Feel Like Running? Study Participants Wanted!
Fit through summer and autumn 2020:
We are looking for study participants on the subject of running:
- Female, 18-30 years
- Android phone user
- Novice runner
- 3 x 30 min runs per week
- Keeping a diary app (3 times a day)
- Documentation of the menstrual cycle (optional)
- from summer & autumn 2020
- for 8 weeks at a time
- Appointments in the Rif sports center (2 appointments before & 1 appointment after the 8-week running program)
- Apart from that flexible and independent implementation of the running program
Together we would like to find out how running affects vitality in the long term!
- Running-specific performance diagnostics
- Individual running program
- 50€ Sodexo vouchers
- Running phone case
- Prize draw
Registraion for the study
Laura Buchner, M.Sc.,
IFFB Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft / USI
AG: Sportpädagogik, Sportpsychologie und Sportsoziologie
Tel: +43(0)662 8044 4868
Mobil: +43 676 3165363
COMET Projekt „ Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being“
- Salzburg Research Description: Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness & Well-being
- Website: www.digital-motion.at