Report: 1st innovators_talk

2013 was founded to future corporate network in Bavaria and Salzburg and to make innovations visible. So far did this happen online. The initiators of the platform – Plenos, Salzburg Research, WFG Berchtesgaden and Salzburg ITG – bring the platform now also into real life. The first innovators_talk is a relaxed meeting that offers real value. It will be presented and discussed which affect every innovative business topics. The following program is provided:

  •      Welcome by District Deputy Rudolf Schaupp
  •      Irene Wagner (owner of Protech PSM): Strategies for a permanently good operating climate for innovation
  •      Prof. Dr. Marcus Stumpf (FH Salzburg): Recipes for the “MINT deficiency”: formation of an employer brand
  •      Dr. Markus Lassnig (Salzburg Research): early detection of innovation signals in the web 2.0
  •      Mr. Martin Baumgartner (Austrian Research Promotion Agency Vienna): What’s behind Horizon 2020 for companies?
  •      Dr. Thomas Birner (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Berchtesgaden): Networked companies boost the innovation in Southeast Upper Bavaria and Salzburg

Between 17:00 and 19:00 clock we invite you to an “innovators_smalltalk” with Bavarian snacks.

ITG Salzburg, Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Berchtesgaden, Salzburg Research and Plenos are looking forward to your participation!

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria
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