Einblicke in Forschung und Prototypenbau für Schüler:innen

Insights into research and prototype construction for students

The students of the Bad Leonfelden Polytechnic School (PTS) recently had the opportunity to participate in a practice-oriented project with the Salzburg Research Research Institute. The focus was on the development and implementation of innovative prototypes.

Experience technology up close

During the workshop, an expert from Salzburg Research presented current technologies that were directly implemented by the students. The participants took on tasks such as soldering, integration of fiber optic cables, installation of connectors, firmware updates, and assembly of prototypes. These tasks offered practical insights and the opportunity to expand technical knowledge.

Research at school: encouraging an interest in technology

The aim of the project was to increase young people’s interest in technical topics. Dr. Christoph Thorwartl from Salzburg Research was impressed: “The students mastered the tasks with great curiosity and precision. Special thanks go to Johannes Mühleder, who did an excellent job of preparing them for technical professions.”

Elfriede Draxler, Director of PTS Bad Leonfelden, also emphasized: “Such projects offer our students a great opportunity to gain insights into current research fields and to become active themselves. The collaboration with Salzburg Research has left a lasting impression.”

Prototypes for scientific studies

The 45 prototypes produced in the workshop will be used in several studies over the coming months. Details of these research projects must remain secret for the time being, but this much can be revealed: They involve “conductive textile sensors” that can become readable using the developed prototypes.

The workshop showed how useful the combination of science and practice can be for the technical education of young people. Salzburg Research and PTS Bad Leonfelden are thus creating important impulses for the promotion of young talent.

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5020 Salzburg, Austria