Test Persons Wanted: For the First Time, Digibus® Drives Completely Without a Driver
You do not look for a steering wheel in the Digibus®, the automated minibus, in vain. In all test drives with self-driving vehicles on public roads is an obligatory operator on board, who can intervene at any time. This also applies to the Digibus® test drives in Koppl and Wiener Neustadt.
For the first time on 19 September, Salzburg Research will send the Digibus® on a restricted area at the Salzburg Ring on its own for the first time. A supervisor who sits a bit away in a control center pays attention to safety.
Do You Want to be Part of It?
We are looking for 15 people who take three hours to participate in this Austrian premiere as scientific test subjects.
Digibus® Test Without a Driver at the Salzburg Ring
September 19, 2019, 9:30 to 12:30
Salzburg Ring
Participation only for registered persons. Register here: digibus.at/fahrerlostest
Exact details are available after successful registration.