infrastructure can thus be made in a targeted manner and the […]

  • Leistung: Performance Evaluation for Digital Infrastructure

    […] neutral measured values in targeted, independent tests in the actual operational environment Acceleration of the integration process or Go Live process by 30% with a cost saving potential of 40% to 90% (source: Gartner Go-Live study 2019); uninterrupted operation, even with the integration of new functions Increase in quality by identifying weak points and the causes of errors by emulating data streams in a distributed communication network State-of-the-art solution proposals based on the latest know-how from research Security and reliability of complex, digital products through coordinated hardware, software and network specifications Our Offer For developers of digital solutions: Stress test for digital solutions: evaluation of the performance of applications, network quality and reliability, detection of weak points Evaluation of new functions Identification of the scaling potential of a solution For users of digital solutions who want to recognize problems/behaviour of the system in real time: Evaluation process that can be quickly implemented and adapted […]

  • Post: Another fundraising record at the Charity Challenge 2023

    […] Salzburg companies – including Salzburg Research – took part in this year’s Salzburg Business Run Charity Challenge. On 5 October, the donation cheque amounting to 34,350 euros was handed over to Alfred Pozetti, chairman of the association Kinder haben Zukunft. More than 121,000 kilometres have been collected by the 600 participants in the 25 company teams since mid-June while walking, running, hiking or trail running. Every kilometre collected was converted into a donation – 23 cents in 2023, as always adjusted to the respective year. The results were generously rounded up by the companies. The main sponsors of the Salzburg Business Run also added a hefty victory bonus for the children. More than just a sporting competition The Charity Challenge was never intended to be a purely sporting competition – at most a battle to overcome convenience for the double victory of health and helpfulness. The participants take on this ‘challenge’ in teams, as […]

  • Post: Digibus® 2.0: Pilot operation 2023 in Koppl – Test phase I

    A pilot operation with automated vehicles will also take place in the Salzburg municipality of Koppl in 2023. Two different models are being tested. Building on the experience gained from the Digibus® Austria flagship project, automated transport for connecting rural regions to intermodal mobility hubs is being tested with the new Digibus® 2.0. Like its predecessors, the self-driving research vehicle – the “Digibus® 2.0” – is in public pilot operation in the Salzburg municipality of Koppl and is aimed specifically at commuters, day trippers and tourists. All trips with the Digibus® 2.0 are free of charge. Test phase I with the HEAT Shuttle: 15th of May – 20th of June 2023: A pilot operation with the HEAT-Shuttle took place from Monday to Friday in the following period (except publich holidays): 15.05.2023. – 20.06.2023 Timetable subject to change. No trips during heavy rain. We ask for your understanding that there are some conditions and restrictions […]

  • Post: Digibus® 2.0: First measurement runs for automated pilot operation 2023

    In wintry conditions, the “Digibus® 2.0” was on Austria’s roads for the first time in mid-December. Salzburg Research and Digitrans GmbH carried out the first measurement runs in the municipality of Koppl in preparation for the automated pilot operation. From spring 2023, the 100% battery-electric powered shuttle will complement public transport in the municipality. The “Digibus®” is driving again in the Salzburg municipality of Koppl – and this time it looks very different: The “Digibus® 2.0” is a standard VW e-Crafter that is converted into an automated shuttle with additional sensors and software. Eight radars, six LiDAR cameras, four cameras with all-round vision and other sensors help the vehicle to position itself and perceive its surroundings. The major advantages of this converted model compared to the previous models from two full-service providers are the modular design, the open interfaces and the openly available data. This means that the vehicle can be optimally adapted to […]

  • Post: Wissenstage 23: Participate in climate research

    Two-day festival presented hands-on climate research: The 2023 Knowledge Days, which were organised by the City of Salzburg together with many partners such as Salzburg AG and Salzburg Research, were dedicated to many facets of climate change this year under the motto “Climate.Changes”, from scientific phenomena to changes in the social climate. Pupils experienced science and research up close On Friday, an exciting programme was on the agenda for almost 150 pupils: they experienced the exciting world of science and research up close at interactive stations, lectures and discussions with experts and workshops. Premiere for the “1st Salzburg Bicycle Cinema” We welcomed around 250 guests to the premiere of the “Bicycle Cinema” on Friday evening. As expected, almost all of them came by bike despite the heavy rain. The electricity for the cinema screening of “Into the Ice”, a visually impressive and stirring cinema adventure that shows the effects of climate change on Greenland’s […]

  • Post: From Data to Value: Intellectual Capital Report 2022/23

    […] we present this annual report to you. In it you will find the outstanding successes and impressive results of our research work in 2022. Even though an annual report symbolises a conclusion, it is clear that in science in general, and thus in applied research, it is not possible to be “finished”. That is why we continuously develop the state of research together with our partner organisations and thus shape the future. The foundation for this is first and foremost our employees, who use their know-how and curiosity to get to the bottom of things and thus work on professional and often unusual solutions for our clients. And of course, successful research also needs trusting networks and partnerships, because we can only manage the transformation together. We hope that this annual report will also inspire you to further dedicate yourself to research and innovation and thus to shaping the future. Download: Wissensbilanz 2022/23 (in German)

  • Post: Bike Quality: Bicycle Infrastructure Under The Microscope

    With “Bike Quality”, Salzburg Research uses digital technologies to identify the areas with the greatest need for action in the Salzburg cycle path network.For environmental protection and sustainability, the bicycle is the best means of transport for short to medium distances. In order to increase the bicycle traffic share and to contribute to the achievement of climate goals, targeted measures for the expansion and improvement of the existing bicycle infrastructure are required. With “Bike Quality”, Salzburg Research uses digital technologies to identify the areas with the greatest need for action in the Salzburg cycle path network. Salzburg is already the frontrunner in Austria compared to 20 percent of cyclists. An increase to 24 percent would mean a reduction of nine tons of CO2 per day and would help to further chive the climate goals. The following applies: the better and safer the bicycle infrastructure, the more often it is used. The “Bike Quality” app […]

  • Event: The Cloud Visiting: OTC Truck in the Science City

    In autumn, the Open Telekom cloud truck will be on the road again throughout Austria. On September 4 he stops in Salzburg and shows, among other things, the technological cooperation with Salzburg Research for the traffic situation calculation. On September 4 the OTC Truck will visit the Techno-Z in Salzburg. The truck has loaded loads of application examples from the areas of M2M and the Internet of Things. Among them is the cooperation with Salzburg Research within the traffic situation calculation. OTC Truck visiting Salzburg 4th September 2018, 10 am – 4 pm Science City Salzburg (Techno-Z) These Highlights Await You on the Roadshow Security Intelligence as a Service (SlaaS) Experience has shown that cyberattacks in business remain undetected for more than 200 days. Rapid detection and response in the event of a threat is more important than ever. T-Systems’ 24/7 Security Operations Center and Incident Response strengthen corporate security. Internet Protect Pro Cloud-based […]

  • Post: Software & Data Engineer (w/d/m) gesucht: Schwerpunkt Geodatenbanken & Cloud-Services

    Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Software & Data Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Geodatenbanken & Cloud-Services Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet auf eine langfristige Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit. Ausschreibung als PDF Beteilige Dich an zukünftigen Mobilitätslösungen! Salzburg Research bietet als unabhängiges Forschungsinstitut Know-how und nachhaltige Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen im Internet der Dinge. Wir sind Think-Tank für innovative Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen und die öffentliche Hand – international orientiert und der Region verpflichtet. Das Verständnis, welche Bewegungen wo und wie stattfinden, ist zentrale Voraussetzung für Optimierungen in der Personen- und Gütermobilität. In der Forschungsgruppe Mobility & Transport Analytics eröffnen wir das Potenzial von Bewegungsdaten durch intelligente Analyseverfahren, Multi-Sensorfusion, Map-Matching oder Routing für hochgenaue Karten sowie Echtzeit-nahe Verarbeitung, Analyse und Interpretation von hochauflösenden Fahrtrajektorien – für optimierte Flottensteuerung, Verkehrssteuerung oder […]

  • Post: We are offering: Cloud Software Designer (m/f)

    In order to extend and strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a Cloud Software Designer (m/f) development and deployment of Internet Platforms. Salzburg Research’s IOT group is active (as coordinator and research partner) in several EU ICT projects as well as in large national R&D projects, always in collaboration with industry partners. We follow a permissive open source strategy (typically Apache 2.0 or similar) that makes it possible for partners and employees alike, to re-use our results for commercial or academic follow-up. We are now entering a new large scale European project and have several national and European projects ongoing. We therefore want to extend and strengthen our team: Cloud Software Designer (m/f) development and deployment of Internet Platforms Job Advert as PDF Salzburg Research is an ICT research and development firm financed to one third by local government and to two thirds by external research contracts. We are […]

  • Projekt: SuCoLo – Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts

    SuCoLo researches and develops solutions for sustainable, inclusive logistics in urban outskirts. It explores digital methods for sustainable behavior, the needs of citizens, the necessary infrastructure and database in terms of bicycle logistics, and inclusive and socially beneficial pick-up stations. Urban outskirts can be brought closer to the 15-minute city ideal through the use of e-commerce and sustainable goods delivery and local pick-up options; however, urban outskirts are associated with high greenhouse gas emissions from car use and not inclusive neighbourhoods. The aim of this project is to provide a solid conceptual, methodological and empirical understanding of how to motivate sustainable consumer behaviour and deploy inclusive bicycle logistics in order to foster net-zero ways of delivery and pick-up of goods in urban outskirts. In SuCoLo, digital behaviour change methods necessary to encourage citizens to use sustainable logistics choices will be developed, building on psychological models of behaviour change. SuCoLo will explore the required infrastructure […]

  • Projekt: IPEN – IP Infrastructure for Energy Networks

    […] (smart grid metrology). A root cause of the problem is the missing signalling component between the energy protocols and the Internet Protocol (IP). In lack of the specific communication requirements the IP network can’t be configured adequately. As a consequence, wide-area transmissions have so far not been implemented on the basis of packet networks. However, the use of IP technology is indispensable to meet the demands for a cost-effective decentralized smart grid communication infrastructure. The scientific fo undation of the project is the study of interdependencies between the communication and the electrical network, in particular, how impairments of the communication quality (e.g. large delays, packet loss) affect the quality of control in the electrical network. A selected energy application will be embedded into a worst-case simulation scenario to analyse the impact of communication latency on the stability of the electrical network. The results will be a major output of the project as such interdependencies […]

  • Projekt: agINFRA – Data Infrastructure to Support Agricultural Scientific Communities

    Providing a Linked Data based e-infrastructure for sharing and curating open research data. agINFRA develops an e-infrastructure for sharing data and other research results among agricultural scientists and researchers of related desciplines such as biodiversity and environment. The project promotes an open approach to data-intensive science building on innovative Linked Data applications and services for collaborative research and data curation. In particular, agINFRA aims to remove existing obstacles to open sharing of research data and improve the preparedness of the scientific communities to manage and exploit the growing volume of heterogenous and complex datasets.

  • Projekt: MINER – Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research

    […] the user needs to carry out many (error prone) execution steps and with each new experiment most of this work has to be repeated. This approach clearly fails to scale well. Overview The main objective of MINER is to support users in the task of carrying out distributed experiments in communication networks. To this end, MINER is a programmable platform that significantly simplifies the orchestrated usage of arbitrary tools via a unified application programming interface (API). The infrastructure enables a user to: specify experiments, so called MINER scenarios; schedule the execution of scenarios; retrieve results and associated logs of scenario executions. The API is tool-agnostic in the sense that the interface to configure a tool and retrieve its results is unified among all MINER tools. MINER does not reinvent the wheel by re-implementing existing tool functionality. Instead, a core concept of MINER is to integrate existing tools. Therefore, MINER provides a tool integration API […]

  • Projekt: METOKIS – Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units

    […] foundational ontology DOLCE upon which the semantic structures of KCOs are built. We also present three showcases in which we highlight specific aspects of the KCO/KCCA model. METOKIS was a fast-track, technologically ambitious 22-months targeted research project exploring a novel convergent technology for knowledge and content management. It went beyond the current state of the art in Semantic Web by defining a common object model for semantically and structurally rich multimedia content and by developing a technical infrastructure for managing this novel type of “intelligent content”. The project was intended to impact on similar, longer term RTD activities primarily through its practical results in terms of design and prototype implementation. The METOKIS project has contributed to the strengthening of Europe’s technology basis in the fields of content and knowledge management, semantic web, and methodology for advanced, knowledge and content-rich information systems. METOKIS is one of the first finalised RTD projects of the 6th framework […]

  • Publikation: Wissensbilanz 2022 | 23

    From Data to Value: Unser Know-how mit dem Fokus „Motion Data Intelligence“ und den drei Schwerpunktfeldern „Health & Sports“, „Smart Region & Mobility“ sowie „Industry & Infrastructure“ wurde auch 2022 stark nachgefragt. Gemeinsam mit unseren Auftraggeber- und Partnerorganisationen arbeiteten wir sowohl an der digitalen wie auch der grünen Transformation. Unser Team bestand 2022 aus 78 Mitarbeiter­innen und Mitarbeitern. Unsere Bemühungen zu Gender und Diversity machen sich bezahlt: den Frauenanteil beim wissenschaftlichen Personal konnten wir leicht steigern. Deutlich gestiegen sind die Anteile der Projektanträge mit Frauen in der Projektleitung (+ 8,3 Prozent) und das von Frauen beantragte Projektvolumen (+ 18,2 Prozent). 2022 erwirtschafteten wir eine Betriebsleistung von rund sechs Millionen Euro. Wir arbeiteten mit und für 254 Unternehmen und Organisationen in 75 Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten. Deutlichen Zuwachs verzeichneten wir bei direkten Beauftragungen und Forschungsaktivitäten mit finanzieller Beteiligung von Unternehmen. Insgesamt machen wir mehr und kürzere Projekte – so können wir agil auf die Bedarfe der […]

  • Projekt: OPOSSUM – Open Flow based system for multi Energy Domain

    […] of a communication infrastructure among different application domains has been rarely implemented in the past. A virtual network configuration, based on software-defined networking, reduces the effort for communication providers to offer communication services on a shared infrastructure and will at the same time increase the willingness of service and application providers to accept and use such an architecture. The main focus of already available and installed software-defined networks is to provide communication for big data centres aro und the world. Our approach is to find a solution for a broadband communication infrastructure provider to establish new products and acquire new users by sharing the available network. SDN/OpenFlow is the key technology to jointly use already installed broadband infrastructure. Talks/Project presentation: IMAGINE 2015 “Future Energie” 5. Workshop der VDE/ITG Fokusgruppe “Energieinformationsnetze und -Systeme”, September 2015, Frankfurt SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Oktober 2015, Düsseldorf 6th FOKUS FUSECO “Digital Convergence and Seamless Connectivity for everyone and […]

  • Publikation: Update 2|23

    INHALTE Houskapreis 2023: 1. Platz für Salzburg Research Mit kooperativer Technologie gegen Radunfälle Digibus® 2.0: Pilot­betrieb 2023 in Koppl 5G-Livestreaming ohne störende Ver­zögerungen Hitzestresstest für Feuerwehrleute Mehr Sicherheit für alle Verkehrsteilnehmenden

  • Post: Nudges for more sustainable mobility

    […] mobility in Science City Itzling. The goal: As many people as possible who work here come to work by bicycle, public transport or on foot and not by car. “The public transport takes longer than your car? Use the time for yourself, read a book, learn a new language or work off some mail!” Kleine Stupser wie dieser, über den Tag in einer App serviert, sollen im Frühling 2023 in der Science City Itzling zu mehr nachhaltiger und aktiver Mobilität anregen. Little nudges like this, served up throughout the day in an app, are intended to encourage more sustainable and active mobility in Science City Itzling in spring 2023. In the scientific study “Science City Aktiv Mobil” as part of the international research project „DyMoN“, employees at Science City Itzling were invited to test these incentives – so-called “nudges”. The incentives are embedded in an app for workplace health promotion in the form of […]