Report: Austrian eTourism Day


Markus Lassnig’s forward looking statements on “m-tourism – just a hype? Market trends, challenges and capabilities”:

  • The next “big thing” in e-tourism will be mobile
  • Smart phones are the optimal platform (no rental of special hardware)
  • Location based services obtain a mass market
  • There is a huge need for geo-referenced content
  • The optimisation of websites for mobile devices is not enough
  • Added value through contextualised, localised and personalised applications and services
  • Fee-based apps are questionable – like fee-based internet content in general
  • m-Tourism is highly interactive: don’t underestimate the “uplink channel” of tourists!

After this scientific speech, Alexander Trieb from gave insights into practical experiences. Salzburg Research and Tripwolf developed the iPhone app for tripwolf.

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