Smart Summer: Experiencing Technology

Building robots, daring the first steps in programming, experimenting with a 3D printer and getting to know Salzburg’s most successful companies in the technology and IT sector: A very special summer holiday offer makes this possible!

For the most beautiful time of the year, the IV Salzburg, WKS, FH, Salzburg Research and akzente Salzburg have reunited to offer an exciting holiday program for the young people: A total of 60 students sniffed for a week each in the subjects of IT and technology.

Together with others, the young people experience which facets technical professions can offer: laser cutters, 3D printers, build robots, get to know the latest computers, sneak into research and development departments and so get into the world of technology and IT and get to know their variety. You can experience technology and IT creatively, make electronic and try a lot.

The first workshops took place in Science City Itzling near Salzburg Research and in Happylab. The workshops at Salzburg Research focused on collaborative robotics and 3D printing. The young people learned the robotic arm by showing a new movement. In Maker Space, they designed 3D objects on the computer, which were then printed on the 3D printer.

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Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43/662/2288-245 |
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Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria