• Publikation: Introduction to Narrowband Communication


  • Publikation: Open Educational Content – Introduction and Tutorials.

    A collaborative development with the OLCOS project consortium and everybody, who wants to contribute! The objective of this onlinebook is to support students and teachers in the creation, reuse and sharing of  elearning material. Management staff will find information about how to implement open learning policies and activities in their institution. URL: http://wikieducator.org/Open_Educational_Content

  • Publikation: Digital Content Engineering: An Introduction.
  • Publikation: Introduction
  • Post: Urban CITS Contest Award: Salzburg is forerunner

    With the Urban CITS Contest, the CITS implementations of European cities and regions with the respective characterisation of their systems and architectures were presented and honoured in Porto (Portugal) in autumn 2023. 21 cities from ten member states submitted their applications – proof of the growing interest of European municipalities in the introduction of CITS. The jury honoured eleven European cities. Salzburg received the award as a forerunner in the integration of city and surrounding area. Karl Rehrl from Salzburg Research accepted the award in Porto on behalf of the province of Salzburg. The award ceremony was a significant milestone for urban and regional development and intelligent transport, as it recognised the efforts of the cities in implementing a remarkable level of development. The representatives of the winning cities and regions also had the opportunity to present their CITS visions and thus contribute to the further progress of EUwide urban CITS. CITS: Improving road […]

  • Post: What Salzburgers Think About Automated Mobility

    […] Vienna, Linz, Graz, Pörtschach and Salzburg. Further dialogues followed in Germany, France, Canada, the USA, Singapore and other countries. On behalf of the state of Salzburg, Salzburg Research invited to the Citizens Dialogue in Salzburg and evaluated the Salzburg detailed results. The results report is now publicly available. Positive Attitude to Automated Mobility Parallel to the Austriawide results, the participating Salzburg residents also have a positive attitude towards automated mobility. 78 percent of the participants regard the introduction of automated mobility to them personally as a good or very good thing. Only nine percent of the participants had major reservations about the introduction of automated mobility. Automated Mobility = Future The participants were asked at the beginning and at the end of the event to name one word they associate with automated mobility. Both at the beginning and at the end of the debate, the positive attributions to automated mobility outweighed. It is striking […]

  • Event: Hiking for the Heart: Requirements and Success Factors

    Stakeholder workshop: requirements and success factors for the introduction of an innovative service package for heart health As part of the crossborder Interreg project “Connect2Move – Hiking for the Heart”, a GermanAustrian team is working on the development of a new health service. Against this background, we invite you to the stakeholder workshop: Requirements and success factors for the introduction of an innovative service package for heart health. Exchange ideas with us on how new healthstatistical and databased offers for cardiovascular health can be designed. Share your experiences and expectations and support the development of new offers for health tourism. Connect2Move Stakeholder Workshop March 2, 2021, 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Online (via Zoom) Further information: Invitation with program and presentation of the experts Download Limited number of participants! Registration required: (You will receive the access data when you register) Registration www.connect2movewandern.eu

  • Publikation: DigiCULT.Info V.

    ARKive and educational games –, human language technologies –, introduction to Applications Service Providers –, astronomical photo archive, interview with JeanPierre de Cuyper –, news for European projects –, DAVID –, DELOS –, ECultureNet –, open source solutions –, digitisation in Turkish libraries –, Open Video Archive. Please welcome to the next edition in a series of ejournals from DigiCULT. Heritage Informatics continues to emerge as an exciting area for both the application of new technologies and as a source for research challenges that promote innovative technological developments. An extra day in Berlin after IFLA2003 provided an opportunity to visit the Museumsinsel, one of the finest museum complexes in the world. Currently many of its buildings are undergoing extensive renovations. As on my right I passed the reopened Alte Nationalgalerie I noticed one of the buildings currently wrapped for restoration was covered by a massive poster. In the words Weltkultur beflĂĽgelt (world culture gives […]

  • Publikation: Perzeptuelle Qualität von VoIP in mobilen ad hoc Netzen.

    […] today is one of those emerging services which are revolutionising telecom industries. The increasing dispersal of VoIP involves in a rising demand for the evaluation of networks. Regarding this point we focus on the specific demands of a network to provide defined levels of quality of service (QoS) for VoIP. For that reason this thesis discusses the impairments on the quality of VoIP transmissions and it gives an overview of the stateoftheart procedures for determining the perceptual VoIP quality. Furthermore this work gives an introduction to mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) with the focus on MANET routing protocols. Another part and parcel of this thesis is the influence of MANETs on the perceptual quality of VoIP. In this context a design of experiment for simulating MANETs to determine dominating effects on the perceptual quality of VoIP is presented. Finally analysis of measurement results with statistical methods like analysis of variance (ANOVA) are presented and discussed.

  • Publikation: A New AgentBased Approach towards Distributed IP Measurements

    The Communication Measurement Tool II (CMT II) is a framework for comprehensive IP measurements. The main objective of CMT II is to provide an overall picture of a network. Regarding this point, CMT II operates on different layers of the OSI layer model and is designed to allow further extensions for upcoming new protocols, networks and applications. Unlike other measurement tools, CMT II can be employed in wireless or mobile scenarios as well, in order to study the behavior of wireless and mobile data transmissions. This paper provides an introduction into the CMT II architecture, its measurement possibilities and the supported analysis methods.

  • Publikation: DigiCULT.Info IV

    Focus on the use of 3D visualisation technologies in archaeological study – the emulation of BBC Domesday – introduction to LESTER and ESDS – a discussion of the YLE sound archive. Welcome to the fourth DigiCULT.Info. This issue focuses on the following topics: The rescue of the BBC Domesday project, which provides an important look into the dangers of technological obsolescence, and consequent struggle to unlock the data. The results of the ORION survey, which point to a stronger than expected takeup of 3D in archaeology museums. YLE, Finland’s national public service broadcasting company, has adopted a full digital radio archive solution, in this article they share their experience in designing and creating this digital sound archive. Lisa Spiro introduces the Learning Science and Technology Repository (LESTER), a gateway to events, discussion and information in the development of learning technologies. The article “Digital Object Identifier System” examines how DOIs can help to manage intellectual […]

  • Publikation: Semantische Technologien unterstĂĽtzen den Wissenstransfer. Lösungen fĂĽr das Web 3.0.

    Web2.0Dienste können den Wissenstransfer in Unternehmen unterstützen. Doch sie stoßen häufig dann an ihre Grenzen, wenn Wissen inhaltlich verknüpft und in Sinnzusammenhänge gestellt werden soll. Diese Lücke können die neuen Technologien des “Semantischen Webs” schließen. Diese neueste Entwicklung des WWW beschäftigt derzeit vor allem die Forschung. Einige Anwendungsbeispiele gibt es jedoch schon.

  • Publikation: Achievements of the ARIADNE Initiative for Archaeological Data Sharing and Research.

    […] that describe and link to data collections and items available in the providers’ repositories and databases. Funded under the Research Infrastructures strand of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the ARIADNE projects implemented and enhanced the ARIADNE Research Infrastructure and mobilised a growing community of institutions and collaborative projects interested in sharing data through the eInfrastructure. In the ARIADNEplus project almost 4 million data records were integrated in the ARIADNE Portal. Following a brief introduction to the ARIADNE initiative, this article presents selected achievements of the initiative with the ARIADNEplus project. It addresses the extension and support of the ARIADNE community, the activities promoting FAIR data in archaeology, and the standardisation of datasets based on the CIDOC CRM and the domain vocabularies Getty AAT and PeriodO. It considers the ARIADNE Portal as an effective data access and research tool, and the development of Virtual Research Environments as a new innovative approach. […]

  • Publikation: Concept of knowledgebased selfmanagement pathways for the empowerment of diabetes patients

    Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes requires a high level of disease management to be executed by the patient himself in order to succeed in treatment and for improving or at least preserving his health status. Aim: The main objective of the presented project is to design and implement a web technology based application framework. It shall provide sucient means for selfmanagement and enable patient empowerment within the treatment process. Its underlying concept will be outlined in this work. Methods: Common techniques on requirements’ engineering have been applied to derive an initial concept. It is based on a comprehensive state of the art analysis drawn from literature and web search. Results: A serviceoriented architecture could be drafted that enables interoperability with existing eHealth systems on a technical and semantic level. Pilots will be deployed in Germany and Turkey. Pilot specic requirements can be address as well due to its modular architecture. Conclusion: The given concept gives a […]

  • Projekt: METOKIS – Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units

    Architecture and tools for producing, exchanging, and trading knowledge units   The METOKIS project (1.1.2004 – 31.10.2005) investigated the use of semantic web technologies for electronic publishing in knowledgeintensive subject fields such as News Services, Education, and Clinical Studies. The project results are a Semantic Content Model and software to handle these semanticsbased content objects, as well as a methodology for assessing the costbenefit and for planning the introduction of semanticsbased content applications in knowledge intensive organisations. The Semantic Content Model is called KCO (knowledge content object) and describes a standardised data structure based on a foundational ontology. There is a defined methodology for specialising the model for new application domains, described within the “Handbook on the Integrated Knowledge Service Methodology”. The innovation of METOKIS lies in developing the above model together with an architecture that allows the linking of content management with semantic web technologies. The architecture is designed to enable the reuse […]

  • Projekt: CoMoNet – Convergent Mobile Networks

    […] of data transmission, speech and television (the so called “triple play”). The vision for the future is to combine these services with several mobile data transmission technologies without having drawbacks for the users, like bad transmission quality or high delays. In these scenarios it will be very important to be able to offer the desired quality at an attractive price, and also to develop new services with added value for the user. The Situation in Salzburg The introduction of UMTS in Salzburg offers new possibilites on the one hand, but is a great challenge on the other hand, because the conditions (field strength limits) make it impossible to guarantee an area wide UMTS coverage. This leads to the necessity to enable handover to similar technologies (e.g. seamless handover from WLAN to UMTS). CoMoNet Projects Together with our partners from the industry we are working in several part projects. We develop concepts, prototypes and demonstrators […]

  • Projekt: IKS – Building an interactive knowledge stack for CMS platforms

    […] able to leverage semanticsbased technology for use in their systems. This has a negative impact downstream, on thousands of enduser organisations which are served by these providers. The mission of the IKS community is to provide an organizational platform and community for Open Source software projects in the Semantic CMS space. It offers a way for CMS vendors, OSS developers and researchers to coordinate their efforts in developing semantic technologies for CMS products, with the ultimate goal of making semantic technologies mature enough to substitute and outperform some of the traditional technologies currently used either in LAMP or in Javabased CMS. IKS is a true Open Source community. The source code for all IKS projects is available under OSScompliant licensing, and membership is open to all. Source code availability ensures vendor neutrality and freedom from lockin, and IKS offers many opportunities to develop and crosspollinate between different projects. Introduction to IKS by Wernher Behrendt iks

  • Post: International IPv6 Day on June 8th

    […] June 2011 is IPv6day: the IPv6 availability of IPv6 is tested worldwide. The largest site operators such as Google, Facebook & Co. have committed to enable their sites via the new Internet protocol IPv6. Salzburg Research has also long been available over IPv6. The 32bit address space of the current Internet Protocol (IPv4) and thus the available number of Internet connections will run short. The successor protocol IPv6 has over 4 billion times more IP addresses (128 bit), but the accurate parallel operation with IPv4 can not yet be fully guaranteed . The objective of the IPv6 Day, is to motivate the entire Internet industry, especially Internet providers, manufacturers of hardware and operating systems and web service providers, to prepare their services and offerings for IPv6. The aim is to ensure smooth introduction of IPv6. Salzburg Research’s research area Advanced Networking Center (ANC) observes the IPv6 day and checks the availability of the participating sites.

  • Post: Digital Assistance and Collaborative Robotics

    […] as concrete application examples for companies. Paths to the Cyber Factory: Digital Assistance and Collaborative Robotics In the afternoon, Salzburg Research invited people to share experiences on cooperation between man and machine as part of the Austrian flagship project “MMAssist”: Optimized support for employees in the workplace through collaborative robots and industrial assistance systems. Results and lessons learned from applied research and industry. Matthias Plasch (PROFACTOR) gave an overview of the Austrian flagship project MMAssist in the introduction. Michael Zillich (Blue Danube Robotics) spanned the arc from cobots to collaborative heavyduty applications in the keynote on safe assistance in industry. In his R&D lecture, Wernher Behrendt (Salzburg Research) gave insights into knowledgebased situation recognition to support industrial assembly processes. For this research area within the Austrian flagship project MMAssist, Behrendt received the Best Paper Award at the 2020 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) in August. In his practical […]

  • Post: 10th IT Business Talk: No Security Without Business

    For the 10th time, nic.at and Salzburg Research organized the joint IT Businesstalk, which was launched in 2005. This year’s event on 11.4.2019 was about safety – to be more precise, and Security AND Safety. Six speakers provided fascinating insights into various aspects of security – from unreal scenes Ă  la Hollywood to quite real scenarios from the industrial and SME sector. Security researcher Adrian Dabrowski provided a humorousscientific introduction to the subject with his “Hollywood Hacking”: Starting with the transported image of the hacker up to his – usually very unrealistic – methods, he wittily explained why security experts often just shake their head about hacking scenes in films. But even in the real world, security experts like Adrian Pinter from Siemens Austria sometimes happen to not come out of the head shaking. He has already experienced quite a bit in his many years of auditing and was therefore able to report firsthand […]