KiWi version 1.0 lauched

To celebrate that, the project organized a release party in the planetarium in Vienna, Austria. It was a fine evening that featured speeches of Ross Gardler (Vice President Community, Apache Software Foundation) and David Ayers (Free Software Foundation Europe), followed by a demonstration of KiWi by Sebastian Schaffert (KiWi Project Lead).
KiWi, the Open Source development platform for building Semantic Social Media Applications, offers features required for Social Media applications such as versioning, (semantic) tagging, rich text editing, easy linking, rating and commenting, as well as advanced “smart” services such as recommendations, rule-based reasoning, information extraction, intelligent search and querying, a sophisticated social reputation system, vocabulary management, and rich visualisation.

To make sure, that KiWi does not die, after the closure of the EC-funded periode, the project makes effort to form a community. The release party was thus also an opportunity to get in touch with the project team. Another opportunity to get in touch with the Software and it’s developers behind is in February next year. When KiWi Snow Camp will gonna be somewhere in the Salzburg mountains.

The KiWi projects sponsors ticktes to participate in the camp for all those

  • which have a good idea on how semantic technologies can make social media hit the target?
  • and are inspired by the possibilities of the KiWi platform?

Together with the KiWi Team participants will meet in February 2011 in Salzburg’s mountains to develop ideas, programm, discuss and develop amazing new pieces of code – and of course enjoy the skiing experience. Not to mention receive the glory of recognition from others in the open source communities and within the broader semantic web community.

Salzburg Research Forschungsbereich(e):
How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria