Report: KiWi Snow Camp Hackathon


The KiWi Snow camp was held on 17 – 19 February 2011  in the beautiful area of Gaissau-Hintersee in Salzburg. The Snow Camp is a 3-day event. 13 participants worked intensively  on new KiWi features/applications. On February 18th they worked till midnight. On Saturday, February 19th, they enjoy the skiing experience.

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The goal of this Hackathon is to work towards KiWi Version 2 which will be a more stable and modular system for enterprise application. The KiWi snow camp was aimed at interested developers or applied researchers with software engineering background. The snow camp had the following goals:

  • get to know the KiWi 2 platform and how to develop semantic social media applications on top of it
  • start the implementation of an application, plugin or module of your own choice that makes use of the KiWi technologies; examples:
    • a simple social media application
    • a semantic plugin for existing software (blog, wiki, social network, …) to offer advanced semantic technologies
    • a new module for the KiWi system that offers additional functionality (e.g. reasoning, annotation, search, …)
  • get in touch with the KiWi developers to enable closer collaboration in the future

Find a detailed report on the KiWi Blog.

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How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria
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