Habilitation of Karl Rehrl at the Technical University of Vienna
Based on the decision of the postdoctoral lecturing qualification commission set up in accordance with Section 103 Para. 7 UG, the Vice Rector for Teaching at the Vienna University of Technology issued a decision dated May 15, 2023, to our colleague, Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Karl Rehrl, head of the “Mobility and Transport Analytics” research group at Salzburg Research, who was awarded the license to teach as a private lecturer in the subject “Applied Geoinformation” on March 6, 2024.
This recognition was due to his outstanding academic qualifications and didactic abilities, which he successfully demonstrated in the course of the postdoctoral lecturing qualification procedure. The award not only underlines the academic excellence of Karl Rehrl but also his contribution to the field of applied geoinformation.
We congratulate Karl Rehrl on this important milestone in his academic career!
More information: tuwien.ac.at