Report: OCG-AARIT Konvent 2o1o


The OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft) and AARIT (Austria Association for Research in IT) organised the OCG-AARIT Konvent 2010.

As a member of both networks, Salzburg Research supported this event together with other leading Austrian research organisations. A broad spectrum of Austrian research activities in an European scope was presented.

Further Informations (in German) | Photos

OCG – Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
The OCG is a non-profit association whose members include representatives from the fields of science, IT applications and education as well as IT companies and single researchers. It’s objective is to promote information technologies with due regard to their effects on man and society.

AARIT – Austrian Association for Research in IT
AARIT is Austria’s platform for IT-related research. Its members include universities, research institutes, industrial research labs and single researchers. AARIT represents Austria’s IT-related research in European co-operations, particularly in ERCIM.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria
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