• Projekt: EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

    Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training. Since 2005 Salzburg Research together with the Bildungszentrum St. Virgil organises the EduMedia Conference as an inspiring forum for Austrian and international experts and practitioners that are interested in novel approaches and tools for ICT-enhanced learning and training. Conference themes have been Learning 2.0, social software, e-portfolios, open educational resources, Web-supported creativity, professional development and organisational change of learning institutions.

  • Projekt: EduMedia
  • Publikation: Intelligent Edumedia Repository.
  • Publikation: Die lernende Organisation. Vom Web-2.0-Solisten zur Web-2.0-Jazzband
  • Projekt: SNML-InterEDU – Educational materials for teachers and students

    The objective of the “Intelligent Edumedia Repository“ (InterEDU) project is to develop an online platform for digital multimedia educational materials (Edumedia Repository). An important aspect of this project is to provide easy access to materials and facilitate the searching, compiling and re-use of information that can also be rated and discussed by users. Based on a knowledge model, the project seeks to create a system offering the following features: Single point of access: Different kinds of contents and services (e.g. work sheets, video materials, learning management systems,…) can be accessed via one standard, simple interface to facilitate teacher and student interaction as well as the interconnection of various contents. Intelligent searching: Based on the knowledge model, the platform should offer users an “intelligent” search engine. For instance, when searching for “images of birds”, this kind of intelligent search would also bring up images of ducks although they might not necessarily be tagged with the […]

  • Publikation: Open Educational Practices and Resources: The Key Role of Social Software.

    […] the European Commission under the eLearning Programme. The project aims at promoting Open Educational Resources through its road mapping activity, Web-based services (OER tutorials and examples of best practice) and co-operation with other projects and communities of practice. The project consortium comprises the European Centre for Media Competence (Germany), the European Distance and E-Learning Network (Hungary), the FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany), the Mediamaisteri Group (Finland), the Open University of Catalonia (Spain) and the project co-ordinator Salzburg Research, EduMedia Group (Austria). Open Educational Resources (OER) are understood to comprise content for teaching and learning, software-based tools and services, and licenses that allow for open development and re-use of content, tools and services. The importance of OER has been acknowledged by recent initiatives of the OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI 2005-2007), UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP 2005-2007), and other international and national organisations that are stakeholders in the creation and sharing […]

  • Publikation: InterEDU: Supplying Teachers and Students with Educational Resources

    Intelligent Edumedia Repository (InterEDU), a project conducted at Salzburg NewMediaLab (SNML), is developing a framework for an online platform for educational multimedia content. This is based on semantic Web and social software technology which is applied in the project to improve searchability (eg by semantically interrelating content) and to enhance the usability and attractiveness of content by combining the collective expertise of the learning and teaching community. Mehr

  • Publikation: Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz.

    Wir leben und lernen heute in einer Welt mit einem großen Angebot an Bildungstechnologien und mit der Informationsfülle des partizipativen Internet. Weitgehend unerforscht ist die Frage, wie damit Kreativität und kreatives Lernen forciert werden kann, gelten sie immerhin als Schlüsselqualifikationen der Zukunft. Im Fokus der interdisziplinären Fachtagung “Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz” standen der kreative Mensch, der Prozess, das kreative Produkt und das notwendige kreative Umfeld. Gleichlautend auch der Tagungsband der 5. EduMedia-Tagung, die von 4.-5. Mai 2009 in Salzburg statt fand. Tagungsband Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Michaela Luckmann (Hrsg.) (2009). Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz. Wie kommt das Neue mit Hilfe von Internettechnologien in die Welt? Verlag: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. ISBN 978-3-902448-14-9