5G – The Fifth Mobile Generation: Groundbreaking Future Technology or Hype?


The fifth mobile generation 5G is currently on everyone’s lips because of the recently expired frequency auctions and the government has formulated its own 5G strategy. Is this hype justified in the sense of a groundbreaking technological innovation or is it the mere continuation of previous mobile standards? What is different at 5G compared to previous generations? Are there concrete applications already? Will 5G enable targeted e-health or telemedicine applications, the production or factory of the future, augmented realities, smart grids or smart cities, or automated driving?

Which infrastructural conditions are necessary to implement the 5G roll-out? Many current and future applications require high bandwidths that can only be implemented with an appropriate infrastructure. While 5G will only be available in the metropolitan areas for the time being, the questions arises as to whether the regions can benefit from a widespread roll-out and how, in terms of technology, the conditions for the digital transformation process can be created across the board?

11.07.2019, 3 pm – 5 pm
Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, Plenary Hall (“Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg, Plenarsaal”)
Julius-Raab-Platz 1, 5020 Salzburg

The program of the event can be found on the German event page.

Participation is free, registration is requested: registration details can be found here.

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